Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (2024)

Wii Sports- Are you pro?

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Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (3) dr-worm

What Wii sports games are you pro at? For me, I became pro at bowling the first week I got the wii, abandoned wii sports for 3 years, then came back to it for a school assignment and became pro at boxing in 20 minutes using a Gordon Freeman Mii.

Tell us your stories to Wii sports fame.

Posted over 14 years ago

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    Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (7) Alxprit

    • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (8)
    • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (9)
    • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (10)

    I’m pro at Tennis and Bowling. I just kept on going until I was bored. I haven’t played Wii Sports in years and years, though the little kids my mom babysit sometimes ask for it I deny it.

    Follow me on deviantART and tumblr!
    I am a budding Let’s Player and my Youtube account is here.

    Posted over 14 years ago

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      Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (14) Kirby Chimera

      • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (15)

      I’m pro at everything ’cept Golf.
      (random funfact placed here for reason whatsoever) The title of Golf was originally an acronym for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden.

      It was then that the forumgoers realized I was either a liar or an idiot.
      They later replaced ‘or’ with ‘and’.
      Steam ID’s right here. Switch Friend Code – SW-6427-3696-7101

      Posted over 14 years ago (edited over 14 years ago)

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        I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day, every day.

        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (19)
        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (20)
        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (21)
        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (23)

        Baseball and golf on that game suuuuck. I’m decent at Tennis though.

        “So this is how it ends. In an indestructible bunker full of watermelons.”
        Are you a bad enough dude to add me on Steam? 3DS: 2277-6789-4370

        Posted over 14 years ago

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          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (27)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (28)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (31)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (34)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (35)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (36)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (38)
          • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (39)

          Wii Sports… aw man, it’s been a while since I picked that up. Good little “tech demo”, but still a fun game to play from time to time (I still want to get Resort though). Back when I first got my Wii, I played that game for about 3 months straight before investing in SSBB. Ahh, good times.

          I’ve achieved [Pro] status on Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, and Boxing. I came close to earning it in Golf, but I’m not very good at it to be honest.

          I like shooting for medals in Training mode, too. It’s pretty easy to get a Platinum medal on Punching the Bag, and the only other Platinum medal I have is on the Homerun Derby. I’m not sure about the others; probably mostly Silver medals with a few Bronze and Gold scattered about… I’ll have to check when I get the chance.

          Posted over 14 years ago

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            Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (42) dr-worm

            ^ You are a Wii sports hero my friend.

            I was originally gonna get pro at golf for my assignment, but That took too long, and it wasn’t fun.

            I was going to pre-order resort, I don’t know what happened to that though. Eh.

            And Kirby Chimera- Thank you for telling us that fun fact, You are a landfill of knowledge mate.

            Posted over 14 years ago

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              Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (46) Chasetown84

              I am not a peanut!

                I still love it when you throw the bowling ball into the audiences and they scream for dear life.

                Posted over 14 years ago

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                  Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (49) Alxprit

                  • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (50)
                  • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (51)
                  • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (52)

                  Or when you throw it into the opposite lane and they laugh

                  Follow me on deviantART and tumblr!
                  I am a budding Let’s Player and my Youtube account is here.

                  Posted over 14 years ago

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                    Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (56) dr-worm

                    ^ YES.
                    My brother always does that.

                    Posted over 14 years ago

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                      Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (60) Portal-Kombat

                      Well, a few years back I went pro in boxing, but I went the extra mile and got over 2000 points instead of the typical 1000 required to be a pro. I was able to recognize a few of the boxers after a while. At one point you actually fight Matt, your boxing instructor from the training sessions! I think he’s the final challenge, because he has silver gloves. But after him I remember fighting a very hard person named Tyrone.

                      Basically, I found out to win every fight you just dodge back and forth like a hyperactive idiot until the opponent throws a punch in slow motion. Then you tag them hard, hopefully with a combo. This holds true for many of the fights, but the easier ones can be done by just punching wildly.

                      Posted over 14 years ago

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                        I’ve cursed myself with bowling. To get closer to pro, you need to make games that are above your average. I made a really, REALLY good game once or twice. By accident. Even my better games are considered subpar and get me lower.

                        Posted over 14 years ago

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                          Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (65) The Dom-Sithe

                          I managed to get pro status in all the games. I loved playing tennis the most, had over 1800.

                          Bowling was by far the hardest for me to get though. I have a really nasty spin on the ball, even in real life whenever I get a chance to play 10 pin.

                          “We are goblinkind, heirs to the mountain empires of chieftains past. Rest is death to us, and arson is our call to war.” – Goblin chieftain
                          “Sometimes I fear I’m not afraid enough.” – K. King

                          Posted over 14 years ago

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                            I’m freaking out a little!
                            [freaking out a lot]

                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (69)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (70)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (72)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (73)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (74)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (76)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (77)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (78)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (79)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (84)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (86)
                            • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (87)

                            I suck at Wii Sports in general, although I was better at the Ping-Pong one. Still trying to reach my goal of 300 rallies, my last score was 285 or something like that, but it’s been months since I’ve played.

                            EDIT: Oops! That’s not Wii Sports! The Ping-Pong game was one of several mini games in Wii Play.

                            Posted over 14 years ago (edited over 14 years ago)

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                              Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (90) dr-worm

                              Starmen.net Wii Sports olympics is right here~

                              Posted over 14 years ago

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                                Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (94) Booo95

                                  I went back to Wii Sports to see how it was.

                                  I lost all of my pro statuses.

                                  Insert something clever here

                                  Posted over 14 years ago

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                                    Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (97) M_A_X

                                    Love at first sight

                                      I’ve got boxing, baseball, bowling and tennis done, but I’m not really a fan of golf… except NES Golf.

                                      Posted over 14 years ago

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                                          i have a sterling record of 36-1 against my friends in boxing, and i think i actually managed to make pro on that. i know i was pro at bowling, but only because i played so many games of it.

                                          Posted over 14 years ago

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                                            Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (103) eishikibahamut

                                            I’m a pro-waggler

                                            Posted over 14 years ago

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                                              Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (106) P. Soup

                                              • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (107)
                                              • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (108)
                                              • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (109)
                                              • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (110)
                                              • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (111)

                                              Much like my DS experience (I played the Metroid Trailer for about 2 months because it was the only game I had) I played Tennis and Boxing nonstop. I’m surprised that you got Pro on Baseball M_A_X, that game is boring even with 4 people Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (112)

                                              Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (115) dr-worm

                                                ^ The baseball game is only good at noon on a warm bright sunday. I got no idea why, that’s just the way it is. Like how there are never enough of your favourite skittle in the packet.

                                                Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                  Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (119) Ector

                                                  • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (120)

                                                  Bowling was my main game besises tennis, and my only pro one.

                                                  Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                    Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (123) thisismyname

                                                    I haven’t played Wii Sports in a long time and when I do, it’s only when I have to entertain kids or family. I got Pro in Tennis and I remember being borderline Pro in Bowling, meaning I’d play a game and get Pro but lose it the next game.

                                                    Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                      Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (126) dr-worm

                                                      ^ I just never play that same game again using the pro Mii’s. Unless it is bowling, that game is eaaaasy.

                                                      Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                        Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (130) WastelandCoyote


                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (131)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (132)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (133)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (134)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (135)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (136)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (138)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (139)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (140)
                                                        • Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (141)

                                                        I was all-pro in the original. Then Resort came out, and suddenly everything was completely different. Although I’m totally ace at wakeboarding and basketball, and I like flyin’ around in my super plane, and I dig the cycling… basically, all the sports that aren’t just remakes of the original sports. But I don’t think I’m ever going to unlock the secret golf courses, and that makes me sad.

                                                        Baseball sure is a funny game.

                                                        Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                            golf is so ridiculous, they really should have done a better job of calculating slices and hooks

                                                            Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                              Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (147) dr-worm

                                                              I never played real golf, so I can’t tell. As far as I’m concerned, Driver lets you hit the ball across to another island.

                                                              Posted over 14 years ago

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                                                                Wii Sports- Are you pro? « Beyond EarthBound « Forum « Starmen.Net (2024)
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