Vegan Crème Brûlée Recipe (No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, or Soy) (2024)


By Alisa Fleming on Dairy Free Desserts, Dairy-Free Recipes

Breaking all the rules, this vegan crème brûlée is completely free of dairy and eggs. It’s even made without gluten and soy! Yet the recipe results in a creamy custard-like dessert with a crusty, sugary topping. It’s the perfect make-ahead dessert for special occasions.

Vegan Crème Brûlée Recipe (No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, or Soy) (1)

Vegan Crème Brûlée made without Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, and Soy

We originally posted this recipe about a decade ago, when shared with us by So Delicious. They adapted it from Pure Ella. It uses a mix of coconut milk beverage, full fat coconut milk, and cashew butter for the creamy texture, and a combination of starch and agar flakes to help the custard set. The sweet blend of maple syrup and brown sugar add a wonderful caramelized flavor. We’ve updated the recipe a bit, and also have some notes, tips, and substitution options for the ingredients.

  • Coconut Milk Beverage: This variety tends to be a bit richer than other types of milk beverages. But you can substitute another type, like almond milk, if needed. For lower sugar, feel free to use an unsweetened vanilla version.
  • Arrowroot Starch: This is a pricier starch than most, but many cooks like its specific properties. If you don’t have any on hand, you can substitute tapioca starch or non-GMO cornstarch.
  • Coconut Milk: This is canned coconut milk. It’s sold in the Asian section of most supermarkets, and can be purchased online. I recommend picking the “regular” full-fat variety and passing on the lite version for this recipe.
  • Cashew Butter: This is a rich and creamy nut butter with a beautiful flavor for dessert recipes. It can be hard to find, but is so easy to make! Simply grind your own cashews until they start to turn into “butter.”
  • Agar Flakes: This gelatinous seaweed replaces eggs and gelatin in recipes to keep them vegan. In this case, it helps the crème brulee to set-up for a thick custard consistency. If you opt to skip this ingredient, the results will be more like a rich pudding. Please note that this is agar flakes specifically. If using agar powder, reduce the amount to 2 teaspoons.

Vegan Crème Brûlée Recipe (No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, or Soy) (2)

Special Diet Notes: Vegan Crème Brûlée

By ingredients, this recipe is dairy-free / non-dairy, egg-free, gluten-free, peanut-free, soy-free, vegan, plant-based, and vegetarian. Just be sure to choose organic brown sugar for strict vegan needs.

For nut-free vegan crème brûlée, you can substitute sunflower seed butter for the cashew butter, but note that it will change the flavor profile a touch.

5.0 from 2 reviews

Vegan Crème Brûlée

Vegan Crème Brûlée Recipe (No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, or Soy) (3)


Prep time

Cook time

Total time

See the post above for notes, tips, and options for the ingredients. Please note that the Prep time is hands-on time only. This is a great make ahead recipe since the dessert needs time for refrigeration before serving.

Author: So Delicious

Recipe type: Dessert

Cuisine: French

Serves: 4 crème brûlées


  • ½ cup + 1½ cups cold vanilla coconut milk beverage, divided
  • 2 tablespoons arrowroot starch (see sub options in post above)
  • 1 (14-ounce) can full fat coconut milk
  • 3 tablespoons cashew butter (see sub options in post above)
  • ¼ cup packed light brown sugar
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons agar flakes (see notes in post above)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar, for topping


  1. In a small dish, whisk together the ½ cup milk beverage and starch, until the starch is dissolved.
  2. Add the coconut milk, cashew butter, brown sugar, maple syrup, vanilla, and agar to your blender, and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour the coconut milk mixture into a medium saucepan and whisk in the remaining 1½ cups milk beverage. Turn the heat on to medium and whisk continuously while bringing the mixture to nearly boiling.
  4. Give the starch-milk beverage mixture another quick whisk, and then slowly add it to your saucepan while whisking.
  5. Continue cooking while whisking for about 3 minutes being careful that the mixture doesn’t boil but stays very hot. It will thicken quickly.
  6. Pour the mixture into four crème brûlée dishes or ramekins; they will be quite full.
  7. Place the crème brûlées in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours or overnight.
  8. Just before serving, remove the crème brûlées from the refrigerator and let them stand for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up the dishes slightly.
  9. Sprinkle the tops of each vegan crème brûlée with about ½ tablespoons sugar.
  10. Using a kitchen torch, melt the sugar to form a crispy layer on top. If you don't have a torch, position a rack on the top level in your oven. Turn the oven on to broil, and place the ramekins under the broiler for 2 minutes (this method may soften the vegan crème brûlée a touch).

Nutrition Information

Serving size:1 crème brûlée Calories:323 Fat:16.1g Saturated fat:10.2g Carbohydrates:44.5g Sugar:36.4g Sodium:25mg Fiber:2g Protein:2.9g

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Vegan Crème Brûlée Recipe (No Dairy, Eggs, Gluten, or Soy) (2024)
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