The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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I flay Evening May 15 1939 Page Nine Ch lew York Stock Quotations Chit Chat Phon 177 after Mrs Lewis Semuth on 9c uremic 91c 16c 21 and was tak Cul THOROUGH AND SATISACTORY CLEANING CLOSSMAN DRY CLEANERS current 849 Pine St in Upholstered Porch Chair MILLINERY Very Smart! 1 Th to $169 25c to fl00 J98 GIGANTIC ACTORY PURCHASE Mrs SEW AND SAVE PRINTS $5975 Burial A SOUND Citizens National Bank OUNDATION CURTAIN GOODS TO THE PEOPLE ZANESVILLE OUTING ROSE The irst Trust Savings Bank URNITURE CARR DRUG CO COMPANY Member ederal Deposit Insurance CeryecaUea I liiili Kresge's i 5 11 her eve and Cin in very pret aMortment of associa luncheon the Uni the home Margaret la and the home of of razeysburg a charge of res at 8 the 4 6 several to the a criti Keith I Mrs Mrs 6th A Main Sts 27 In White outing Well napped god weight yd Made to Sell for $7950 LOOK AT THESE WON DERUL EATURES PUBLIC EUCHRE PARTY The Columbian Association will sponsor a public euchre party for men only at 8 Monday eve ning at the St Nicholas school building on East Main street MATHENEY UNERAL uneral services for Mrs Martha Jane Matheney 73 who died Sat urday at Saltillo were held Mon day afternoon at Saltillo Methodist church with Rev Kinney of ficiating Burial Was in Deaver town Rev and Mrs Willard I Hack enberg Detroit Mich are the par ents of a daughter born Saturday Rev Mr Hackenberg son of Dr and Mrs Hackenberg Ash land avenue is a former resident of this city Mr and Mrs Clarence Atkinson Abington avenue are the parents of a daughter born Sunday at Be thesda hospital Mr and Mrs Phillip Archer Norwood boulevard are the par ents of a daughter born Sunday at Good Samaritan hospital A daughter was born Sunday at Good Samaritan hospital to Mr aand Mrs Loren Hillis of Shaw nee two Mc Mrs two State Columbus were week at their homes in this Master Built Hard Wood rame lood looking woven stripe iweed covering on sturdy wpod frame 2 pockets bright locks leather han dle abric lined! WORKERS BANQUET Members of the United Project Workers organization held a rally and banquet Saturday evening in their headquarters on South Sev enth street Speeches and a pro gram of musical selections were given during the evening Mayor Tom Moorehead and Relief Di rector Vernon Shaw were guests of the organization 'ashable! ater proof! Harvey Holt officiating Burial will be in Greenwood 'ihe boay will be removed to the residence Tuesday morning from Thompson funeral home White Cottage With the Siek Mrs Bess Bash Ninth street is slowly improving at her home fol lowing an illness City ireman Edgar Risen of Southard avenue who underwent a minor operation recently at Good Samaritan hospital has been re moved to his home Mrs! Ida Knight East ulton ham and A Shaw also of East ultonham were admitted to Be thesda hospital Monday for medical treatment Dan Smith of Brighton Heights has been admitted to Good Sa ritan hospital for medical treat ment Harley Warne' of Spratt who has been a patient at Bethesda hospital for the past two weeks remains in a serious condition Postal Savings Depository MERCHANTS MEET The Retail Merchants tlon held a business and meeting Monday noon at versify club Routine business was transacted which 2000 The pigeons the and lower Market INANT DIES The infant son of Mr and William Riley of near Malta died shortly after birth Sunday at Be thesda hospital Warns Unlicensed Milk Dealers Here As the deadline for securing milk permits passed today City Sanitar ian Skipton announced that all unlicensed dealers will be forced to discontinue the sale of milk He said that dealers found sell ing milk without a permit will be prosecuted Licenses may be cured for Ji at the city health fice in the market house at in held BOOSTERS TO MEET The South Zanesville Boosters will meet at 7 Tuesday eve ning in the hose house to discuss the proposed reorganization of the town fire department It is plan ned to have 18 volunteer firemen in the department and they will be drilled in groups of six follow ing delivery of the new fire engine within the next few weeks MEET TONIGHT Members of the Past Exalted association of the Elks will hold a dinner meeting at 6:15 Mon day evening at the Huffman taurant The lodge will meet to further plans for Golden jubilee celebration Auditorium Piling May Arrive Today Steel piling for reinforcing Mrs Arch Dutton Dies At Uhrichsville Mrs Arch Dutton died at home in Uhrichsville Sunday ning following an operation for ap pendicitis according to word re ceived here by Mrs Esther Dut ton 1427 Indiana street Her hus band a former resident of this city is secretary of the Penna Power Light Co In addition to the husband she is survived by one son Brigham Dutton The latter is a second mate in the employ of the Merchant Marine and was home on a furlough at the time his mother was stricken uneral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at Uhrichsville also will be held there uneral Wednesday or Harry ulton uneral services for Harry ulton 65 for 35 years an employe of the American Rolling Mills com pany here who died Sunday night at his home 460 Sheridan street following 18 illness will be held at 2 Wednesday aft ernoon at the residence with Rev Cecil Smith officiating 'Burial will be in Memorial Park Mr ulton was a member of Eu clid Avenue church and of Royal Arcanum lodge Surviving are his widow Sara Elizrbeth three sons Earl of Dietz lane Harry of Ridge avenue and Wil liam ulton or daughters Mrs Laughlin Dania Mary Dunn of brothers David ulton of Penn sylvania and Clyde ulton of this city three sisters Mrs Harry Hil ty Mrs Effa Cunningham and Mrs Ben Gumbert all of Pennsylvania six grandchildren and one great granddaughter The body was removed to the residence Monday from Dean fu neral home se of 35 26 6 2 13 11 15 6 37 37 13 72 18 11 15 22 12 14 26 42 6 25 25 45 10 6 8 18 4 37 28 39 7 THE CARR DRUG CO is now offering you the most sen sational "Drug Bargain ever! Our buyers have planned and prepared for months to make this the greatest sale In our history and assure you of values seldom offered MISS THIS SALE! Hundreds and hundreds of specials in every department Stock up now at these low prices every purchase a saving daughter of Superintendent and Mrs James Turner tripped over a log in their yard riday evening and fell frac turing her right ankle She was taken to Rocky Glen sanatorium for examination and treatment Briefs Roy Hann Malta who has been suffering from infection is improv ing Mr and Mrs George Duvall of North River road entertained with a dinner yesterday Casgrain Youngstown spent Sunday with his mother Mrs A Casgrain South street Mrs Anna Smith assistant mat ron of the Knox county home was the guest Sunday of her daughter Mrs Emma Hall Pine street Dr and Mrs Peet are in Columbus where the former is attending the Ohio State Osteo pathic convention Mr and Mrs Cowden and daughter Miss Jennie Cowden Eaton street Mrs George Greene McIntire avenue and Mrs A Adams Adamsville have return ed after spending two weeks in lorida Miss Virginia Ardrey and Miss Betty Shiplet have returned from a short visit in Newark Miss Sally Lemert and Miss Ruth senght students at unto university end guests city Mr and Mansfield are visiting the brother in law and sisters Mr and Mrs Miller and Miss Ella Mitchell all of Laurel avenue Miss Georgia Starkey has re turned to her home in Lancaster after a visit with local relatives and friends Miss Jane Rutherford Mader apartments South street has re turned from a short visit with her sister Mrs William Hamilton Col umbus Miss Gertrude Maier teacher in the Youngstown schools spent the week end at her home on Bluff street Miss Ruth Lancaster student at Ohio university Athens spent the past week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Lancaster Norwood boulevard Dr Dyslnger of this city has been invited to take part in the discussion at the convention and clinics of the American Osteopath ic Society of Proctology June 23 and 24 at Dallas Texas Mr and Mrs red Elliott near reeland spent Sunday with local relatives Miss Mary Jean Linn senior at Muskingum college New Concord spent Sunday at her home on bertson avenue Mr and Mrs John Dennis daughter have returntd to cinnati after visiting local rela tives Mrs Everett Greer Dresden road has arrived in New York fol lowing a trip abroad She was met there by Mr Greer and they will return home within a few days Dr William Haake whose offices are in the Clinic building at Sixth and Market streets Sun day began a three months vacation on order of physicians at the Cleveland clinic Dr Haake will spend the summer in this city it was understood' Mrs Wilbur Bowman who had been employed in Chicago has ac cepted a position in Akron She was in the city over the week end visiting local relatives Mrs Paul Renz and son Paul Jr' Middletown are visiting the parents Dr and Mra Hackenberg Ashland avenue Rev Mr Renz will come here at the end of the week to spend sev eral days in this city Mrs Harry ox has returned to Columbus after visiting local rela tives She and Mr ox will leave within a few days for California Mr and Mrs Bernard Lane and children of Grafton Va Mrs visiting the mother Mrs Lane Linden avenue They will return home this evening Mrs razier Putnam ave nue has returned after spending a week in Atlantic City Miss Julia Blandy East Or ange who has been visiting in this city will leave this evening on a business trip to Colorado Springs Colo She is a former res ident of this city Mrs Addison High Shelby is visiting Mrs Erie Greiner 163 North Seventh street Miss Henrietta Wonder has re turned to her home in Columbus after spending the week end the guest of Miss rances Bailey St Louis avenue Mrs Marjorie Paisley 724 Lex ington avenue spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs McCarty of Morgan county Mrs Charles Green West Mus kingum avenue and Mrs Joseph Green Vine street have been call ed to Ithaca by the death' of their brother Richard Rus sell They were accompanied by Mrs Alice Curtis west Musking um avenue daughter of Mrs Joseph Green Clyde Cranmer of Columbus who was seriously injured Sunday af ternoon when kicked By a horse at the home of his father in law Kirkendall Dreslen road is in fair condition today at Bethesda hospital Cranmer was struck in the stomach Robert Lee Settles two year old son of Joseph Settles of Licking View was slightly injured Satur day evening when his coaster wag on was struck on the Sixth street bridge by a motorist who did not stop after the accident The child is improving at his home today Sliced LIVER INJURES ANKLE Robert Claypool 17 of Sharon avenue sustained an injured right ankle Sunday while playing base ball He was treated at Bethesda hospital and dismissed THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL for the home you plan to build is an account at this bank By adding do posits regularly Just as a builder lays one brick at atime you will soon have the down payment for your hom*o The sooner you start tho sooner your dream home will become your real home of Commerce Headquarters The headquarters of the Zanes ville Chamber of Commerce will be moved from the first floor of the Lind Arcade building to the Sharpe building at 45 49 North street it was announced Sat urday i Work of remodeling the Sharpe building to aconunodato the Cham ber of Commerce was started to day The association will occupy the south room while the Munk and Collins flower shop will re main In the north room Mr and son uneral Here or Mrs Nira Rice 87 uneral services for Mrs Nira Rice 87 former resident of Zanes ville who died Saturday at a Co lumbus hospital were held Monday afternoon at Dean funeral home here with Rev I Wachs offi ciating Burial was in Duncan alls Mrs Rice moved to Columbus In 1928 Death resulted from a frac tured hip sustained some time ago She was a member of irst church here Surviving are two daughters Mrs Mercer Columbus Mrs orsythe of Duncan alls two sons A and Rice both of Detroit Mich and two sis ters Mrs Hyser of this city and Mrs Henry Neff Crooksville Calf BRAINS 7k the foundation of the municipal audi torium at North and ourth street probably will arrive here late today or tomorrow according to City Engineer Harold Church The Purdy Construction com pany of Mansfield which was awarded the piling contract is ex pected to begin operations Wednes day Engineer Church estimated that 15 uays will be required to complete the job tv neat designs and colors Colors guaranteed fast to washings 12c value yd wC A low cost bank service for car buyers or the AIR MINDED Beef ROAST 7 19103 18 20 34 617 16 20 27 99 100 12 6 43 1 iT4 10 48 71 7 31 23 25 4 43103 44 23 11 24 Drunken Driver lntd In Municipal Court Paul Martin 27 of 812 Under wood street was fined $100 and costs Monday morning in municipal court when he pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated He was arrested Saturday night by Sheriff Ed Redman and Deputy Harry Bealmear following a collision on the Roseville road Mrs Chalmer Milligan Crooksville sustained minor injuries in the accident William Walsh 27 of 137 South ifth street was bound over to the grand jury when he pleaded guilty to automobile theft He was ar rested riday night after taking a machine from irst and Main streets police said He was unable to rurntsn $3uu bond en to the county jail Untied 57 pleaded guilty to drunkenness and was fined $10 He was arrested Saturday night fol lowing a collision of two cars on the ifth street brdige School Census to Begin This Week The annual census of children in the 25 school districts of Mus kingum county will begin this week it was announced today at the county education office The enumeration which is taken each year during the month of May has been delayed this year because the forms for the work have not been available The forms arrived a few days ago and are being sent to the various boards of education in the county today Complete data on all rural chil dren between the ages of five and 18 will be obtained in the census Last year the census showed 7432 children in the county of which 6700 attended school The regular meeting of the county board of education will be held at 2 ociock saturaay noon at the county office Counsel ile Briefs In ire Truck Case With legal counsel for the Auto car company prepared to file briefs this afternoon Common Pleas Judge Tannehill an nounced that he probably will reach a decision tomorow or Wednesday on the city govern demurrer and motion to va cate a temporary injunction against the board of purchase Judge Tannehill recently grant ed a temporary court order re straining the purchase board from entering Into contract for five new fire trucks The suit was brought by the Autocar company Philadelphia manufacturers of fire equipment and A Maxwell as a taxpayer The court gave opposing coun sel until this afternoon to file briefs on the demurrer and motion to vacate City Solicitor John Baker submitted his briefs late last week Meanwhile Mayor Tom Moorehead was on record today as saying he believes it is "un for fire apparatus manu facturers to offer the city extra equipment in order to secure the contract His statement was made at a deposition of members of the pur chase board in preparation for a hearing on a permanent injunc tion At that time he said: "It is not the ethical way to do busi ness in a city office" However the mayor defended the purchase board for giving consideration to such offers Meet to Discuss "Blue Law" Threat Representatives of retail inter ests were meeting this after noon at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters to discuss the possi ble effect of a demand on the part of the Independent ood Mer chants association for enforcement of Sunday "bide here The association voiced the de mand last week in retaliation for recent prosecutions against their members It was hinted today that a compromise may be reached be fore Sunday which is the day set for the cessation of all forms of business under an obsolete state statute passed in 1857 Members of the Zanesville Retail Grocers association emphasised to day that they have no part in the demand for "blue enforce ment In fact they are supporting the stand of the Retail Meat and Grocery union for Sunday grocery closings and the observ ance of other uniform closing reg ulations (W STOCKS 1 Quotations at Close) by enner eane local officeasonic Temple Build ig Telephone 657 658 er Chain 18 Reduction 49 Ighany 16 ed Chemical 162 Chalmers 35 ad Mill fr Home Prod 46 :89 14 5 41 22 18 11162 24 28 19 5 11 5 14 22 55 20 24 21 12 8 44 78129 15 4 20 32 67 io 6 85 10 1 10 31 7 15 36 23 58 Beef BOIL High School aculty Honors Teacher McC ONNELSVILL Miss Christine Shilling teacher in the high school' whose ap proaching mariage has been an nounced was honor guest at a luncheon given Saturday at the Betsy Milk club Marietta The hostesses included members of the high school faculty and Mrs James Turner and Miss Helen I Lynn Covers were laid for eight A color scheme of pink and white was used in the decorations and a three course menu served Taken to Hospital Miss Betty Martin daughter of Mr and Mrs Otis Martin of near Triadelphia has been taken to the Good Samaritan hospital for treat ment Mrs Crew Dies Mrs Barlow and Mr and Mrs Harry Sharp of Malta were called to Columbus Saturday by the sudden death of Mrs sister in law Mrs Charles Crew who passed away Saturday eve ning from heart trouble Mrs Crew was a former Morgan county resident House Party Held Rev Glenn Tennell pastor of the local church and family entertained the following i guests from Berlin Center at the parsonage over the week end: Mr and Mrs Hawkins and two I children Mr and Mrs Renich and family Mr and Albert Miller and Russell Ward and Injured in all Martha Turner 57 9 30 3 31 35 7 55 Leatherette Seat and Back ancy net marquisettes in Ecru Rose Orchid Gold and white yd DC hlle volume was a shade ahead of lay sleepy session it was notning IK auuui Luaueis weit utiuei uie levelers near the fourth hour me Improvement in sentiment was IhntAd tn thf nparp Hko tone fit isolinl's speech which Indicated to rvers ruropean war rears were lually fading ip president tax conference at Whltp Hrnise tnrinv was watched signs of a program that would An ip at least a lew oi inc revisions ue by industry ihers tlltine unward were IL 1 Chrysler Rubber Mont icrv ward American van juastman ik American xeiepnone imerna 1 Telephone Douglas Aircraft and i ican though automobile prospects were I clouded some comfort was derlv om the summary ot roiK nlaclncr new car registrations in il based on returns from 20 states per cent aoove iviarcn ana 4U per lurror than In Anri! last vear At same time financial circles bellev lurtner aecune in motor output sales was xixeiy in me Veal CHOPS 15k Krlcan Can oreign Powerr Locomotive Power Light Tobacco Water Works Mtco Kzinc ska Juneau Smelting Steel oundry Sugar Refining Radiator Tel Tel Eiconda Copper hlson Kntic Refining Ktion Corp Id Locomotive fcltlmore Ohio larnsdall A leadix Aviation lethlehem Steel Wien rg warner Mlg iklvn irs Co Trac I Cola ida Dry id Par ia Corn AH Icate Palm unuia mus raec pin Solv rinw Nnuin liner Corp oaten Krtisnn illdated Oil Baking A nental Can itl Oil of Deln Products irlhle Steel rtis Wright isiev rtaain lugias ah ci an 04 llaware Hudson 17 imona Match 31 143 IRV POSITION The nositlon of treasury May compared with Luxurious Acetate Ve lour Covering Choice of Popular Dec orator Shades Phone 177 Pullman Radio Corp Radlo Orph Reading Co Rem Rand Republic Steel Reyn Spring Reyn Tob Safeway Stores Schenly Dlst Sears Roe Seabd OU ot Del Shell tervel Itnmona Co Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Cal Edison Sperry Corp Stand Brands Stand Oil ot Cal Standard of Ind Standard Oil of NJ Stone A Webster Studebaker Schulte Retail St Stewart Warner Swift 4 Co Texas Prod Corp Texas Co do Gulf Sulphur Texas Pacific Ry Texas Pacific Texas Pacific Timken Roller Bear Timken Det Axle Un Carbide Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp United I Ind Alcohol Leather Pipe Rubber do prfd Steel dri nrfri VaChra Chemical 3 vanaaium Walworth Warner Bros A Varn Ch West Auto Supply 294 western union West Air Brake West Elect Woolworth Worthington Pump Yellow Truck Youngs Sheet American Gas Ark Gas A Cities Service i Electric Bond i Int ePte i Niagara Hudson PRODUCE MARKETS Butter unsettled creamery extras In tubs 27 lb standards 26c Eggs unsettled prices paid shippers in 100 case lots furnished by the Cleveland butter and egg board extras7 lb and up candled light yolks clear 16c doz extra firsts S6 lb and up 15c current receipts 55 lb and up 14c doz Live poultry steady fowl heavy 17c lb medium fowl 16c leghorn fowl 16c light 15c fancy rock broil ers 3 lb and up 21c broilers colored 2 lb and up 19c leghorn broilers under 2 lb 17c: ducks 6 lb and up 14c average 12c ducks small 10c old roosters 13c leghorn 11c tsags color ed 15c leghorn stags 13c Local fresh dressed poultry steady medium and heavy fowl 25c ducks 23c leghorn fowl 22c large broilers 28c leghorn broilers average 27c Government graded eggs: ex tras large white in cases 23c standards large in cases 19c extras medium white in cases 18c standards medium white in cases 17c comparable date a year ago: Rorclntc 1107 77 77 ovnondi tures $2521265325 net balance $3 06883484901 working balance includ ed $240170275850 Receipts for fiscal year (July 1) 84 90886705647 expenditures $7912202 15620 excess of expenditures $3003 33509973 gross debt $40203666 91916 Increase over previous day $12 31631977 Jr Huge Carved Overlays and Molding amous Spring illed Cushions on the "General Welfare and pro viding for a two per cent transac tion tax and payment of "not more than each month to persons 60 years of age and over was fore seen today in a letter from Con gressman Robert Secrest of Caldwell to Hunter 213 Brighton boulevard According to Secrest the bill which was introduced by Repre sentative Hendricks of lorida has been in the ways and means com mittee for some time and may be acted upon today Secrest said that members of the house would try to take the bill from the committee by petition and if this is done the bill will be open to debate on the floor of the house In his letter to Hunter Con gressman Secrest said he was con vinced that it is the only solution for the unemployment problem and said he would do everything possible for the bill WE MAKE AUTOMOBILE LOANS Pork SAUSAGE 9c McDonald funeral uneral services for John A Mc Donald who died Monday at his home 788 Westbourne avenue will hftlrl at 2 Wpdnpsdav af ternoon at the residence with Rev Harvpv Halt nffiriatinp Burial DlrTnS Small HEARTS 11k Bash's Pigeon Wins Race rom Richmond A bird owned by Jacob Bash took top honors Sunday in the Clay City Pigeon second race of the season a 150 mile event which originated at Richmond Ind The winning pigeon covered the course at the rate of 1143 yards a minute Owners of the other birds in the race and the flying speeds follow: Earl Maxwell 1139 yards a min ute Delbert Maxwell 1136 A Rathburn 1132 Dr Robert Zeiger 1126 Oberringer 1126 and Robert Zinsmeifter 1125 Many local pigeon fanciers wit nessed the start here Sunday of the Greater Cleveland Pigeon club's concourse race in birds were entered were liberated near railroad station on street Coincident with the concourse event approximately 600 young pigeons entered in the Cleveland Ideal Southern race also wtre liberated Sunday morning lower Market street Garden Seed Cabbage Tomato and Pepper Plants SHAW HUGHES SEED STORE 213 MAIN ST 0weet Com Lima Beam Green Beans Melons Secrest Sees Action On Townsend Bill Early congressional action the Towijsend bill known as Edna Clapper 18 Dies At Akron Miss Edna Mae Clapper 18 twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence A Clapper died early today at her home near Akron according to word received by her aunt Mrs Howard Buchanan White Oak avenue She was a high school stu dent and had recently been ill but her condition was not considered grave Surviving in addition to her par ents and twin sister Betty Jane Clapper are seven brothers They are: Glen Harry Gene John Rob ert ana Paul jere Clapper an the home and Richard Clapper Akron uneral services will be held a o'clock Wednesday afternoon Akron Burial also will be there Mr Clapper is a former well known resident of this county Summer Styles in Black end White Death Summons Mrs Paul Childs 18 Mrs Paul Childs 18 of near McConnelsville who was married last November died early today at Bethesda hospital from poisoning She had been ill for weeks and was admitted hospital Sunday evening in cal condition Surviving are her husband and her parents Mr and Mrs Vernon Spencer well known Morgan county farmers uneral services will be held at 2 Wednesday afternoon at McKendree church The of ficiating pastor has not been named Burial will be in the church cemetery The body will be removed to the residence Tuesday morning from Miller funeral home McConnels ville Quality! Economy! eek End Case day's Market Picture SEEN AT CLOSE: Very qviet and steady High gradea firm and quiet forernmeats 1 82 to 2 32 ap tlNS Wheat 4 ta l4e lower eora to'e lower EIGN irm By VICTOR EUBANK i EW Small buying was con ticieni to give waay siock marKeij ill vi uavuuiio iv uiuic uiiasi a $300000 Worth Of High Grade LIVINGROOM URNITURE In our greatest sale in more than 5 years! Beautiful Velour Suites Eaton Mfg 21Pub Svc Erie 1 Elect Power Light 7 Puunc 71Z irestone Rubber do prfd oster Wheel reeport Texas General Baking Gen Asphalt Gen Electric Gen roods Gen Motors Gillette Razor Goodrich Glidden Co Gt North pfd Gt West Sugar Hanna 5 Hecker Houston Oil Howe Sound Hupp Motors Hudson Motors Tllinnla Ontral Inspiration Copper Int Harvester Int Tel Tel Int Nickel Johns Manville Kas City South Kennecott Kresge Co Kroger Groceries Lehigh Valley Llbbys Owens Pl Liggett A Myers Tnr Loose Wiles Biscuit 18 Lorillard Marshall ield Math Alkali Mid Continent Miami Copper Mont Ward Murray Corp Natl Biscuit Nat Cash Register A 18 ixtiL Liairy rrou Nat Distilleries Nat Power National Steel Nash Kelvinator New York Central North Amer Co North Amer Av Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Owens Bottle Otis Steel i Pac Gas Elect i Packard Motors i Penney Co i Pennsylvania Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet i Pure Oil Proct A Gam Member ederal Member ederal Deposit Reserve System Insurance Corporation TOWELING 15 In part linen unbleached toweling colored border Yard 9C 26 14 39 73 17 94 37 15 7 40 38 99 46 107 19 5 5 19 18 20 91 44 13 a Mm it 6 ri Ml Mata yB I 4 '1 5 z'lJB IJ i fl fl kfl fl $R35 fl XJ tl 1 IE i Jf I aH 1 1 II 0 Ip a aSJ Qin i Bmti Kntli 5 i I I A i i i fl i 1 I IM 1 I3333S3E 4 I I i 1.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.