The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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ie 1 iHStU: Vol 10 Nd' 303 IVBTBiflM SPRINGIELD" MASS MONDAY DECEMBER 26 1853 1DI1I moi Whole No 2992 Insurance Business Cards Noyes Ip CO I TENET CO Importers of rench and other European Goods JSo 48 Bra dstreet oi HO HE PRO PILLS should be most honored and 6mo 4t 1SMWG a to Only $17 for Passage from LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES George Ashniun John Mills Win Calhoun William Rice I' Tyler Joseph Pynchon vvm vvHee Jf 1 Moore aul2 BURGESS i OP DEDHAM Offers his professional services to the citizens of Springtield Residence and Office corner of Maple and High sts U5 8moj i i Hf: Hi! mu ISEST WEBSTER UN8BRIUEE POILLON CO Importers of el rench Window and Coach Glass No 84 Bar clay ul VV WASHBURN I Architectural and Ornamental Carver' No 10 Market st Sfringpibld Mabb Capitols Consoles Mouldings Brack stB executed to any design ly 8 PETTENGIlL' A Ad vertiB ing Ageuey 1 22 Nnnaii Street New York nuti No 1O State Street HoMtoia 8 ElENGlLlj' COj are 'Agents for the Springfield Republican and the most influential and largest circulating Commercial Tapers both in the United States and the Canadas NEW TORR CITY1 BUSINESS1 DIRECTORY The following list of Business irms are among the best and most reliable in the City of New York directors Barker Edwaru 8 May Daniel Jenks George VV flamer Wiihdm ollock David Carson Harvey Arnold Murray' Henry Stearns 1 Thrcnd'ii' Ip HOMAS BAiBOUR 43 Exchange A Place Linen Threads Shoe Threads and Giilmg Threads of our own make and best quatitj bs the euse only EAGLE ROBERT MOORE offers his friends and natrons at his oiu stand on the city line an unusual large stock of Apple Pear Plum Peach Cherry Apricot and Quince Trees both common and extra sizes Also Ornamen tal orest and Evergreen Trees Herbaceous Plants Shrubs Climbing Perpetual and June Roses Dwarf Box Honeysuckles and every article cultivated at a large Nursery establishment either ruit or lower 1 would return my grateful thanks to the public or the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me and hope by fair prices and upright dealing to secure a share for the future NV GRANT Traveling Agent 1 Trees delivered in Springtield or Chicopee free of charge and creditgiven on good reference i n56mo ire Inaurance Co li' S400000 A i ti James Read Boston White Wm Andrews George Morey Calvin Clark Daguerreotypes' GURNEY No 349 Broadway the oldest and most extensive establishment in the United States 111 QTOCKS OR SALE 10 shares kJ Pynchon Bank 40 shards Glasgow Co South Hadley alls by II NOYES i d5 No 7 Building 1 JR BURT MANUACTURER Shirta Collar Cruvatu Overall a1 Drawers WILBRAHAM MASS EVOLUTIONARY AND OTHER PENSIONS BOUNTY LANDS Persons who have been engaged at any time in the Military or Naval Service of the United States or the widows or children or other heirs of such persons who may be entitled by law to Pensions Arrearages of Pay or Bounty Lands are hereby informed that by calling on the subscriber they may receive full and reliable in formation touching their respective interests therein A THAYERn No 3 Pleasant street Northampton! Rabe opportunity TEACHERS The proprietor of a flourishing Seminary delightfully situated ithin two miles of one of our largest cities and patronized by many of the best families of the country owing to continued ill health is desirous of disposing of his interest The buildings are a'npie and complete a philosophical ap paratus cabinet of minerals furniture and convenien ces of every kind on hand The income for a series of years has been large and highly remunerative and the opportunity to enlarge the school to any desired amount cannot be exceeded Price very low and terms easy or further particulars inquire qf 8 NOYES No 7 Building fePBIRGHELD DIE HOUSE EAST UNION OICE ON MAIN ST No 10 i Opposite Exchange Hold 11 Ladies Dresses Cloaks Shawls Veils and goods of every description dyed and finished in tlie beat style at short notice'' i Gents whole Garments Dyed or cleansed and pressed Cashmere White Crape and all kinds of Shawk cleansed and pressed in the neatest manner bo as to loox nearly as well as new myl4U i nli HENRY ADAMS North 'Western Insurance Co OSWEGO Nl Incorporated by the State of New York in 1832 I $150000 All paid in and securely invested directors: A Grant Oswego Luther Wright SB Ludlow Henry Eagle Alvin Bronson A I Ct zmvj xt jj luumam GEORGE ISHER 'r A xz I I or insurance in either of the above companies ap vtlv at TV 7 VnrvfJo 4ii i 1 rl i i rr I MAWfl RANDOLPH LADD General In Alz surance Agent for Stock and Mutual ire Insur ance representing an aggregate capital of more than $1000000 Insurance can be effected at this agen cy to the amount of $100000 in one risk The rep resented afe as prompt and honorable in settling as any in the Commonwealth of unquestioned ability ana will insure on terms as fffveruble' as any other re sponsible Offices Also Agent ior the Conn Mutual Life Ins Co ol Hartford which has an accumulated capital of over $1701000 and is steadily increasing more than a quar ter of a million annually and the Altna Lite Ins Co with an annuity capital of $150000 Life Ins Col in New England are safer or more liberal in terms ol Insurance or adjustment of claims Office opposite thi Chicopee Bank in Building fiuoQesor to Ed win Ray iny6tf PENSIONS procured forRevolutiona 'ry Soldiers their widows and children also for persons disabled by wounds or disease in the military or naval service of the United States Claims for Bounty Lands prosecuted and Land Warrants bought at the highest market prices JI NoYES 1 ''No 7 Building LOWteLE? GAS Many attempts have been made to construct Coal Stoves which should consume the gases and at the same time be simple and easily managed Ibis Stove has been successful producing these results and is a hand some Stove lor Omces Halls or Parlors Call and see one in use at the Stove Store No 10 State street 1 d2 PS WILCOXJ PATENT AGENCY OR AMER JL ICA AND EUROPE No 4 Court Street Boston The subscriber having had several years experience in the business of securing Patents oilers his services to inventors and gentlemen interested in New Invention! and Designs as an Agent for soliciting Patents in America and Europe He ill prepa re caveats specifi cations and drawings bonds and assignments will make researches in American and oreign works to test the validity of patents and give advice on all legal and scientific points connected with these I EZ1CA LINCOLN Civil Engineer All Models left at this office will be for warded to the Patent Department promptly and free of expense ja25 eodtf ing one tiling with another than among usi if this is not slavery it is not much better At is the result of the great mercantile principle that everything is worth just whatit will bring in the market connected with an overgrown population in which "are more sellers than buyers of works' The evil is a sore one and yet you' hard ly know whom to blame America and Australia may yet afford relief to the sellers of labor in Eng land May God speed the day when the oppress ed workers will get a better price lor the only commodity they have to dispose of! a llinit iLOUBliAN EED I 20' loiiB ine eed i 10" dp' jEye Sborte? 800 Bushels 200 Bbls Holyoke and' Massahoit Mills lour 50 do Improved Graham fine lour $1 and Also Lime Corn Meal Bolted do Buckwheat for Seed Cracked Wheat Rye and Graham lour Corn fcog received daily and sPld cheap for cash by 1 re JOHN BANGS uj8S0 i NewiStore opposite Union House TiPJSUBANCE COMPANY 2 a2J Of Hartford Capital S3OOOOO All paid and invested in stocks and real estate Insure against loss or damage by fire on favorable terms Brace Ripley Secretary1 I pi GEO RICE Agent Agency Office No 9 Building Springfield Mass: lydaw87 KNIGHT Si co 7 53 Cedar Street York WilY gfell cheap oil cash Combs! Buttons ins 'Needles Hooks and Eyes Linen and Cotton Tapes Bobbin Braids Threads Stay Binding Brushes Whalebone ans and a great variety of an cy Notions i mh2z 8mq Q' STRAHLHEIM CO 69 Brbad kJ way of LACE MILLINERY GOODS EM BROIDERIES and TRIMMINGS ROBINSON CO 1 87 Broad way jobbers LACE bOODS RIBBONS SILKS EMBLOlDEh I Eb UOblERx! LOVES SHAWLS SMALL WARES Dry Good: 1 HILL BROTHERS Importers of Em broideries White Goods No 80 Liberty street Have made new arrangements in their oreign Exchange and Passage Business OLD COUNTRYMEN desirous to send for their1 friends or to send money to them will do well to call on us Nos 3 and 4 Ehu street d2istf SPRINGIELD Needles ish Hooks St Tackle Ac HOMAS HJ BATE (Late A (BATE) 103 Maiden Laue Needlee ish Hooke I ishing Tackle fee 1 t'l'lt' fl Paper Warehouse pYRUS IELD CO 11 CHfl St and Wholesale Dealers in American trench German and English I'AEKs aud every description of Paper Man uincturera Materials Stationery bolesale WM A WHEELEK CO Nos 13 and lft 1'ark Row New York Citi bi otaple ano 1 aucy stationary Dealers in Amei icuu papers 01 every description i Miscellaneous SWAZEY OMCEOPATHIST AND SURGE AA on has removed his office to his residence on Ala pie street ETThird house from State street 1 Office hours from 12 till 3 tf 1 UTTA PERCIJA: vs INDIA RUB Something entirely new The North American Gutta Company are ottering at wholesale a great variety of Clothing madq from Patent Vulcanized gutta Peroha of new sty les and beautiful finish These goods are water proof free from unpleasant smell pliable and clastic like India Rubber not injured by fatty substances and will not decompose and become sticky They are very different in character from any other goods heretofore made of Gutta Percha either in this country or Europe and are warranted to stand all climates the variety may be found Coats Cloaks Capes Ponchos Reefing Overalls Leggins bou westers Caps Camp Blankets Horse Covers Shower Mats Syringes Breast Pumps Balls Pencil and Ink Erasers as Bags Drinking Cups Steam Packing Machine Belting Carriage Cloths with a very cheap and effective Liee'reserveb made expressly to meet the new passenger law of Con gress 1 All of a finish and quality superior to any other water proof goods now before the public or sale' at the Warehouse 80 Cedar Street New York Dealers in water proof goods are invited to examind these goods believing they will find them cheaper and far superior to anything they have ever seen before Orders to any extent executed at short notice' 'WILLIAM WIDER z' A Co i Billings Treasurer and 6mo i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i AT THE i STEAM PLANING MILL LUM ER ARD Of the subscribers a few rods south 0 Depot Northampton may be found Lumbtu of all kinds Planing Sawing and Wood Turning done at short notice Doors Sashes and Blinds for sale or manufactured to order i I ABELLS COMPANY Northampton March 4 1853 ly 12 KELLOGG No' XjL John bt Wholesale Booksellers anu bmtJoiieit iaa Manuf all kinds ol Blank 'BookaJ'i Sufce RM PATRICK Defianbe Salaman der Safes Patent!) Depot bo 192 Pearl St formerly 90 John St ancy Goode 4 A LTHO AHLBOKNi NoauSfc and AjL Bl Maiden Lane Iraporteni of Toys and ancy uoods MbV doi n' and Chimney Topd Mill co ate le No 279 Pearl Bt ENCAUbTJC TlLEb GARN KIRK VH1MNJCY TOPS Materials Met als 'pay jl re 'VUtf Ip a fd Ji JAMES A dealer IM ALL KINDS OP I i Northern and Western Lumber LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT South Hadley alls Mass rom his Mills at Mclndoes alls Vt (under the su perintendence of Edwin Chase Esq) the subscriber ii prepared to furnish at short notice bills of ind Spruce and Hemlock Timber and Boards Shingb and Strip Lath jy tf 1 Window Glnsa Painta fcc He BAKER (BROTHER 142 Water SL Importer of RENCH' WINDOW uLaSS CHEMICALS PAINTS Ac Also Agents of American Window Glass Glass Ware Lngraveii WHITNEYIOCELYN ANNIN Artists and Engravers on Wood' Nos 38 and GO ulton inest and best work done here who relieves the most When the head is racked with pain And dizziness creeps th? brain a Wlieu sleep forsakes the aching eyes And health on fevered pinions flies i When indigestion throws its shade 1 i Like shadows where our graves are made Professor reviving ills J' Is just the cure for all such ills These ills have lone field a consniciinna nlnce In the practice of meuicine tor the cure of the many ills to which females are subject They are composed entirely of vegetable ingredients and are a safe and sure reiqe dy for emale diseases occasioned by imprudence and exposure In every instance thpse Pills have proved successful The thousands of females who are subject to so much suffering can be permanently cured by the use of the above medicine i Observe that each box has the fac simile of the pro prietor Cll AS Yi ARNAULT upon it The above cap be found at 45 Hanover street apd in 1 Corn hjll Jlesfop Persons residing out of the city can have them forwarded by mail (free) to any part of the country by enclosing one dollar iu a letter directed CHAS ARNAULT Boston 'Mass' d5 2awly Sa i OR SALE Cheap for Cash second hand Locomotive Engine in good re pair BLANCHARD AVERILL CO tf Springfield Locomotive Works i George Rice Ephraim Bend Warner 1 Roger Moore John Hamilton i Stebbins Edward Moselevq EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i Warner Bond i lydawll GEO RAMSDELL OCCULIST SURGEON and PHYS Has removed his Office to hi residenct on State st opposite the new Arsenal1 rticularat tention given to diseases of the Eye a new and suc cessful mode of operating upon that organ Cataracts and all diseases by which sight is impaired or destroyed are now removed without instruments suflering oi hazard to the patient leaving the eye in perfectly healthy state i Office hours from 1 to 4 j29 6mo SMITH (Late Register of Probate) Attorney and Coimsclloi' at Lnw Office in Post Office Building Elm et Springfield Mr will give particular attention to the settlement of estates and other business in the Probate Courts n28 OPERATIONS ON THE AMES ERRE Dentists over the Drv Goods Store of Horace Lee opposite Court Square Main str eetj Springfield AMES vrp au6 A lfltREi TO the Hon Oliver Morris judge of Probate for the county of rRespectful ly represents Edward Warren Osgood of Springfield la the county aforesaid that he is desirous to have his name changed to Edward bherbiirne Osgood He therefore prays that after due proceedings bad his name may be changed as aforesaid EDWARD OSGOOD Springfield Dep 0 18o3 q'p nQ soHamPden ss At a Probate Court holden at Springfield within and foi'Said county bn the first Tuesday ot December A 1853 on the peti tion aforesaid ordered that the further consideration thereof be referred to a Probate Court to be holden at Springfield' in and for said county on the first 'Tues day of January next and that the petitioner give pub lic notice of the pendency thereof by publishing an at tested copy thereof and of this order in' the Daily Re publican printed in Springfield at least seven daysbe fore the holding of said Court that all persons may ap pear and show cause it any they have why said peti tion should not be granted OLIVER MORRIS Judge of Probates Attest1 i VZdl? 3toW HENRY SMITH1 DODGE HUBBARD' DEALEBS Books and Stationery Magazines Papers Muaicnl Inatruments and Sheet Music Nearly opposite the Baptist Church North Street 1ITT8EIELD Mass The SPRING IELD DAILY REPUBLICAN is delivered to Mibsriber8 in any part o' the village oi Pittsfield at 12 cents a week or $5 00 a year in advance Subscriptions aUo received for the Weekly Repub lioan and Conn Valley armer and Mechanic 820 tf i ANDREWS JESUP No 70 Pine Street New York i AGENTS OR THE SALE Of COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY 1 (Including Carding Picking and Burring Machines i Tools Card Clothing I Leather Belting fee IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ARTICLES i o20 6m EVERY VARIETY daw 21 ai us Burnap 1 1 VV ellington lyler '1 homaa Colt Charles Owen Wjiliam Carson Harrison arneJd Asa Russell Wheeler Theodore Pomeroy Socrfites Snuier Gaius BURNAP President Goodrich Secretary Application for insuiance maybe made to RAN DOLPH LADD Agent at opringfield Mass i PAPER WAREHOUSE CVKIS IELD COMM881ON MERCHANTS No 11 Cliff Street 1 YORK fk Are' sole Agents in the United States for superior Bleaching Powder Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Papers Kuesell Superior Genegee Printing Rawlins fc English Tissue irst quality Ultramarine Blue They are also Agents for the principal Paper Manu facturers in this country and offer for sale by far the most extensive and desirable stock of Paper and Paper Manufacturers' Materials that can be found in tills or any other country" 1 1 i They occupy thq large and commodious Warehouses No 11 Cliff street No 58 Cliff street No 184 Christo pher street and the Lofts over the large Iron Stores 7 and 9 Cliff street Their business is strictly wholesale and Writing Pa pers are sold by the case only Their extraordinary facilities enable them to offer all Goode both oreign and Domestic at the lowest pos able prices Paper made' to order any size or weight liberal advances made on consignments of Paper Paper Ma stock and other merchandise The highest market price paid in cash for ajl kinds of Bags ii I i i Letters from England Correspondence of the Republican abut of the Chalk Cliffs In 'erecting Reminiscences of Bra ding and Arreton ari brooke Castle Agriculture of the Islavtl The Condi tion of the arm Servants No vii London Ausr 22 1853 The chalk cliffs on the South of the Isle bf Wight rising perpendicularly out of the water to such a hight that a tall ship sailing near ap pears but as of the hight of a man compared with that of a church tower more than answered my expectations Portions of these cliffs are clay instead of chalk Some are of a deep red some of a grayish brown and others of almost every conceivable shade Many of them are just about perpendicular others withdraw towards the land and some lean oceanwards Here and there are tremendous openings through which streams of water flow into the Atlantic called inthe vernacular chines but what in America would be called ravines or perhaps by geologists gor ges The view in many places is overpowering Whether you look up from below or down from above you stand in awe With respect to the downward look I might rather have said lie than stand for we dared not look down otherwise than by stretching ourselves on the ground and thrusting our heads over the brow and even then I wished there was a strong rope round my heels and a reliable friend hold of the other end These glorious phases of nature are not to be perpetual The voracious Atlantic is steadily but surely swallowing them up Land slides are fre quent In some instances as many as a hundred acres are said to slide off and disappear at once The owners of the lands cannot tell certainly when they lie down where their lands and their sheep will be in thn morning Sometimes a large extent settles down but a part of the distancejto the water at once and then waits for farther un dermining operations before it quite disappears We saw an instance of tills kind An extent of apparently not less than fifty acres had sunk down from one to two hundred feet we judged nearer the latter leaving the bank remaining nearly perpendicular A shepherd who was tending his sheep near told us that this happened in 1826 and that two men were on the fallen part when it went down and were fright ened but not hurt and our guide books speak of a similar slide or rather subsidence in 1799 when nearly a hundred acres settled down over turning the only dwelling house on it while the occupants were 'fortunately absent Whether these statements are correct is more than I know but there the fifty acres as we estimated now lie as fit for grazing as ever completely fenced in by a precipice of several hundred feet perpendicular on the sea side and a wall of nearly two hun dred feet perpendicular hight on the land side giving unmistakable evidence that at some peri od it has gone down and given a sopiewhat long ride to whatever happened to be on it1 At least it must have seemed long to the men if they were there for the shepherd told us that the movement was slow so slow that it could hardly be seen by the looker on i rom viewing these and other sublime speci SRens of natural scenery we proceeded in a north easterly course some 10 miles to Brading on foot portion of the way but more on the top ofa coach a beautiful way for seeing a fine country Here we paid the shilling as is the custom all oyer England and went into the old church more tliah 500 years old (the guide said eleven hundred) in which Leigh Bichmond preached We visited also the site of the old parsonage now re built in which he wrote Daughter? and Young We saw the tomb stone of the Daughter and read its beautiful inscription also the verses on other tomb stones which that excellent man used to en courage the children of his parish to copy and learn the house in which the Young Cottager lived the room in which she slept the little shelf a rude piece of board nailed to the chimney on which she laid her bible and hymn book The sordid owner makes the occupants 'pay an exor bitant rent because so many pay sixpences for seeing these reminiscences rom Brading we went to Arre ton four miles all the way ovet a beautiful down (hills are downs here) fed by thou sands I know not but I might say tens of thou sands of sheep These downs over a chalk for mation are of a thin soil but yield a sweet feed and are almost wholly appropriated for the graz ing of sheep rom hills of this kind here and in the South of England a most excellent breed) of sheep as is probably known to your readers are called South downs At Arreton wc saw the old church which the Daughter attended and were point ed to the pew in which she sat The guide con tended that this church was much older than the one at Brading 1 It had been built at piece meal different parts had been renewed at various times and the guide showed us some of it which he insisted could be proved to be nearly 1200 years old It must be understood that in this country things are valued more for their an tiquity than for their convenience especially by those who get the privilege of showing them for a price or worse for you please to This church like the one at Brading was the most inconvenient comfortless old thing conceivable pews old and rusty and so high that a of less than six feet could hardly jump high enough to see over them stone pavements instead 1 of floors pillars three or four feetn diameter and? frequent enough to break the speaker voice into a thousand fragments pulpits away up yonder the whole dismal I said to the cicerone at Ar we had such a church in America we i 8 4 BOOK BIMDERY I AND Blank Book Manufactory New Co partnership and Enlarged Etab lishuient TAPLEY BOWLES CO The i undersigned have formed a co partnership fbf he purpose of conducting the business of Book Binding and manufacturing pf Blank Books extensively They have made large additions of the most modern and improved tools and added greatly to the stock of their combined establishment enabling' them to do any and all kinds of work in their line in great variety readily and cheaply and in an unexcep tionable maimer Having a Book Binder of large ex perience at the head of the concern they are prepared to compete with any Bindery either in the city or country Magazines Pamphlets ewspa i pers Music 6lc Together with every description of re binding done in all styles from the plainest to the most elegant and i 'i hhv ull Gilt Turkey Morocco or Calif Bind 1 1 til 't illg 7 I Done in the best manner and warranted to give satis faction I 1 Particular attention will bp givpn to the manufoc tureof Jl iron BEANK BOOKS And Blank all kinds will be handsomely ruled to any given pattern and thoroughly bound BOOKS OR INSURANCE OICES BANKS HOTELS RAILROAD OICES or those used in any business i equiring printed headings will be done with accuracy and neatness on short Blank work will also be paged if required Libraries carefully repaired or rebound The pub ip are ipyited to pall ana see for themselves over MerriamJ' Chapin Co Book fa tors corner of Main and State Streets TAPLEY ofii BOWLES GO Springfield Oct lst I858i would tear it down and "build a better' quicker than your youngest boy could grdw to be a He seemed dumb foundered 'Every body in' these places speaks in the high est erms of Leigh Richmond One mangold us was no crabbed old he wasa yoqd man Another said was a real good This shows how much a ministers powermay be increased by a kind intercourse with his people I wbuld' rather my memory should be loved as Leigh is than leave millions for ungrateful heirs to quarrel about and I would sooner be the author of his and than be commander of the war ships at Spit head No one can estimate how many souls will leave earth preparedfor a higher destiny in con sequence of their simple' but beautiful and truth ful ltJ i 'Tn the course of our rambles over this Island we paused an hour or two at' Carisbrooke Castle now in ruins This appears to have been the home at various intervals of regal power for not less than fifteen hundred years Its site is on a high hill a little out of Newport and on the south side of Carisbrooke village It is very large and must have cost millions and millions of hard work The hiil on which it stauds is of course a natural elevation but the mound in side of the walls on which stands the an immense structure designed as a last resort for the besieged is evidently the work of hands and it must have cost thousands of hands whole decades of years to get the1 material together Here we were shown the window of the room through which Charles I endeavored to make his escape a few days before he expiated his political sins on the block We had before been shown the room at Newport where the last fruitless effort was made to bring him to reasonable terms rom these mighty ruins we could not but draw a comparison favorable to the present over the past Embankments for railroads will be more likely to benefit the race than the rearing of ar tificial mountains for the ot castles Thank God men are now better employed than in rearing such enormous structures as Carisbrooke Cas tle The well in this fortification from which its occupants obtained their water and from which the present 1 employes of its salaried Lord Keeper obtain theirs by the aid of a donkey oh a tread wheel is three hundred feet deep and five feet across mostly in solid rock To show us that there was no deception in this the keeper made the donkey draw a bucket of water in our presence and though the donkey hard the bucket was ten minutes in rising He also let down a light and permitted it to float on the water The effect was wonderful and we no longer doubted his account of the depth What tales of bitterness and of hilarity of carousals of sin and of unmerciful inflictions would these old old ruins tell if they could remember and speak I have left too little space for the agriculture of the island The land about 90000 acres is all beautiful and is beautifully laid out and enclos ed with green hedges The Northern portions are less fertile than the Southern but all are good scarcely a foot of waste land anywhere ap pearing The estates of the Queen and several noblemen occupy large portions of the Island Nearly all of the rest is in the hands of a few large holders It is divided generally into large farms but varying all the way from 25 to 1000 acres Smaller portions such as a laborer could culti vate with his own hands or one on which a poor family might keep a cow or even a large garden can hardly be had This puts the laborers or as they are here called the very much "into the power of their employers But of that more in another place The principal crops are wheat barley oats and beans Rye is culti vated to some extent and late turnips are grown largely on the lighter lands It has long been the practice to prohibit in leases the growing of two wheat crops in succession but no other re striction being insisted on were in the habit of growing oats after wheat and so keep ing up a succession of grain crops This was found to be a ruinous course and now it is gen erally insisted in leases that no two wheat crops wheat barley oats and rye) shall be grown in succession Some green crop is always to inter vene and since this practice has been adopted the farming interest is said to have greatly im proved The Isle of Wight is often called the garden of England In addition to supplying food to its own population (about 50000) it sends large amounts of produce to London Its inhabitants arc apparently industrious highly moral and with the exception of farm servants they certain ly lead an enviable life These as before stated are entirely ih the power of the farmers hardly less so than slaves in that of their masters and they are not well 1 speak of farm servants in the Isle of Wight only I do not believe it is so iu the kingdom generally It has been my priv ilege to become acquainted with many English farmers and I want up one to tell me that they are generous noble hearted whple souled men for 1 see it Eor ought know farm laborers in the kingdom at large get about a fair proportion of the fruits of combined labor and capital It is not so in the Isleof Wight There is there with the exception of ship building very little manufacturing done Consequently there is lit tle call for laborers except on the land By aribthei consequence the' only competition is for employment and those who have only labor to sell must sell it very cheap or starve Wages are this summer 9ushillings a wbeje for a man 6 shillings for a woman and for a boy accor ding to his ability in all cases' without board We however saw but few women at work in the and no ('boys h6ft an unreasonably tender age In? the course of our walks Uwe conversed with scores of these farm servants care ful to utter nothing which could increase their discontent for that under the circ*mstances would have been dishonorable and useless They all told us the' same story Their work was cheap everything in the way bf living was dear the rcagon of this last was plain they were a lit tle in debt had no money and must take what they wanted on the order ot the employer at such prices as the dealer in the article chose to exact All said that they worked fourteen hours a day some said that they had to work hard most said This last was the truth Wc saw that they worked but slowly and yet they ap peared weary dull like men that were jaded out Their demeanor was respectful but scarcely one of them could speak good English Qne said gets meat once a another said hopes another never gets no They seemed to have been in structed religiously as well as men of no more mind could be but were otherwise very ignorant The staring truth is' a'sort of oppression has been practiced upon them (successfully owing to their isolated condition) till they are reduced too low to be able to take care of themselves One of them sitting alone on the fence (it was a post and rail fence almost the only one we saw on the island) told us that he had siif children all too young to work his wife was sickly he got 9 shillings a week could not pay for his schooling never 'ate meat if he should cat as much bread as he wanted bis wife and children would get too little could get no ground for a garden cultivated a little spot in front of his cottage but could not raise much We spoke to that man of America He stared as if he did not know there was: such a country asked if it was where the Irish go had heard that it was a very bad country that those who gp there never can get enough to come back vyitb and so have to stay and die there We gave him a trifle for which he seemed grateful and left him with the sad reflection that for him and hun dreds like him there is scarcely a possibility of rising and that it is next to impossible with no free schools in reach to bring up their children to abetter condition I said to my companion voyage you as soon be a slave and done with Hp replied no admitted that he was right But what a condition is that of the English farm servant? To work at from seven to fifteen' shillings a week at an average of from ten: to twelve certainly not more than the latter and then to have no board fur nished by the employ ef but to have everything to buy at prices at least fifty per cent higher 'AWfsEIX BOOKSELLER STATIONER GOODRICH BLOCK SPRING IELD MASS Mathematical Instruments for sale tf 1 WM COIN CO AGENTS PEMBROKE IKON CO i i 105 State St Bowtou OJTER OR BALB' SCOTCH AND AMERICAN PIG IRON RAIL ROAD AND SHIP SPIKES BOILER AND TANK RIVETS MANUACTURED IRON CUT NAILS BRICKS Ct AY AM 1 aUlOJOUu Lib Z'bOuiui! of RENCH WINDOW GLASS No 61 Bar clay st OR CASH ONLY 1 PURCHASERS Boots Slioes and lliibbers or Cash are urgently invited before buying to ex 111 amine the Stock of T'qLWALES Nob 19 Broad and 40 Central Streets (Up Stairs) which consists in part of iff 500 Cases MEN COWHIDEandKIBOOlS 200 CALBOOTb 500 THICK KIP BOOTS And all kinds1 of Misses and Chil Shoes Boot made expressly for the New England Jobbing and Retail Trade LbW PRICES AND CASH TRADE At the only entire Cash Boot Shoe and Leather Store in corner of Broad and Central streets si 2aw2mo lie 1 mi leiinnwii! iKijib rf IT Mining HELVETIA LAAYETTE Gold 11 Mining Co The most successful one in Califor Dividends will be paid quarterly commencing in October next It is complete and in full opeiation free trom all debt and a surplus now on band A few shares and Birther particulars may be obtained by ad dressing DANIEL A DEE Agent 107 ulton street new a ura HEC AMERICAN AtNTIE CO1 Tnoa nxitB 81 Nassau street Agent are now prepared to execute all orders for VALEN TINES AND VALENTINE STATIONERY lor the approaching season Dealers axe requested to write mmediateJy for a Trade Circular containing all partic ulars TiKberb also solicits orders lor At odd qravihg and oil other kinds of I ngiulvixg and Ai tjbtio Work rfi GBxxnAL? Addrei xq :) RERE n8 0mo 81 Nassau rtreet New York 5 STATIONERY WM A WHEELER CO 13 15 J'arh Row (directly opposite the Astor House) Mew1 York importations 'resh Goods The subscribers have now in store just received from Europe a most extensive and caietully selected stock ol'STAPLli and axoy St atiow buy comp is ing every variety oi English rench and Geiman Goods They have also on hand the most complete assortment ol amkhicam Cafs LwiTBR imd lat Ama to be found in the United States They are sole of ITto Aiu IighT' 1xkbtamdi and Agema for the sale of Hadlby ik ikld'w luid which is war ranted superior to luid and tarnished at a much lower rate BUYERS who consult their own interest will not purchase before esamiahig their goods sl! flmoaw WM A WHEELER A CO a 14 Ai TT OMCEOPATHIST AND SURGE 11 on Rooms over Main st Office hours from 10 to 12 A and from 2 to 4 fiU 6mo 1 DAVID PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OBBICB AT THE KE6IDBNCE OS HIS LATE BATHER WEST STATE ST myl7w SPRINGIELD MASS tf lRSTEIN HONIG No 153 BroacL way a few doors froru: Liberty St Importers ol LAGEb EMBROIDERIES blLKS CHUCHARDT ROLICH H0L kJ 1 Hausen Nos 92 ana 94 Liberty fat Im porters ol I rench 8w iss and Geiman blJLRS RIB BONS VELVETS VESTINGS SA'UNS Ki GES 1 OOLEN8 ot every description WITTHAU8 51 Ex 1U change pl Importers ol uixiishlng Goods and Trimmings Tri tn si I and WORSTED 1 i NEW GIT Quarto Dictionary Un Revised by Professor Goodrich acknowledged both in this country and in America to be the most copious and most excellent at present Editor London Imp rial Dictionary it Will not the enlightened and liberal in our various religious societies furnish their clergymen with a copy as an indispensable volume in their libraries Lan guage and the English language is the great instrument with which the ministei of the gospel are enabled to do good If language were better understood sound logic would more extensively li iq t'J Rev Galldudet It is a model oi copiousness and precision apd its great accuracy jn the definition ap(J deriyation Of words gives it an authority that no other work on tlie subject possesses it is constantly cited and relied on in our Courts of justice in our legislative bodies and in public discussions as entirely Spencer Published at Springfield Mass by MERRIAM d21 CteodlwBO And sold by all Booksellers? 5 AMERICAN AND OREIGN OICE I Agency for business withU 8 Patent Office WashingtonNo 22 STATE STREET BOSTON I Impartuut inforiuation to Inventors The subscriber (late Agexit pftfoe Patent Office un der the Act of 1837) determined to present advantages iii applying for Patents superior to those offered invent ors by others has made arrangements whereby on ajp Slications prepared and conducted by him THIRTY lOLLARS (instead of twenty as paid back by others) will be remitted by him case of failureto obtain la patent and the withdrawal through him within thirty days alter the rejection1 Caveats Specifications As signments and all necessary papers and drawings tor procuring patents in this and foreign countries pre pared and advice rendered on legal and scientific mat ters respecting inventions and Infringements of pat cute I Inventors can not only here obtain their specifica tions on the most treasonable terms but can avail themselvc the experience of 20 practice an extensive xry of legal and mechanical works and correct coot i patents granted in this and other countries: heff les being saved a journey to Washing ton tl I great delay there as well as all personal troub jbtaining their patents Copies of claims of an ut furnished by remitting one dollar As signments recorded at Washington i ii RH EDDY? Solicitor I During the time I 'occupied the office of Commission er of Patents EDDY Esq of Boston did busi ness at the Patent Office as Solicitor for procuring Patents There were few (if any persons acting in that capacity who bad so much business before the Patent Office: and there were none who conducted' it with more skill fidelity and success I regard Mr Eddy as one of the best informed and most skill fid Patent Solicitors in the United States and have no hesitation in assuring Inventors that they cannot em ploy a person more competent and trustworthy and more capable of putting their applications in a form to secure tor them an early and lavorable consideration at the Patent Office EDMUND BURKE a Late Commissioner of Patents vfftnt Patent Oebioe 1 Eddy Esq Boston Mass r( Your facilities for tire prosecution of any business connected with this office are equal to those or any other agent 1 am very respectfiilly yours THOMAS EWBANK 8s 8 eodly CoauniMioner of ir' i isinff er HARTORD LIRE INS CO HARTORD CONN Capital and Surplus $31734681 JAMES DIXON MILLER Secretary Life risks are taken on the Mutual or Stock plan at the option of the insured Mutual rates are the same as the English tables and the rates of best Mutual Com panies in this country Stock rates reduced from fif teen to thirty three per cent Risks taken for Austra lia California and Oregon Applications received ana policies renewed A BURT Agent Oiiice at Hutchinson Chaffee opposite Hamp den Hall jyti ly METROPOLITAN ire and Marine innurimre Co (Incorporated eb Ifitti 1853 by the Legislature Massachusetts) IN THE CIT Ol BOSTON' I Capital $200000 OICE No 14 STATE STREET Insures Buildings Merchandize urniture Vessels in Port and their Cargoes against Loss or Dam age by Eire fL MONSON President THAYER Secretary jy7 6mo LADD Agent SPRINGIELD REPUBLICAN: SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY1 it! 1 tkrms of publication 1 mnmtlHr TV dollars l'er year $250 for six months $12u for three months 10 cents per week single copies 2 cents each ive copies to one addrs one year S22 10 copies ditto $40 paper senuntess th advance alld a11 papers discontinued when the time paid for expires except in cases of special ar roLgement and oi satisfactory local references To S3 per year payable in advance and for a hole year at a time To weekly papers dif in exckauge $2 a year in advance otherwise news agents who take a large number and Dav monthly a cent an 1 a fourth a copy? Weekly I wo editions of the Weekly are printed one on nday the other on Tuesday of which subscribers can have their choice Price $150 per year io cents for six months and no subscriptions re cei ed tor less than six months Ten copies to one ad orefs for one year $12 50 20 copies $23 40 copies $40 Kz Cash in advance required from all subscribers to the eekly and papers stopped in all cases when the pay runs out To post riders and news agents two cents per copy payable every three months Single copies at retail 4 cents each To Clergymen and news papers (without exchange) $1 a year The postage on the Daily by mail to any part cents a year to other States 55itb Un the eekly Hampden county nothing: other parts of Massachusetts 13 cents a year: in oth er fatates 26 cents urTSIi CONNECTICUT VALLEY1 ARMER AND A monthly quarto journal of 16 pages lor the arm the Orchard the Garden and the Work is printed and published at the Republican Of fice for ifty t'ents a year always in advance WILLIAM CALHOUN Editor DIKJSOTOBS: Edmund reeman Marvin Chapin Chester Chapin Albert Morgan i Andrew Huntington Waitstill Hastings Edward Southworth 1 George Walker Jacob Merrick Willis Phelps Daniel Harris rf Samuel 8 Day Charles Merriam 7 William Birnie Lombard Dole VVM CONNER Jr Secretary i EDMUND REEMAN President 1 ly Western Mass Insurance Co OICE Bank ROW PITTSIELD Capital Stock $150000 This Company insures real and person al property against loss or damage by fire on favorable terms Looking glasses at The subscribers offer their entire stock of Mirrorfr at cost They have the very largest assortment in the city and persons furnishing their hou es with the above can do so twenty per cent less at their establishment than at any other place SKI NORTON Sign oi the Great Watch op Court Square SHEARS The' Sub scriber has made arrangements with ROSCIUS HEIN1SCH to keep a better stock of his Shearsand Scissors than has hitherto been kept in Boston and which he will continue to sell at the reduced prices He will also have as heretofore all kinds of Leon ard fc Shears constituting a full' assortment from the two best makers in the market of PATENT SHEARS Trimmers and Points and Raper and Scissors every pair being iully warranted and sold at wholesale and retail at the lowest prices Graduating Button Hole Cutters Also An assortment of Measures Pressing Irons Seaming Rollers Squares and a large variety of English Scissors and Shears Needles ana all kinas of Cutlery and Hardware or sale by 1 I MARTIN BRADORD i Importer of Cutlery Hardware and ishing Tackle 142 Washington Street (nearly opposite achool Street Boston) i Cutlery sharpened and repaired in the best manner n26 law4wd i Hampden Stock nail Mntutil 1RJE 1NSU RANCK COMPANY Office in No 9 oot's Building corner of Main and State streets Springfield Mass '1 Capital $1 OOOOO Continue to insure: on the Stock and Mutual plauphatards by ire on Real and Personal property on as favorable terms as any sound and res ponsible Stock or Mutual Company Oliicera John Mills President CALHOUN GeoiW Rice Secretary vI Pynchon Treasurer DIRECTORS 'J: MANUACTURER Oh i A ll kintla Of Building Stones AND DEALEfi IN 1 MONSON' AND QUINCY GRANITE Ldngmeactow Portland and Jersey REESTONE Monuments Posts Caps and Sills Steps Underpinning lagging Soapstone Itegis 1 ters Boiler Tops Sinks Stove Linings loot Stones Lyman St Sfbingkikld tf Maps LIT API CORNELL General En JLJL gravers and Primera No 399 Broadway en trance in Walker St Orders by Mall or Telegraph promptly attended to' Expresses I TpDWARDS1 SAN ORD CO or aJJ eign Express No 86 Broadway' Goods and packages forwarded to and from all parts of the world Agents in Springtield Adams Co 'Hot Air urnaces Jtc 1 VAVID CULVER (Inventor and JLZ Patentee) 52 Cliff St Manuf and Dealer whole sale and retail in I BN ACES EEG 181 Eli fa VEN TILATORS RANGES India Rubber Goods ROGERS WYCKO 23 Court JLl landtbt India Rubber COATS PIANO COV ERS CW1HS GRESS BOOTS WEBBING fco 4o ENRY DAVENPORT 86jSTsZ AJL Manufacturer and Dealer in every description oi PATENT RUBBER ABltlCS 1 an cy Rubber Goods aud Lightning Rods AM QUIMBY SONS Dealers in improved Rods Office 132 East 27th St and IS Nassau St Locomotive Needle and ancy Goodin ft HOS EDWARD GILL of JL' ancy Goods HOSIERY GLOVES LACES and CMBR01DER1ES Agents wanted lor their lo comotive Needles No 14 Dey St Machinery and Machine Tool Machinery Depot 62 Courtlandt street MACH1 EBY MACHINE IUOL8 and Patent PLANING MA CHINES 1 i Depot 109 JLd Pearl and 60 Beaver street MACHINIST'S VOOLS from the best makers iu the comitiy I Marblcixed Iron and Wood CO Manufacturers of JU Lignehus Marble Wareroom No 534 Broad way factory corner of Center anu Iraukun streets 4th story room Noll PERCUSSION SEAL SHIPLEY BROTHERS Merchants and Bankers Percussion Seal Press for stamping En velopes Checks Drafts This invaluable invention is now extensively used by the Banks and Merchants of New York Philadelphia and all the principal uities east and west and is so compact in that it can be carried in the pocket or stamping Checks or Drafts or to prevent epufiterfeitihg they present great induce ments to all needing them They cost but little and are warranted to give satisfaction for one year Sam ples of Dies may be seen at No 16 State street Boston where orders will be received 'my28tf COMORT LANE Sole Agent 1 i THE SUBSCRIBER has always for sale PIANO ORTES care lliillv selected from 7' Gilbert ami other celebrated manufactories and otters at the lowest prices instruments ip any style of cases: unsurpassed in depth purity and richness of tone and durability of workmanship with all the modern im provements and either with or without Gilbert im proved patent JEOL1AN ATTACHMEN'l Having had ten years successful experience in the Piano trade every instrument will be fully warranted PIANOS TO LET 1 THOMAS QHUBBUCK o21 SU opposite Chicopee Bank Conway Mutual ire Ins Co CONWAY MASS A 4 Persons wishing to' insure on the "Mu tual plan in a safe dividend paying Co are invited to make application There are two classes of risks taken by this Co the hazard of one class in no case affecting the other Bisks upon arm Houses Barns and their contents and Dwellings in cities and villages are taken in the first class at low rates of premium the second class a more hazardous description of property is taken at higher rates of premium but no special hazards are taken at any price By dividing its risks this Company are able to do the business of two distinct Companies at a small expense relatively By prudent management economy of expenditure and prompt and honorable dealing this Co has obtained the public confidence and will endeavor to preserve it by future fair dealing This Co have never made assess ments and if prospered as heretofore will be a constant dividend pay ing Co Applications for insurance can be made at Office opposite Chicopee Bank in building James 8 Whitney Asa Howland 13d inund 'Bnrke Hamilton ranklin Childs Con way Cushman Bernardstou Whitney Shelburne alls Wait Beman Ashrield Lewis Bod man Williamsburg Walter Bowdoiu Springfield William Elliot Greenfield: McGil very Boston fl vo JAMES 8 WHITNEY Bres Jos Sprague Secretary jy30 tf SPRINGIELD ire and Marine luurunce Company Of Springfield Mass City Hotel Block f' Capital Stock $150000 Continue to insure against ire aud the hazards of Marine and Inland Navigation on the most favorable terms Seth Grosvenor NY! Wm Russell Edw A Lambert Geo Morton 1'ruyn Albany Brewster Oswesro Condit pty at jn 0 1 oot Bunaing to OR SALE 20 shares of Springfield Bank 8 shares of Chicopee Bank1 12 shares of Western Bank 12 shares of Cabot Bank 9 shares bf John Hanco*ck Bank 10 shares of Pynchon Bank 11 shares of Agawam Bank 50 shares of Bank of Commerce 20 shares of South River Cutlerv Co 9 shares of Springtield Aqueduct Co 85000 Corning Buffalo li 7 per ct Bonds $10000 Milwaukie and Mississippi 8 per ct Bonds Three elegant residences on Maple street i our ao do on Howard street One very desirable on Chesnut street Several excellent houses on Main street A neat cottage very cheap on Park street A magnificent villain Longmeadow A woolen factory in Springfield A cotten factory in Jenksville Desirable farms in Chicopee West Springfield Aga wam Longmeadow anu other places BILLS OP EXCHANGE ON EUBOEE Blake Howe Co on Geo Co London Carney Sleeper on Provincial Bank of Ireland Enoch Tram Co on their agents in Liverpool Edwards Sanford Co on their agents in London PASSAGE TICKETS PROM ENGLAND AND IRELAND Old Black Star Line to New York and Boston Enoch Train Line Packets to Boston Glidden Williams Line to California and Australia Apply to 1 a 1 8 NOYES 1 7 No 7 Building 1 Daniel i Boston Henry Hall John Williams Wm Shirwin I Thomas Cushine fC CARTWRIGHT Samuel Hunt 8 NOYES Agent for Springfield and vicinity MUTUAL LIE INSURANCE CO' BOSTON WILLARD PHILLIPS President I DlBEOTOKS 'f Willard Phillips Charles CurtisM Wilder 1 t1' Nathaniel Cunningham George Kuhn i i Chas Hubbard Sewall Tappan Thomas A Dexter Charles Brown 0 William Perkins' A Thaxter Jr 1 Benj Stevens Secretary This is th'e oldest Mutual Life Insurance Company in New England and has an accumulated capital of more than 1 500000 Dollar in Cash I Thereby affording the most perfect security to insur ers 1 a California and other risks taken at the lowest rates Pamphlets containing information on the subject? and the yearly report of the Company furnished to ap plicants 1 Application may be made at No 7 Building corner of Main and State streets Springfield to i HENRY STERNS or NOYES MOXTAGUE Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Boot and Shoe Linings Suspender andRoller Leather Upper and Sole Leather ET Cash paid for hides opposite Armory s7 11 8TA1LOK BOOK: AND JOB PRINTER BY STEAM POWER SANORD STREET Next Door to the Republican Office 'SPRINGIELD MASS tty The most extensive Establishment in Western Massachusetts No 59 State street Boston' 1 dibeotobs (I (C Oai ij I 1 1 1 i till 1 1 i'l I 1 1 rl ii1 Ti 'h ir mt or A it t'A LA S' 1 i 1 1 itw in A al' J' ilnil it.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.