The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1940 RADFORD ON TRIAL IN BRAWL, SHOOTING Brass Rail Cafe Proprictor and Dr Riordan Testify Paquin Changes Plea to Guilty in Incest Charge Alexander Radford. 22. of 49 FrankJin street was placed on trial before a superior court jury yesterday on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and carrying a pistol without authority. The indictments resulted: from A street brawl and shooting affray at Sharon and Dwight streets the night of March 16, when Andrew Williams was struck in the arm by one of several pistol shots, allegedly fired by Radford. Rostell C.

Wheeler, proprietor of the Brass Rail cate at 612 Dwight street, testified that an argument developed between several men in the cafe shortly before 9 on the night of the shooting, and that he. had ordered the men, including ladford, to 50 outside. The commotion and shooting followed a few minutes later, he said. Dr Arthur H. Riordan testified that ho had attended Williams for a bullet wound in the arm following the inciIdent.

Tried Before Judge Brown The case is beng tried before Judge Nelson I'. Brown, with Asst Dist-Atty Joseph F. Kelly appearing for the commonwealth, and Atty J. Clifford Clarkson representing the defendant. Leo I'.

Paquin, 39, of 353 Summer street, Holyoke, retracted a not guilty plea pleaded guilty yesterday to charge of incest involving an 18- year-old daughter, and was given a of five to years in state prison. The defendant was represented by Attys Samuel Resnic and Thomas A. McDonnell. Mrs Julia Keegan, president of the unit has appointed the following menhers to assist in the drive: Mrs Julia Keegan. "chairman; Mrs Alfred Douglas, Miss Theresa Douglas, Mrs Warren Rowland.

Mrs Bessie Hash, Miss Agnes Brouillette, MI's Barthena Wheeler, MI's Lester Barnum, Mrs Victoria Auger, Miss Helena Moynihan, Miss Julia Keegan, Miss Grace Phaneuf. PRELIMINARY SPEAKING CONTEST IS CONDUCTED The annual speaking theme the local American Legion, pupils of the Myrtle-street school. is now under way, liminary contests having ducted yesterday morning an direction From 24 of the contestants faculty. in boys and four girls were the finals: William Willis. the Donald Brockney," Edward Tippett.

"Patrick Floria Bissonnette, for the Laura Agnes Myers, "Flag inda Graveline, "America This class contest was faculty. IP 9B the following were Primo Marietti, "The flag Marshall Trombles. "Flag of John Fianagan, "We who a Stacia Filipiak, Margaret a Ryan. for Janc Clough. 'Our Of the 138 pupils in the 24 entered and the following clared winners: Raymond captain, my Howard, marelli.

Rita "Memorial Florence "Gettysburg Hazel Claire I'haneuf, fellow, my lad." Winners in the seventh Elwood Babbin. Gorard Robert Talbot. Evelyn ence Jahn, Adele Bengle. den and Nannett Bartlett. testants included Donald mond Odell.

Francis Zalewa, Vinton, Maurice Moriarty, Mareno, Alma Meregian, Barnes, Catherine Vinton, Gauthier, Lorraine Yelle. an. Mary Kalagian, Dorothy The preliminary winners pete in the finals to be school auditorium next ing. Comdr Arthur Auger man Arthur T. Parker of can Legion will select the for the finals.

As in past local post will award medals winners of the finals. Many Gift- for Trail Trailside museum in has been the recipient of number of gifts during month, one of the most being the collection of 15 birds of the eastern United The doners of the collection Anne M. Farr, Mrs Charles Mrs Harry R. Avery and Farr. The collection is said excellent shape although it in its glass case for more years.

lt has also been that the Trailside aquariums stocked with water plants and fresh water fish will today with the State Utilities The annual poppy sale by the installed. There is department Announcement of the pro- American Legion auxiliary opened yes- the water cage at Barney posed merger WAS made earlier in terday and will continue today. Funds he ready by next week so the week. Applications ask approval derived from will be used alligators and pond turtles of combination and approval of is- for the benefit of disabled veterans. I played.

From Our Special Reporter Roston, May 17-Application for merging of the Leominster Electric Light and Power, Leominster Gas and Middlesex Electric companies with Wachusett Electric company was News of the State House AUTO REGISTRATIONS SHOW LARGE INCREASE From Our Special Reporter May 11-Automohile regis. trousers of insued this in year the totaled first 774.111, four 0. 28,583 more than Issued during the same period of Registrar Frank A. Goodwin has reported. The increased registrations brought into the state treasury 1316.26 more than was collected in fees the same period last year.

Keeping with increase in cars the -road wast the number of liconses issued to April 30. 'To this date, renewals and 22,661 original licenses were issued, or increases of 12570 and 2360, respectively, over the: comparable total for a year ago. Vehicles registered during April alnne this year totaled or an iocrease for the month of 2025 over last figures. The state also collected more in foes last month than a year A TO. SALTONSTALL FAVORS DEFENSE PROGRAM -From Our Special Reporter Boston.

May 17-Gov Saltonstall strongly indorsed the defense program outlined yesterday by President Roosevelt and promised his "full cooperation toward this important end." His statement "I am thoroughly in accord that the 'conntry be properly prepared and have an adequate defense and insofar as ain able governor. I shall 10- coperate in every way toward this Important hope the plans will he carefully and carried out efficiently. with as few mistakes as possible, in order that the government may accomplish this great undertaking at the smallest cost to the people." NO. COMMENT ON ERARD EXPENSE MATTER Tim Our Special Reporter Boston. May 17-Glov Saltonstall this afternoon declined to comment on the suggestion of Miss Marian C.

Nichols, civil service defender, that her lAstruct State Auditor Russell -A. Whod to chk the expense vouchers of the two members of the Civil Serv1c'e connnission who, she alleged, charged more than the law allows in their expense accounts for travel. have no comment on that," the governor said; when questioned. adding. "I have full confidence in William Rixby, the chairman of the commission." Bixhy made an investigation, at the order of, the governor, of the expenses of Commissioners Philip V.

Erard of Springfeld and Airs Mary Livermore Barrows of Melrose, and exonerated his colleagues. He said such allegations as made by Miss Nichole constituted "a poor 'reward" for long hours of service rendered the commonwealth by the pair, often at great Inconvenience to themselves. BARTOL PARKER GIVEN CONSERVATION POST From Our Reporter Boston. May 17-Conservation Commissioner. Raymond J.

Kenney. has announced the promotion of Bartol l'arker of Framingham to a new post in charge' of the publir relations work of the department. Mr l'arket has long been identified with conservation work and is the son of the late tarold Parker. at one time chairman of the State Forest commission and for whom the Harold Parker state forest at Andover WAS named. He has been connected with the conservation department for the past year, devoting most of hig time to the park and recreation work, but will now enter the broader of public relations for the entire department.

Educated at Milton academy and at Harvard college. where he captained the varsity football team. Mr Parker graduated from Boston University law school and is a member of the Massachusetts He has been a member of the House of Representatives and served on the committee on conservation during his time there. During the World war, he served with the Y. Mr.

C. A. in France. Commissioner Kenney announced that an important part of his conservation work will he conducted along educational lines, and Dr Parker is being assigned to handle this essential part of the department's procram, together with dissemination of public information. STATE HOUSE NOTES Aak.

U'tilities Merger suance by the Wachusett company 3200 shares of $100 par value stock, to buy the Leominster Electric com. pany; 4300 shares of similar stock to buy the Leominster Gas; and 500 shares of $100 par stock to buy the Middlesex company. These shares are addition to the 3373 shares par stock of the Wachusett company now outstanding. .1. W.

Coolidge for Senate Reprem-ntative Arthur W. Coolidge of Reading has announced his candidaey for the Republican senatorial nomination in the 5th Middlesex district. He has been in the House the past four years; is a graduate of Tufts college and Harvard Law school, a director in several banks and other institutions, Sessions at State House Representative William J. Sessions of Hampden was at the State House today in connection with the study ot governmental expenses by the way's and means committee, of which he 15 member. He returned from Florida last Week after spending the winter! at his sumner home there He was uncommunicative as to whether he will seek reelection, but left an impression that if the people of his new district want him, he would be candidate for another term.

Erickson Goes 1 to Maneuvers Adit-Gen Edgar C. Erickson and Gen Roger' Eckfeldt went tonight to Louisiana where they will attend troop maneuvers of the United States army. The maneuvers. the largest group of troops ever to participate at one time, will be held at Camp Beauregard, which is about five miles from Alexandria, La. All branches of service will he represented in the war games.

INDIAN ORCHARD MYRTLE STREET ROLL OF HONOR ANNOUNCED The toll of honor at the street junior high school for the marking period just ended includes the following AS announced by Principal Carroll W. Robinson: Special honors, grade 9.1, Ruth O'Connor, Estelle Roberts, Ardemis Tarpinian; 9B. Rose Biscotti, Alice Balboni, MarAuret Ryan; the Dorothy Desrosiers, Florence fa*gioli; 8B. Naldo Mammarelli, Teddy Swierad: TB, Nannette Bartlett; first honors. 9A.

Gloria Bissonnette. Laura Dyjak, Rita Methot, Leona Mireault; 98, Pearl Jansizian, Janet Emerson, John Flanagan. Stacia Filiplak, Barbara Arnold; 8A, Joan Meunier. Paul Piligian, Leonard Tetreault, William Howard; 8B, Edward Labineau, Horace Tippett. Clarice Allard: Dorothy Brady, Doris Chouinard, Evelyn Hastings; 7B, Ara Aykanian, Foster Boccagni.

William Camp, Marion Holton. Florence Jahn, George Groves, Alma Meregian. Joan Small. Rena Lavalley, Donald Young. Second honors, 9A, Mary Anderson, Joan Bednarz.

Leo Boucher, Jack Buckley, Lucille Ewell, Floyd Finch, Origene Gebo. Hermine Kojian. Jane Lazor. Michael Harrigan, Stella Bulat, Nowak, Agnes Roy, Helen Stabach, Theresa a Mayou, Irene Morin, Wanda William Willis, Ernest Lavallee. Theodora Morrissette.

Clarance Taylor; 38, Charlotte Warner. Therese Welch, Claire Boucher, Julia Cieplik; 8A. Jean Lyndes, Alfred Majewski, Anita Miner, Hazel Nystrom, Carie l'hancuf, Doris Williams. Vahan Almasian. Stanley Bubien, Raymond Desnoyers, Angeline Batista, Rita Bergeron, Rena Bracci, Dorothy Breck.

Rose Bulatowski, Natalie Gardner; 8B. Michael Maslowski. Leon Rabbit, David Robbing, Robert Watt, Dolores Benoit, Alberta Broadbent, Helen Derstepanian. Dorothy 7A. Adelle Bengle.

Dorothy Brodowski, Virginia Donigian, David Maher, Maurice Moriarty, Phyllis Jachym, Michael Sezocurka, Girard Desnoyers: TR, Theresa honi, Walter Hespelt, Orrin Wood, Francis Zelewa. 54 TO TAKE COMMUNION Fifty-eight children of St Aloysius's parish will receive their first holy communion in the church tomorrow children have received their instrucmorning at the 8 o'clock mass. These tions under the direction of the Sisters of the Assumption. Rev Everett Caplette, assistant pastor, will officiate at the mass and will preach the sermon. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 the members of the class will he guests at a program in the church that will he as follows: Rosary, instructions, renowal of baptismal vows.

reception of scapular, benediction, consecration and distribution of images and benediction of the blessed sacrament. CHILDREN'S FIRST COMMUNION The annual first communion for the children of St Matthew'y parish will he held tomorrow at the 8.30 01088. Hev James A. Dunphy will administer the sacrament and preach the mon. The class was prepared under the direction of the Sisters of St Joseph.



PONTIAC 1939 conv. coupe, cyl. Private sale $675. Tel. 2-3700-3-7937.

PLYMOUTH-1938 Deluxe sedan mechanically perfect. Must sell 9: Owner 22 Salem St. Ply m. '39 Del. Sedan.

7 others from 1934 up $100 to $615. 67 other used cars and Trucks $35 to $850. No Down pay't plan. Choose from these: Excellent selection. Auto Sales 95 Liberty next Ry.

Sta PONTIAC '36 Trg. Sed. in deep blue. Rastio heater. A smooth running car that you can have at an attrac, price.

This car will be sold quickly $385. Packard Motor Car' of N. 721 State St. Open Eves. 4-5681.

PRESTIGE That's what you'll have when your friends see you driving this '39 Packard 6 cyl. 1- Dr. Trg. Sed. You'll have economy of operation, too, as we can prove.

Finished in Black with white striping, smart broadcloth upholstery, a new set of tires. Large, roomy trunk, and a marvel mechanically. y. Has heater, defroster, overdrive, (for greater gas economy and longer motor life), clock, lighter. Driven only 14,000 miles by a careful owner.

On Sale at $825. PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF N. Y. 721 STATE ST.

OPEN EVES. 4-5681. PRIVATE 1936 Ford Fordor Tr. Redan, recond. Exceptional buy, Box 2192.

Union Office. SPFLD'S LARGEST USED CAR DEALER 3-DAY SPECIAL $39 Ford Coach $595; '38 P'lym, '37 Chev. $395: '36 Plym. $325; Ford Conv. $135; '38 Zephyr $793; $38 Plym.

('pach $493: '37 C'hev. Coach $375; '36 Plym. Coach $295; '33 Plym. Conv. $125.


Trg. Sed. $467 '36 Plymouth 2-Dr. Tre. Sedan $287 '31 Dodge 4-Door Sedan $187 Chevrolet Master 2-Dr.

Sedan $167 '38 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Dr. Trg. Sed. $487 '39 Dodge 2-Door Tour. Sedan 8637 '37 Ford 2-Door Sedan $287 F.

T. SANFORD CO. 618 STATE TRUCKS TEL. 4-8251. WILLYS 1937 SEDAN $200 Fiat Coupe.

Practically New Willys-Graham Sales. 136 Dwight. 4-1773. WILLY'S-1939 deluxe sedan $493: 34 Chevrolet 1-door trunck sedan $245. KittredgeGardner 11 Park Studebaker Sales Service 2-4184.

1936 BUICK Sedan. Del. Model," heater, radio. 4 new Firestone tires. Private owner.

Will sacrifice for cash. $70 for 1933 Olds sport coupe, good motor Webster's Garage, Rear 61 Taylor St. Trucks for Sale 11A A BARGAIN-39 International Tractor and Trailer, closed job, low mileage. Chic. 634.

COMPARE VALUE '37. Int. Pickup $250 '37 Chev. P'ancl $295 '38 Ford Panel $333 '39 Dodge 14 -Ton Panel $545 MANY OTHERS ALL PRICES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. 120 Memorial W.

Spfld. a DODGE 1934 Panel Truck, good cond. Priv. 3-6950 or 6-0735 Sun. or evenings.

DODGE '38 Panel $295 FORD '38 Sedan Delivery $475 LOUIS CHEVROLET, Thompsonville 4425 FORD ton truck for farm. Good' running cond. $50. Barnett Beach, Congamond. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRUCKS '37 Ford Panel $345 37.

Chev. 9-ft. Stake, Nuals $4950 I. Sanford 648 State St. 4-8251.

INTERNATIONAL 1938, dump truck. Excel. cond. Lester Sheldon, Fiskdale, Mass. Tel.

Fiskdale 1090J. TWO B.C. Mack dump trucks for sale. H. Bidwell Warehouse Point, Conn.

Tel. Windsor Locks 688. Anto GENDEN BROS. or new and used auto parts and rebuilt motors. Genden Cor.

Main Morgan Sts. 6-5481-2-3. Wanted Automobiles ABSOLUTELY high prices for used cars. Clinton Hotel Garage. 4-5028.

CASH for late model used cars. Kelleher Mixer, 464 St. James. 3-3116. JUNK--CarS wanted.

Bennie's Auto Exchange 286 Sharon St. SPOT CASH for late model cars, prompt action. all transactions confidential. C. Beswick, 835 White St.

2-1541. TOP PRICES for late models. Pine Point Motor. .1566 State. Open eves.

3-2543. WANTED 150 used cars. immediate cash. Only good cars consid. GEO.

A. BODFISH. 1336-40 State (opp. Mass Mutual). 6-4615.

BUSINESS SERVICES Building -Contractine 19 const. new. repairs, carpentry, Mooring. ceiling. Eatimate 8-9922 Repairing 22 BURNS, damages, rewoven, invisible, Local.

115 State, 4th Spfld. Reweaving 2-6163 CHAIRS- Reseated by the blind. Edw. Schuerer, 739 Fumner Ave. Tel.

2-0705. CHIMNEYS cleaned, repaired. All kinds roofs repaired, rebullt. SpAd. Chimney 4-5066.

LIVING ROOM SUITES reupholstered, rebuilt. recovered, refinished, Free estimates. Guaranteed job only $23. $1 A week. Mr.

Shatz. Tel. 7-3535. REAL ESTATE--Repair maintenance work. Workmanship and materials guar.

at prices submitted in advance. REAL ESTATE MAINTENANCE CO. JAMES E. DAVIS, PRES. STATE ST.

TEl. 4-7388. Painting--l'anering A better painting Job inside or out, also paperhanging. Reas. Dial 8979.

PAINTING PAPERING COLLINS, TEL. 3-6237 Moving -Trucking ANDERSON BENSON CORP. 2-8166. Furniture piano moving, local long diN. storage.

157-159 Lebanon St. CALI, CHARLIE. Local, long distance moving. Daily Boston trips. 4-1411.


385 LIBERTY ST. TRUCKING TRUCKING--RIGGING--MOVING -MOVING f*ck's Transfer Since 1880. 3-5147. Protessional Service 27 ANNOYING hair And facial blemishes painlessly removed. Physicians' references.

Amos Nichols Katherine E. Nichols Electric Needle Specialists 1503 Main. 4t Est. 1892. Tel.

ELECTROLYSIS, a method both safe and permaneut in the removal of Superfluous Hair. Sadie E. Bohling, 1331 Main St. Room 603. Beauty Schools 27A BURREBY-ROSE Beauty' Academy A-1 in training facilities.

30 experience. Free Service, 1433 Main St. 3-4810. DOERR ACADEMY of Beauty Culture. Dav eve classes.

live models. Doerr's 167 State. Arcade Bldg. 3-3017. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 A GIRL for general housework, stay nights.

404 Wilbraham AN HONEST. reliable couple to manage rooming house in north end of city. No children, husband helps in spare time. Box 192. Union Office.

COOKS-Serond girls, chambermaids, waitresses. generals, excellent openings now. Brooks Emp. Bureau, Great Barrington, Masa. CAPARLE mother's helper, over 21.

Stay nights. 4-1229. GIRL. who is good with children to help in family. $5.

Stay nights. 4-8898. GIRL 16 or 17 (Polish or French), housework. Mrs. Field, 68 Temple St.

HOUSEKEEPER for Business Coupe. chiid. Stay nights. Rox 190, Union Office HOUSEKEEPER for widower 2 small children. For information, call 4-0251 after 8 p.

m. NURSE MAID to care for 3 children and assist with housework. Willing to. go to country for the summer. Local reference required.

Tel. 7-1083 Sun. morning. SECRETARY college English major, under 30. Bennett Placement.

168 Bridge St. Tel. 3-7813. WANTED-ligh School girl to care for children. Glenwood: Section.

Help Wanted 33 AT HANLEY'S- man, around sumhotel kitchen. 25-35. also hotel bandy man. Call this morning. 74 man.

BARRER wanted. downtown, steady. Age nationality, references. Box 177, Union. Union-Republican Daily News, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING One Rate, Four Papers Combined Morning and Evening Circulation Over 130,000 27c per line per day for 1 day 25c per line per day for 3 days 13c per line per day for 6 days 16c per line Sunday contests on the sponsored by among the junior high the prebeen conunder the 9A.

three selected for "Song of Our Henry's "A song Dyjak, "Our Clarfor me." judged by the selected: gone the are makes a "America flag." eighth grade were deDesnoyers. William Naldo DamBergeron, fa*gioli, Nystrom. "Young grade were: Desnoyers, Joyce DearHastings, a FlorOther conYoung. RayHoward Mildred Shirley Marion Eunice CowBrady. will comheld in the Friday mornand Chairthe Amerifive judges years, to the ide Forest park A large the past substantial mounted States.

are Miss L. Frank, William F. to he in has been than 30 announced. were on May 6 soon he possibility that pond" will that the can be dis- CLOGGED DRAINS "electrocleaned" or no charge. No digging.

Roto- Rooter Sewer Service. Any hour, any day. 4-3754. CIGARET mothnoles, tears woven. clothing.

rugs, invisible ing Textile Reweaving. State St 4-7041. Est. 1899 ELECTRO ROOTER- -Power sewer cleaner, special wires for waste pipe traps. J.

SINGLETON, Master Plumber. 3-1219. Florists BIG supply of best variety of tomatoes, vegetable bedding plants. Reasonable. John's Green 0-2132.

SELLING OUT- Arborvitaes spruce trees 35c: peonies 35c; 3 for $1. 22 Ontario, off Newbury. SPECIAL LAWN GRASS- Seed tertilizers, also fresh cut Wenk'. Florists, 128 Hanco*ck St. Tel.

3-1197. Lost and round 10 FOUND auto tire, owner may have by identifying. Call 3-4267. LOST- -Lady's gold wrist watch, Thurs. night, Victoria Orange St.

bus. 2-7293. LOST--Ring with 3 diamonds 2 rubys, Sunday night, Lorraine Spaghetti Palace. Reward. Capen louse.

Northampton. LOST fawn colored hound, Monday in Chicopee. Tel. Chic 816W. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles tor Sale AT HAVENS 1939 Olds.

4-dr. white-wall tires, radio, heater, defroster, 12,000 miles, very nice $715 1937 Ford Club Conv. Coupe, white- wall tires. Radio, Very Classy $445 1934 Plym. 2-Dr.

Trunk Sedan $295 1938 P'lymouth Coupe $393 1938 Plymouth 4-Dr. Trunk Sedan $395 Cor. Sumner Ave. Allen St. AT PINE POINT MOTOR SALES! '39 Chrysler Deluxe Sedan Overdrive $795 Studebaker Ned.

Climatizer $793 '38 Hudson Del. 15,000 miles $197 '38 Stude. Trk. H. $393 Ford Deluxe Trk.

Sedan $193 '35 Reo S. S. Trk. Sedan $193 '34 Ford Deluxe Coach $125 Ford 83 Tudor, reconditioned $325 '33 Ford Coupe, Radio 85 '32 Studebaker 6 Sedan. H.

R. 93 1366. STATE ST. OPEN EVES. 3-2542.

At Teagan Motors Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 39 Ply. dr. R'aking. excellent $523 38 Ply. dr.

Trk. Sed. Rad. $495 Ply. 4 dr.

Trk. Sed. very good 37 DeSoto Trk. Sed. Heater, special $150 Chrysler Roy, Sed.

R. Re I. $175 P'ly. R. S.

Cpe. Heater $375 Graham Sed. R. H. $340 Just off Memorial Bridge, W.

S. Tel. 2-0092 BETTER BUY FROM BODFISH $99 O1: LESS '3: Dodge Sedan Ford Viet. Ford Coupe Ford Panel '33 Pontiac Coupe Pontiao Sedan Cher. Doly Essex Coupe '30 Buick Adstr.

'31 Willy Sedan Ford Tutor '30 Dodge Sedan '34 Chev. C'oach Nash Sedan Ford Sedan Packard Sedan 34 Terraplane Cpe. Chev. Panel '31 lupy. Sedan Essex Coach 1'33 Chrysler Conv.

Stude, Sedan 1'33 P'lym. Coach Chev. Coach Stude. Sedan '33 Terraplano Ned. '33 Chev.

r. '31 Franklin Sedan Chev. Sedan '32 Graham Sedan Chev. Conv. Cab.

Essex Coach 4'31 Buick Sedan '31 Coach Chev. Sedan lord ('hev. Coupe '31 Olds Coach Buick Sedan Pontiac Coach Dodge Coupe '32 Willys Sedan Chev. Sedan '33 Plym. Sedan Olds Sedan 100 More From $125 to.

$750 Open Evenings Easy Terms GEORGE A. BODFISH 1236-1210 State St. Tel. 6-4615 CHEV. 39 Deluxe Town Sedan $497 CHEV.

'38 Deluxe Town Sedan $393 '35 PORDOR Sedan $143 LOUIS CHEVROLET, Thompsonville 4125. CHEV. 1939 Sport Sedan, radio heater, 8800 miles. Call 2-9664. CHEVROLET 1938 Master Del.

Town radio heater. Private party, leas. Tel. 2-2732. CHEVROLET 1938 tour, $527, fine buy for some one.

Warriner-Pontiac 883 Main St. Open evenings. 2-6201. CONV. COUPE And it's A.

Beauty, Packard 1937. 6 cyl. Conv. Coupe in A beautiful iridescent green. A one-owner car always serviced by this Company.

The tires are new, Tan Burbank Top and the interior is in smooth soft green leather. las Deluxe Radio, Heater. Clock. Lighter. conditioned and rarin' 1n go.

On Sale at PACKARD MOTOR CAR ON N. Y. 721 STATE ST. OPEN EVES, 4-3681. DODGE 4-dour tourg.

private party Very clean, 414 White St. FORDS FORDS FORDS '38 Dol. very clean. $430; '09 2-Dr. $100: $37 Del, $760; 37 Model radio.

heater, '36 2-Dr. $200: '36 4-Dr. Del. $285: '37 A station Wagon, $497; 136 Station Wagon, $150: '34 5-pass Club Coupe, motor overhauled. $130; '37 Cabriolet, very clean, run Ines than 15.000 miles, $375: '32 Coach, '33 Coach, $73: Deluxe Sedan, $155.

Cash Easy Terms, Open Eves. D. ACKERMAN, 48 Willow St. 1-5887. FORD 1934-Coach.

new engine. job guaranteed 20,000 talles. Cheap. Apply At once. Box 191 Union Offire.

HUDSON. CLUB COUPE. 1938, heater. only $343. Louis Cohen.

493 Main. St. Open Evenings. Tel. 4-8894.

PACKARD 1937, 2 dr. touring sedan, factory built -in radio, heater. defrosters. fog lights, white walled tires. Car like brand new, $125..

George Silva, 296 Belmont Ave. PIERCE ARROW 1936 Trunk Sedan, 8-Cyl. HAs had excel. care and is in beautiful condition. Driven only.

37.000 miles by one owner. Color in deep maroon. Tires show little wear. $495. Packard Motor Car Co.

of N. 721 State St. Open Eves. 4-5681. PLYMOUTII 1939 Del.

2-dr. tour. A-1 condition. Private owner. 4-1832.

FLY MOUTH 193T, good, light. economical little coupe, looks and runs like new. George Silva. 295 Belmont Are. PONTIAO Del 4 dr.

Tr. Sed. 11 14.000 miles like new, priv. owner $625. 4-4429.

3 PLYMOUTH 1936. 4 dr. trunk sedan. paint, tires. upholstery.

motor very good, $330. George Silva, 206 Belmont Ave. ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE 5 Help Wanted -Male 33 Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 Wanted to Buy 66 3 FARMER, American, capable of running a BLUE CROSS t.ger and white male cat, one ABSOLUTELY BEST CASH PRICES paid do dairy a good farm. job Must at general farming. Box year.

TIQUES. ECONOMY FURN. CO. 2-0145. be able to milk and Cal.

4-0787. for FURNITURE. RUGS, 179, Union Office. or black. Very reds.

Amherstena Ken- ANTIQUES, marble top tables, hair cloth co*ckER Spaniel puppies, registered, red CABINET MAKERS exp. in store fixture nels, Amherst. parlor plated silverware, etc. Ileywood Sts. Should be seen to be appreciated.

108 ton. 3-7041. 6 work Pava Store Equip Co. Cor. Liberty PEDIGREED DO Siamese kittens, 3 mos.

old. prices. RICHMOND 32 PatEXPERIENCED man of good character, lenwick St. 2-7829. ANTIQUE glass, china, books ing possessing into position executive of general abllity, painter fore- PLUCKING, clipping, striping, boarding attention.

t-7087 or Box 2162 Union Off. for groom- bought. Highest cash prices, immediate man to handle large exterior and in- bathing 74 Kenwood Pk. JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH 2-8442. terior jobs throughout New England.

POMERANIANS male puppies. L. M. for Used Books, Antique Furniture and' Must have rigger's license. Willing to Burgess, Main Wilbraham.

Tel. 67-13 Antiques. 1979 Main St. Dial 2-6221. work out of State when required.

Excel- SCOTTIES, co*cker Spaniels, Collies, RAGS--Papers aud all kinds of junk. lent wages to right party, Write, stating Chows. Terriers plucked. Lewis' Ken- Call 7-2093 or 1-8839. age, experience, references to Box 2195, nels, 1139 Allen.

2-0740. Union Office. WE BUY all kinds used. also anHOUSE BOY 16 or 17. Polish or French.

Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 tiques. Essex Furn, 2073 Main St. 3-7473. Mira. Field, 68 Temple St.

care of A by a PRETTY young Morgan lady. Box saddle 13, Te mare, Spencer, ridden Mass. ROOMS AND BOARD JANITOR building. WANTED--Apt. Union for Office.

GOOD FAMILY CO COW for sale. Chas. B. MAN for general farm work. Labb Farm, Fitchet.

Fair Oak Road. Sixteen Acres. Rooms With Board 67. S. West Feeding Hills.

JUST received a carload of horses. Also a FOREST 100m, next bath, MIDDLE -AGED farm hand, good home, number of good saddle horses. fo ponies, elderly lady, hot cold water. 3-9307. small wages.

F. Bovard, Springtield, Sta. 52. East Windsor Hill. Ct.

FOREST board in priv. fam3 second hand teams. W. H. Tromley, Mass.

Rt. 1. 1 Prout Hoe: 2 Cul- ily. desired 6-7490. PLUMBER (Single) to work part time in TO BE tivators; sold 1 jointly: Syracuse Plow; 1 Disc Har- HILL SECTION- -Room in private family, exchange for furnished room rent.

130x row; 1 spike tooth Ilarrow; I one-horse Meals optional. Garage. Tel. 2-5252. 180, Union Office.

spring wagon. 1133 Bay City. MAIN 2612-Board, room and laundry, SHORT ORDER COOK. JACK'S WANTED -Mowing machine, NEt- $8.60. Peat.

Tel. 3-0644. AMHERST, MASS. tur and set of tractor disc harrows. Box "THE U'nion single WANTED a man by month.

$25 board 2192 Union Offire. room, with private bath. Tel. room. Tel.

T'Ville 3405. YOUNG registered guernsey vow, also young A grade guernsey cOW. ready to freshen. Rooms Without Board 69 Male Help--Salesmen 33-A Thomas Walsh, Worthington, Mass. A BRIGHT- Newly turn.

front 5 min. BRANCH OFFICE--Can place (2) young 30 TO 100 pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old. llarvey from Kimball. Priv. a fam.

Reas, 4-4488. men (20-25). Can earn $5 per day at Foster, 1300 Wilbraham Road. A-1 ROOM with running water. Parking start.

Do not apply unless you are sin- 49 spare or garage. 314 St. James Ave. cero and want to work. Mr.

Loder, Poultry and Supplies Hitchco*ck Bldg. A BETTER price for your live poultry. A CLEAN room. very central. 68 TemEXCELLENT proposition for salesmen Harry Solomon, 1734 Allen St.

4-1774. ple St. Mrs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. with cars. Apply to 8. p. m.

only. Mr. kinds of poultry supplies. ORDER AUBURN, 2142 Main, with or without priv. Connell, 200 Locust St.

ALL chicks and Purina Startena NOW at bath. Excel. fire protection. 6-9744. MFG.

wants men over 21 with car to check Methe's Checkboard Stores. 2-1194. BATINES HOTEL-837 Main runand look after business in vicinity of ning water, shower, $3, $4. Tel. 6-9607.

Chicopee, Holyoke Ware. Must A PILCH chick day pays old more profits. started Red, sex BARNES Main rooms, he neat, steady honest. Write Box crosses, rocks, Feeding running water, shower, Tel. 170 Union Office.

chicks 93 right. C. Pilch, 4-9007. NEAT APPEARING person, with car, to Hills. living priv.

bath. the 1 to 3 sell "Golden Rule Groceries" and "'house- ALWAYS best prices paid, for poultry West Kent. Exclusive, quiet home, Spfld St. hold supplies" direct to consumer in Superman, 933 Memorial 8-8461. Springfield and vicinity.

Apply Box for all LIVE poultry, BOWDOIN with hot cold 3-2371. Union Office. extra pay for pullets. Hughes. 2-6134.

water. Well frec parking space. BEST PRICES paid SPECIALTY salesmen, route men and di- CHICKS--Famous, Pinecre-t reds, 4 1105. CLEAN rms. $2.50.

$3.50, 75c, $1 sellers, should see the nationally prices. Booklet, co*ckerels daily. 234 Worthington St. 2-8380. advertised Puro Line at now salesroom, Credit, redured 2-6134.

COOLIDGE HOTEL--Daily rates, $1, Li 173 Chestnut (near Worthington). CHIX-Better quality. Hill's weekly rates, $4, $5, $6, Free 3c each. McMurdy's Hatchery. Open Evenings.

HILL'S Feeding Hills. 0-7073. parking. 2787 Main St. 4-3580.

TWO young school men age education 18 to and 21, be free to R. I. RED N. I. Red chicks, 1.

to 10 CROWN HOTEL, 13 Lyman nicely must have Hatchery. high furnished. Salary old 10c; sexed Red bullets 00 Co furn. run. water shower.

$3, $4 travel. See Transportation Mr. Deeken Hotel Worthy davs accurate 15c: SAX linked black nullets $3 week. elev. service.

honus. 4 7.30 to 9 evenings. 15c; pullorum clean stock. Send for cir- DESIRABLE rm. for businesswoman in WANTED-? Salesmen to cover Palmer cular.

McKinstry Farms, 135 McKins- large sunny apt. with porches. Hill vicinity, also Thompsonville vicinity try Chicopee. Tel. 292.

10 minutes from library. Call after with sales experience to sell bottled gas. WANTED--Large chickens, fowls and broil- P. m. Tel.

Must have car. Salary and commission. ers. We pay more, F. J.

Belazo. 3-2310 DICKINSON 296-Front 4 winWrite P. O. Box 62, Springs, WANTED--Live poultry. Get best deal dows.

cont. h. $3. 6-3869. Gar.

Conn, from S. Glater, 67 Mayfair. FOREST PARK INN-46 Forest Park Ave. YOUNG MEN, 18-25, to assist circulation in special cam- Wanted--Livestock 50 pleasant furnished rooms Board optionadvertising Introductory al. 4-9885.

paign; must be neat and free to travel, ex- ALL LIVE poultry wanted. Good prices. I. HILL SECTION- -Nicely furnished front with perience your traveling unnecessary: expenses paid if satis- Kaplan. 134 Knollwood St.

3-5403. room, $3. Free parking. 107 salary guaranteed after three days' Ave. ficd training and here: I satisfactory have organized here for 20 MERCHANDISE HOTEL HAWKINS.

1340 Main comf. years; company 34 years in business. Apply 51 running water. $3. others $2.50.

daily between 4-9 p. Hotel Springfield. Articles for Sale LARGE FRONT ROOM. 297 UNION ST. 1827 Main St.

A. B. Moore. BELL HOWELI demonstrator 6mm (CORNER SCHOOL ST.) Help--Male or Female projector, guaranteed, 500 watt $79.50. lamp, f1.6 Easy lens, terms.

fac- NORTH MAIN ST. near hath, kit. wanted for appearances tory Shop, 1688 privileges. Woman. on old pension pref.

RADIO amateurs of United Luggage Camera. 6-3053. on local stages. Apply to nanagers Main opp. Lyman St.

Jefferson or Strand Theaters. compartment. Reg- PEARL ST. 57-2 large pleasant rooms, DESK with typewriter 3 ininutes walk to downtown. Suitablo Situations Wanted Female 36 ular size.

$12. Call 6-3574. for 3 gentlemen. Board optional. Marion CARE OF invalid or housework.

Lyndale A. m. St. electric motor, low price. Thomas Dyer, 8 FOR SALE- -Deep well pump.

H. P. by 'Brennan to 3 p. m. week days only.

87 St. Tel. 4-1291. PLEASANT cool room modern home, COMPETENT woman wants washing, iron- 1410 Parker beautiful location, West Spfld. 6-0690.

ing or cleaning by hour or day. 2-3975. FOR interested SALE apply to Box refrigerator 184 Union Office. SHERMAN 14-(At At Winchester -Plywood cases. If HOUSEKEEPING position wanted for GOLFERS Used Clubs and Bags.

Cheap. newly toilet, devorated week large room. complete. running Inq. WA- 786 gentlemen 975.

or business Pauly's, 18 Wight Off Broadway. Scate St. Tol. 7-0277. couple.

Ref. P. O. Box desires house- Business Equipment 52 running hot cold 138-Large water. Also small windows, rm.

SPRING PROTESTANT woman, 40. Refs. keeper's Write position, call near Carrie Allen, 33 Wil- AIR-COMPRESSOR. D. like STATE 907-PLEASANT ROOMS Springfield.

Best Jiam. Shelburne Falls. new: $175. Sumner Byrnes Ave. Dodge Tel.

7-9141. Plymouth FOR RENT. Situations Wanted -Male 37 Agency, 34 used. STATE 1469-Attrac. furn.

pleas. BARGAINS in store fixtures, now sunny priv. home. Pking space. A-1 AUTO mechanic.

specializing in elec. Stein's, 868 Main Springfield, or 3-4711. si And 173 carburetor Union service, Office. yrs. used store fixtures STATE 4 rooms.

modern; 15 exter. 512 High Holyoke. Box BEST VALUES, new Store Equip. newly decorated. Call 7-0277.

EXPERIENCED dump truck driver, for every business. lleywood Pava Sts. THE ROOM you have been looking for! Sterling and Mack. or night garage wall modern office Sales, $2.75. Newly furnished.

11 Mattoon. Liberty work, washing. greasing, etc. Best of LARGE light references. Box 187, Union Office.

steel or wood, flat or roll top desks, THE HOMESTEAD-19 Bliss central. files, tables, chairs. Holyoke Auction Hskpg. also singles, all reas. FINANCIAL 524 High Holyoke.

$4.50 A WEEK WITH BATH TYPEWRITER in all makes, GUESTS LAUNDRY FREE Business Opportunities 38 Springfield Typewriter Exchange, MILNER HOTEL, 76 LIBERTY ST. ANY legitimate business. buying or selling. 363 Bridge St. $3.50 3-7724.

A WEEK see us at 1618 Main St. Room 503. Boats and Accessories THE REIN HOTEL ANY stores. mdse, stocks, fixtures PYNCHON STREET bought type for cash. Allen Zundell.

4-8337. CANOES for sale. Jette's Boat House, "GUESTS' LAUNDRY FREE" 269 East Main Chicopee Falls. COAST TO COAST trial $50 CONFECTIONERY weekly net. Box 183.

Union Off. COMPLETE Display, Evinrude, Elto motors. Store for sale, give economi- boats, supplies. DeMontigny, 832 State. 1 Rooms for Housekeeping 69 cal to operate.

Well laid out. Price OLD TOWN Row boats $49: Evinrude A CLEAN room, central, adults. CONFECTIONERY luncheonette, 68 Ternlow. 4-9563. motors, Century boats.

Belque's, 154 High, ple St. Mrs. Field, Tel. 2-0331. STORE with Post Office in it Holyoke.

1st. FURN. floor. room 31 Scargeant kitchenette, St. aiso 2-2841.

single Only store. no TIME to trade for a new Evinrude. Law. COUNTRY that pays $400 a Established yearly. 100 years.

Now rence N. King. Southwick. Mass. competition.

2 furn. housekeeping operating, showing good profit. Attrac- Building Materials 51 priv. home. $6.

wk. 4-0155. tive, clean 5-room apt. bath. Present LARGE front rm.

for light housekeeping owner has made fortune operating store BARGAIN 1. bag cement mixer, good or sleeping. Reas. 40 Sargeant St. the past TEArS.

and wants to condition, $75. Call 13 Union Hol- MAIN Leyden" 2 retire. "HARRY CROSS. Ilebron, N. H.

voke. S. Bielanski. $5.50 week. including electric gas.

good business. Modern fixtures. Household Goods 39 MAIN 2882-Jefferson liouse, hskpg. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS--Meats ATORent ceries, $35 month. Sickness owner.

4-8200. A BARGAIN in linoleum. 5 sq. ads. $1.

Cut sleep. $2.50 free parking. 3-5321 Box 195, Union Office. from full roll. Bring measurements of MIDDLE-AGED widow would like French FOR SALE -Customer list of W.

G. room. Union 991 Main speaking couple two ladies to share and Suit Business, $25. St. Open evenings.

her home. Box 178 Union Office. Severy Shoe Write Box 7 Wilbraham, Mass. AT PROCTER-FLANAGAN. 138 State St.

ONE-ROOM-Light housekeeping single SALE -Established Ice Business in Reconditioned electric refrigerators from Aleeping rin. 180 Union near Maple. FOR small town; approximately 300 custom- $29.50, Console radios. $9. STATE ST.

55-2 furn. rooms. steam Will sell Ice and Ice House or resi- BEAUTIFUL household 1469 State furniture and 2-4711. rues. heat.

hot water. gas range. Adulta. 'rS. dence with it.

Inquire Room 518, 31 Elm Must be wold. 1 or 5 LARGE 2nd floor, near bath.Nt.. City. CHILIS METAL CRIB-Amer. walnut Every convenience furnished.

Medford FOR SALE- Cafe, dine, $10,000 0 annually finish. with mattress. Never used. Price st. net profit.

Box 182, Union Office. $10. Tel. 6-8498, 4 FOR SALE-High Class cafteria. nets EASY washing machine, White wringer REAL ESTATE FOR RENT $6000 'Box 181.

Union Office. type. $10: Chambers gas fireless range, NEW roadside stand for rent oll heavily good white with condition. black (all trim, 6-3209 $23. betw.

9 Both in 3. Apartments and Flats 74 traveled road, very reasonable rent. A BETTER 78 Belmont Ave. 2. 3 Newcomb, Ware tenter.

EDWARDS SUMMER SPECIALS! rms. 2-9063: Central St. 120. 2 4 rms. old Colonial brick home, has been eral Reautiful styles of Gliders at outdoor Attractive chairs.

prices. Edward's 4-2566; Ft. Pleasant Ave. 59 3-4 Sev9-room used A8 AN Inn on large corner lot on Furniture. 890 State St.

Open eves. 6-3261. 6-6542: Elliot St. 68 3 rms. 3-8038.

Westfield Street. West Springfield zoned A BEAUTIFUL two-room apartment, for business. Opportunity for almost any EXCELLENT second -hand furniture for frigidaire complete. 98 High at. See A kind of business.

Priced to sell! Call sale. 166 Waldorf Pine City. Mr. Parkinson. Tel.

6-7370. today. T. H. FLAGG, 6-8391, Sun- GAS RANGE--Grey enamel.

oven control A CENTRAL 3. rins. kitchenette. day. 2-1280.

$20. 6-6297. 91 l'ark St. (near Maple St.) Personal Financing 39 LEAVING furniture, TOWN--Must bedrm. sacrifice stove.

4-rm. 42 ALL ELECTRIC 3 BEAUMIER 5 APTS. Rooms 6 sonal Bankers, Inc. Court Square, 21 makes at so-called Sections 6-1640 ABANDON ALL BILLS First Per- Shawmut St. Rest residen-jal Elm St.

License 222. Tel. 2-4158. mill agent or factory prices. Open every Office at Beauinter Square ARANDON MONEY problems.

Loans $20 eve. Free delivery. Retail Fury. Wareto $300. Household Finance Corpora- ohuse.

16.1 Riverdale Spild. ANGERS QUALITY APARTMENTS tion. License 139. Tel. 6-0351.

RUGS prices. Am. Orientals, AX- Federal 2, 3 7-0781 LOANS to $300 on your own 1562 minsters, blooms. Wm. White, Mill Locust four rooms signature.

rms. and $50 The: New Method 4-2127. Finance License 60. 1123 State St. Open eves, 2-8058.

Ft. Pleasant 2 and 4 rooms. Main St. Tel. RUGS--Factory prices, Wiltons, Axmin- Ravonne and Oswego, 2, 3 4 rina.

PERSONAL FINANCE CO. sters. Hunt Shea. mill 810 En- Dwight St. Loans Up to $300-A11 Plans field Thompsonville Open to 9.

916 Worthington St. 293 Bridge St. 1618 Main St. Phone 4-1191. License 73.

RUGS Roxbury and all good H. E. ANGERS INC. Main St. Phone 4-3344.

License 101. makes. Harold G. Moore, 555 EnSIGNATURE or less. No In co- field St.

Thompsonville 4396. Open eves. A BETTER APARTMENT maker. Low repayment plan. Money St.

SENSATIONAL BARGAINS RMS. -Federal Street, 2d day. Guaranty Loan Plan, 1537 Main GOOD USED FURNITURE 3 Worth. 2-7250. License 212.

Studio couch $5. Ire boxes $2. Parlor sets RMS. -Summit Holland St. SIGNATURE and automoniie loans.

$8. Beds $1. Desks Bedrm, $2. sets $11.50. Enamel 5 With or without 1st refrig.

2d hour Room 300. service, 1490 Main St. Lic. 77. 4-3193 $2.50.

Dining sets $9.95. Cot beds $1. Mat- F. MORIN Springfield Finance Stove $11.50. Sewing machines COMPANY tresses $1.

Kelvinator $19.30. Rugs $3. Whitney Bide. 1670 Main st. Tel.

6-4591 Money CO Loan 40 fast sets $4.50. Washing machines A DIFFERENT, new 3 rhIs. AUTO LOANS $7.95. Maple living I'm. $1 set $19.50.

2 Adults. Ref. $17. 6-1002. $300 to $1000 Open Evenings.

OUTLET 1049 weekly MAIN ASHLEY, 100-3. 4. opp. Park. 3-0096 Immediate Service FURNITURE ST.

RYERS, furn. MOTOR ACCEPTANCE 6-2036 WINDOW -Make your home at- SALEM. 17-2, 3 rms. 4-8810 510 Main St. Tel.

tractive. do We make them to order Window and SALEM, 3 -3. 4, 6-6490 CASIT PAID. or loaned on 1263 watches, Main Gia- St. Shade Mfg.

62 Vernon St. 6-3145. ATTRACTIVE 3 room. priv. apt.

bath, also repairing Springfield monds. Ct. Jewelers, soda fountains stools. newly dee. in nire home.

Gar. 4-4064. E. INSTRUCTION back bar, carbonator, bar mixers, cash ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS registers, Moriarty, 21 Winter. 207, Bay 1st fl.

$34 Harriet 4 modern $33 Local Instruction ('lasses 43 Jewelry and Watches 60 103-107 Spring 5 6 mod. $46 CERTIFIED WELDER CHANGE OLD Watches for new: cash for 230 condition. Sumner Reasonable 4 5 (opp. Forest Pk. Cond BE A Learn this Summer big Classes paying now forming old gold.

silver, diamonds, antique jewel- 37. Spring 2. 3. 4 r. frig.

trade now. Special exceptionally low rates. Come in ry. Watches, clock, jowelry repaired. G.

THE ELLIS CORPORATION. TEL. 6-8381. at session at our CX- Grimes, 2d Bookstore Bldg. 3-4118 and try out for a ATTRACTIVE HEATED APARTMENTS pense Machine Shop training now Machinery and Tools 61 17 P'asadena 3, 5 rms.

frig. available. For details call nt or Practical write MACHINES, time clocks. 64 33 Avon Long Jill 4, frig. New England School STENCIL steam 5 frig.

$45 Training. 33 Winter Springfield. Jacket kettles. Frigidaire compressors and 64-68 Osgood 3-f mod. Schools--Practical Training ice equipment.

cream cabinets, hydraulic press. exhaust cut fans. off offire saw. 168 William CALL 6 rooms 6-8381 $28 The F. take pleasure in announcing the opening of hand RAw.

vises, motora. helting and a tompletely equipped up-1o-date machine tools. Springfield Auction 769 AVON PL. 15-23-Attrar. 3-4-5-rm, shop training school in Springfield.

Dwicht St. 4-8846. steam, frigidaire. $39 up. 4-73884-2566.

Classes now forming limited enrollment. BEAUTIFUL 2 and kitchenette, 6 Make your reservation for details. Call or Seeds. Piants, Fertilizers 63 min. to downtown.

Tel. 2-8681. write New England Schools- Practical CELMONT 147. A Training. 33 Winter Springfield.

BEST LOAM -Call Market Garden. 3-6808. room steam heated modern. 6-3891. Musical Dancing.

Dramatic BELMONT 199-Newly dec. 4. 5. Class and private HIGH GRADE LOAM, asphalt driveways rm. apts Frigidaire, bk.

nook, showers. BALLROOM DANCING Voice. Jaid. Tel. 4-4828.

Adults. 6-8133. by appointment. Accordion Piano, dramatic art. Mme Beauregard, 1634 LOAM--CInders, traprock.

for sale. Cinder newly BELMONT renovated. Call Keith 5 rooms, Main St. 2-6317. driveways built repaired.

6-5021. 4-2035. Private Instruction 45 RICH yds. $5. Riverdale del.

Tel. Market 4-1391. Garden Loam. 3 outside BRADFORD newly dec. 38-Modern Reas.

3-4 A. Muto. large BARBERS are in demand. $35.00, practical SOLID garden manure, $3.25 yd. Well rotted CALHOUN 17-4 rooms $38 Learn now.

Special tuition barber rate science. Write to cow manure, 3 $1. 6-7331. ALEXANDER 69-4 rooms $32.50 training Vaughn and Barber School, 22 Market TOMATO, pepper, cabbage plants for sale. MACMILLAN MYERS REALTORS Hartford, Conn.

Tony Wisneski. Belcherto'n Amherst. 154 Broadway 6-8338. STENOGRAPHIC. Secretarial, Catalog free.

Bookkeep- Bay Wearing Apparel 63 June CAREW 1. Mrs. 127--5 Bradley or htd. 7-0143. $35.

2d 11. ing Path courses Institute. open 100 now. Chestnut St. 6-2704.

Men's suits $3 $4 $5: Topcoats, $2 up: CUMBERLAND 31-2 rooms, modern, Ladies' Coats, $1 up: 17 Sanford St. good condition. $24. Call 6-8381. LIVESTOCK MEN'S SUITS.

TOPCOATS TUXEDOS CENTRAL ST. 283-Attrantive 5-room 1300 are brand new, $10 $13 $15 apartment. $37. Tel. 4-1388 or 2-7960.

Dogs, Cats, l'ets 47 2000 Sports are Coats slightly $4 up. -used, $6 Boys' Suits $10 up. CENTRAL 192-194--3-4 5 ronins, ALL BREEDS OF DOGS ROARDED in Graduation clothing tor sale and rent. 1 newly dec. elec.

atoves. Tel. 7-1610. sanitary kennel with individual runs. We rent tuxedos.

gowns. wraps, etc. CHARLES 264. rms. $29: Dwight St.

Boston Terrier pups for Rwell Ladies Spring Coats $3 5 rms. $10: 4 Walnut $35; $6. Kennels. 30 N. West Feeding Hills.

A. ne. to 9 p. m. Time Payments extra.

Fred A. Vogel, realtor, 1252 55, $35. Phone 6-1306. SCHAFFER'S, 42 New Dwight 4-1017. Main.


The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.