A A A PAGE 20 MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, MONDAY, JULY 30, 1979 Fort Pillow Inmate Charged In Stabbing Death of Prisoner Special to The Press-Scimitar for robbery with a deadly weapon and con- FT. PILLOW, Tenn. A prisoner serving 25 years for robbery with a deadly weapon will be charged with murder today in connection with the stabbing death of another inmate, Warden Jimmy Harrison said. Harrison said Ricky Moorman, 28, of Hernando, will be charged in the death of Robert Gerald Phillips, 40, formerly of 652 Camilla, Memphis, Friday in the prison dining room. The warden said Phillips was eating breakfast about 7 a.m.
when Moorman stabbed him with a knife. The knife had been issued to Moorman who worked in the prison kitchen. "There were several witnesses to the incident," Harrison said. "Moorman had the knife to cut cake. We do not yet know the motive for the stabbing since witnesses said there was no fight prior to the He said Moorman will be arraigned Friday in General Sessions Court in Ripley.
Phillips was serving a 65-year sentence Lake Boat Overturns; Man, 36, Drowns A Collierville man drowned in a private lake near Fisherville, a Fayette County deputy sheriff said today. Jarel T. Haines, 36, of 402. Homeville Road in Collierville died after a boat in which he and five children were riding overturned late yesterday. His body was recovered about 9.
last night. Mrs. Lynda Haines, the victim's wife, said the children were able to swim out with assistance from adults at scene but that her husband could not rescued. behe Fayette County deputies said the case is still under investigation. Haines was a plumbing and heating inspector for Zack Street Plumbing Heating in Collierville.
The Haines family had moved to Collierville from Bargersville, three years ago, Mrs. Haines said. He also leaves four children, David, Mike, Tina and J.T.; his parents; one brother and one step-brother. Services and burial will be Bargersville. Suicide Is Ruled In Man's Death Special to The Press-Scimitar EUDORA, Miss.
The a 60-year-old Eudora Broyles, has been ruled Soto County Sheriff Denver Sowell said Broyles was single .38 caliber gunshot head. A coroner's jury suicide. The sheriff said Chester Boxdale Cove in Memphis received a call yesterday who said he was despondent problems. Gill ened to kill himself before so yesterday on the phone the single shot. EASY FAST TO CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENTS Dine Out 110 Personals 115 Car Pools 118 Insurance 120 Income Tax Service.
125 Legal Notice. 126 Special Notices. 130 Day Care Centers, Baby Sitter Serv. 140 Cars Travel, Tours 145 Lost 150 Found 151 DIRECTORY OF SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES OF ALL KINDS Over 40 numbered classifications, arranged alphabetically by type of service offered. A classification for every need.
INSTRUCTION College Level Instruction 155 Vocational, Trade Schools 160 Business Schools 165 Correspondence Schools 170 Private Instruction, Tutoring 175 Kindergarten 180 EMPLOYMENT Employment Agencies 210 Employment Services, Counseling 215 Household Help 220 Help Wanted. 225 Help Wanted, Part Time 230 Positions Wanted, Men 240 Positions Wanted. 242 Positions Wanted, Women, 245 FINANCIAL Franchises, Distributorships, Investments 250 Business Opportunities 258 Business for Sale 260 Business Wanted 265 Stocks, Bonds, Royalties 270 Wanted to Borrow 275 Money to Loan 280 LIVESTOCK, AGRICULTURE Dogs, Puppies, Supplies 305 Cafs, Misc. Pets, Supplies 307 Livestock Supplies 310 Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 315 Grain, Hay, Feed, Seed, Plants, 320 Fertilizers, Chemicals, Sprays 325 Farm implements, Tractors, Misc 330 MERCHANDISE Auctions 400 Heavy Equipment, Machines 405 Shop Tools, Machines, Engines 410 Logs, Sawmills, Equipment, 415 Building Materials 420 Buildings For Sale 425 Office Supplies 430 Store, Restaurant 435 Miscellaneous 440 Air Conditioning, Heating 445 Swaps 450 Gift Suggestions 455 Good Things to Eat 460 Wearing Apparel 465 Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry 470 Musical Merchandise C.B. Radios, Accessories 95 TV, Stereo, Radio, Recording Sales 480 Garage Household Goods 485 Sewing Machines 487 Antiques 490 Wanted to Buy 495 After an ad is ordered, it cannot be canceled or changed before initial publication To Order Your Ad, Divorces Granted Robberies Stop Go Market, 1077 W.
Raines, robbed of an undetermined amount of money by two men. Burger King, 1985 E. Brooks Road, robbed of an undetermined amount of money by two men. Ruthie Mae Laury, 1982 Alta Vista, jewelry, watch and money taken by two men with pistols at 4:35 a.m. yesterday.
7-Eleven store, 2377 Summer, $65 taken by man with pistol. Stop Go Market, 2795 S. Perkins, $50 taken by man with gun. Stop Go Market, 1852 Winchester, $65 taken by man with gun. cealing stolen property.
He leaves two daughters; two sons; his parents; two half-sisters, including Catherine Carlock of Memphis; and a brother, James Albert Phillips of Memphis. Graveside services were to be at 5 p.m. today Forrest Memorial Cemetery in Batesville, Miss. Wells Funeral Home has charge. Two Men Abuse, Rob Woman, 70 Investigators are searching for two men who burglarized the home of an elderly woman, terrorized her and left her tied up for more than 60 hours, police said.
Mrs. Jewel Dorris, 70, of 1906 Jackson, freed herself shortly after 8 last night, police said, and was taken to City of Memphis Hospital for treatment. Mrs. is the widow of a prominent surgeon. She also is a former school teacher and has been active in civic affairs.
She still teaches a Sunday School class at Union Avenue Baptist Church. Officers said Mrs. Dorris told them she was in her front yard about a.m. Friday when two men walked by and asked to cut her lawn. When she told them she did not need it cut, they asked for a drink of water, she told officers.
She said she told them they would have to wait outside because she had a dog that would bite, police said. When she reached down to hold the dog, she said the two men charged her and knocked her back inside the house, police said. The men dragged Mrs. Dorris around the living room by her hair and beat her, she told officers. The men demanded money and threatened her a butcher knife.
They also tied her with an extension cord and gagged her, police said. Then, the two men took Mrs. Dorris upstairs and tied her to a bed where she was left all weekend, police added. The men took $10 with them when they left. Herbert 'Father of New Left' STARNBERG, West Germany (UPI) Herbert Marcuse, the radical philosopher whose theories earned him the dubious title of "Father of the New Left," died Sunday at age 81.
Marcuse, best known for his 1964 work "One-Dimensional Man." had characterized American society as a "repressive monolith" that stifled freedom and fostered alienation, and his book became compulsory reading among radicals on campuses throughout the U.S. in the 1960s. His support for the student rebellion and the efforts of young people to seek out a new identity earned him the 'leftist' title that he abhored. Marcuse was educated at the universities of Berlin and Frieburg before fleeing Nazismin 1932. He became an American citizen in 1940 and accepted at a professorship at the University of California in 1965.
ANNOUNCEMENTS 110-Dine Out 115-Personals 118-Car Pools -Income Tax 120-insurance Service 130-Special Notices 140-Day Care Centers, Baby Sitters 145-Cars Furnished Travel, Tours 150-Lost 151-Found Dine Out 110 PANCHO'S MEXICAN FOOD 4404 ELVIS PRESLEY 1850 UNION WEST MEMPHIS 5565 FOX PLAZA DRIVE CLUBS GROUPS. Call Roy Patterson, 754-4730 for private Dining Room at any Shoner's GRIDIRON RESTAURANTS OPEN 24 HOURS 14 MEMPHIS LOCATIONS. FAMILY PLANNING EXAMINATION ABORTION, BIRTH CONTROL VASECTOMY TUBAL LIGATION Medicaid Accepted PLANNED MOTHERHOOD (501)732-4605 (901)722-8148 PLANNED PARENTHOOD Birth Planning Counseling REDUCED FEES FOR MEDICAID PATIENTS 1407 UNION-901-725-1717 Mid Memphis Fl. ABORTION May Not Be The Only Way Talk To Us! Free Pregnancy Testing Birthright 327-8109 NEED No Cost or Obligation Call 327-8100 PREGNANCY CRISIS CENTER GIRLS, dance for fun, fame and fortune! Come to Annie Fannie's. 1354 Poplar Ave.
GIRLS-MEN 18-up! "Meet exciting new singles!" Free info. Call: Love Unlimited, 795-0226. SINGLE? Meet sincere, beautiful people-like you. Call Datelinefree: 800-451-3245 PLASMA DONORS NEEDED EARN $20 A WEEK PLASMA DERIVATIVES 3407 SUMMER AVENUE 452-7558 MEMPHIS CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FREE PREGNANCY TESTING AND COUNSELING ABORTION Early And Advanced OB-GYN SPECIALIST Confidentiality Assured Comprehensive Family Planning Ask About Our Early Pregnancy Test Call (901) 274-3550 1462 Poplar (Corner of McNeil) Open Mon. Sat.
8-5 p.m. A NON- PROFIT FACILITY STATE LICENSED TY Fire Calls Yesterday 9:55 a.m. 4290 E. Raines, auto belonging to John White, 4928 Gill, damage to engine, cause unknown. 11:17 a.m.
594 Thomas, home of Lizzie Gibson, damage to bedroom, caused by short circuit in wiring. 11:29 a.m. Washington and Second, auto belonging to Bonnie M. Bennett, damage engine, caused by part failure causing fuel leak. Other statistics: Four false alarms, four fire scares, two hazardous conditions, one food fire, on miscellaneous call, one tripped alarm system.
Divorce Petitions Chancery Court Samuel Ware, 27, vs. Rosie M. Ware, 26, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. we Holtzclaw, Betty J. 41, Holtzclaw, cruelty and 44, vs.
irreconcila- Pete M. ble differences. Cheryl L. Williams, 30, vs. Robert W.
Williams, 26, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Rebecca L. Chrestman, 22, vs. Thomas A. Chrestman, 23, cruelty irreconcilable differences.
Laxton, 35, vs. Lindon D. Laxton, 36, irreconcilable differ- Rita J. Reid, 24, vs. Hubert T.
Reid, 34, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Circuit Court Argenta W. Browley, 26, vs. Melvin Browley, 24, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Nora B.
Tutor, 62, vs. Neal D. Tutor, 61, crueity, desertion, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. Cornelia A. Bishop, 26, vs.
Everett Bishop, 22, cruelty and irreconcitable differences. Frances L. Page, 22, vs. James K. Page, 27, irreconcilable differences.
Sylvia G. Mayfield, 29, vs. Robert D. Mayfield, 30, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Mary F.
Holmes, 33, vs. Moses J. Holmes, 41, cruelty and irreconcilabie differences. Esther L. Whitfield, 43, vs.
Benjamin F. Whitfield, 42, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. Roy Hull, 27, vs. Teresa A. Hull, 23, desertion and irreconcilable differences.
Richard N. Myracie, 34, vs. Lyda K. Myracte, 34, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Deborah A.
Hatley, 21, vs. David R. Hatley, 22, cruelty and irreconcilabie differences. Louise P. Baker, 55, vs.
Gene P. Baker, 50, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Gracie L. Williams, 22, vs. Kent J.
Williams, 26, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. Mentha A. Augusta, Augusta, 30, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. Mildred C. Haire, 72, vs.
Russell R. Haire, 75, cruelty and Irreconcilable differences. Ortega, Jorge 33, P. cruelty Ortega, and 41, irreconcilable differences. Frances S.
Crook, 54, vs. Harold D. Crook, 48, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. Pamela D. Harvell, 19, vs.
William E. Harvell, 21, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Rebecca L. Miles, 16, vs. Ricky M.
Miles, 20, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Lois L. Hardy, 36, vs. Jessie A. Hardy, 35, cruelty and irreconcilable differences.
Claudia A. Benton, 26, vs. Boyce W. Benton, 27, abandonment. Frank M.
Whitten, 33, vs. Kathy M. Whitten, 30, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Terry L. Roberts, 22, vs.
George E. Roberts, 29, cruelty and irreconcilable differences. Dorothy S. Murrell, 38, vs. Carnelious Murrell, 42, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences.
Beverly J. Long vs. Franklin D. Long, 46, cruelty, abandonment and irreconcilable differences. will C.
Spight, 36, vs. Maxine W. Spight, 33, cruelty, desertion and irreconcilable differences. Ida M. Wheeler, 50, vs.
Thomas E. Wheeler, 32, cruelty, adultery and irreconcilable differences. 115 Lost Tech. area, 372-4705 LOST 2 red green 3x5 splral note pads, novella by JBH. Poplar Ave.
area. Reward. 274- 0522, 725-4971 LOST Black White Shih Tzu, Parkway Village area, Reward. 794-4775 MIXED Breed, small, black, female, short hair, lost near Brierbrook Farmington. Reward.
$25. 755-3314 PARAKEET-blue, white grey, Oakhaven area. Reward 365-2269 black, male, Walnut Grove Lake Area, tags Identification, Cricket, REWARD, 754-9342 PEKINGESE, female, bik. mask face, red black, curly tail, reward. Raleigh area.
386-8321 POINTER, white fem. head, "Jasmine," missing from cor. of since July. 21st. Reward.
683-2458. POODLE, fem. bik. silver pep per color vic. El.
please call PUPPY, 3 months old, Looks like yellow Labrador, vicinity of South Dogwood-(Germantown), 754-7769, 754-0349 PUPPY, white maie, collar, near Semmes Kimball. Reward. 454-1706, 743-9366 SAINT male, Highland Park, 327-7743, 682-0068 SAMOYED DUP, very weaned, bik. Jackson-Evergreen REWARD, 276-1898, 272-1753 WALLET, White, Southaven keep money, return other contents. Sentimental value.
278-2948 Please Bring My Babies Homel STILL MISSING REWARD 3. Small grown (black) dogs. Peek A Poo male, black gray, medium length curler, never clipped. 2 females (sisters), mixed black 10 both have white streak down chest. has long black silky hair, other has let black curly hair, 2 white front paws.
All from same famIly. In area. 342-1367 I'VE lost my babyl Vic. of Southland Mall. Large Yellow male cat.
I want him home desperatelvl Please call me 324-2021 or Patty at 767-6765, $25 reward! Found 151 BEAGLE, fem. older dog. YatesPoplar area. 754-1420, 682-0331 co*ckER Spaniel, male, found at Giant Food Store on Winchester. 794-9038 aft.
6 pm. GERMAN Is. black Broad St. Area. 452-3730, 755-2714 MIXED G'mn.
Shep. fern. PUPPY, Sherwood Forest Area, 323-7383. PART Pekingese, Peabody McLean, lone hair, 1., 363-5412 PUPPY. Female.
North Parkway at Southwestern Univ. 272-2680 SIAMESE, Choc. point, found Mt. Moriah area, 365-0760, till 4, ask for Susan. WE can heip you find lost animais.
Humane Society. 272-1753 Health Salon, Mas- LABRADOR Rd. 342-0090. reducing. rears, black, feet with WE PAY CASH $10.00 Whole Blood Donor Take 20-30 min.
Mid-South Blood Ser. 741 Madison Ave. 526-0293 Personals SOUTHAVEN sages, steam 9050 Milibranch ABORTION I QUALITY HEALTHCARE FOR WOMEN 5 OB-GYN Specialists Free Pregnancy Testing Completely Confidential Day and Evening Appointments Relaxed Comfortable Atmosphere CALL (901) 722-8050 Memphis Area Medical Center For Women 29 S. Bellevue (Between Union Madison) Special Notices 130 PUBLIC AUCTION -Raleigh Automotive Service Is applying for mechanics lein. Customer has abandoned vehicle, 1970 Chrysier Baracuda, complete rebuilt engine, Mfr's.
ID No. BP23GOB 170308. AIRLINE COUPONS Cash for 1 fare coupons. $35 each. (213) 567-4920.
PROFESSIONAL uniformed guards, undercover investigators for your business. Guardsmark, 525-2777 Day Care Centers, 140 Baby Sitter Service WILL babysit children in my home, MSU -Pink Palace, reasonable, C. Rodgers, 452-5503 CHILD CARE, my Parkway VIllage home. B. Senger 362-0755.
CHILD CARE; 2-540. Wonderland, 274-4506 Cars Furnished, 145 Travel, Tours CARS 10 all points. AAACON Auto. Transport. 454-7171.
Lost 150 BASSET HOUND, with Texas tags, Reward. Lost Airport Raines Rd. area. Needs immediate hospitalization for heart worms. 398-4348, 454-7755 BEAGLES, (2) pupples, 8 male, 1 female, black white, Ridgeway area, 795-0826 CAT, large orange male, brown flea collar.
Lost vicinity of Fernway (Mendenhall Verosa). Call 794-8180 after 5 pm. CAT lost vic. Shady Hollow Lakeview, W'haven Area. gray long-haired cat eves.
He yr. old has been neutered. found, please call 398-8369 or 398-3087, Reward. CAT, Seal Point Siamese, Overton Park area. 324-5353.
COLLIE, miniature, vic. of Brunswick, Tn. Sable, white black. REWARD. 829-3295 COLLIE, mixed, male, seven years, black white, long hair, some brown on face, chain on collar, East Memphis.
Reward. 682-4926, 761-2837. Please calli Shepherd mixed but small, named black collar, Germantown area. 754-1638 Quince Estate White Station area, missing wks. 16 vears old, female, no collar, medium length hair, black white spotted body, brown and white spotted legs, face is brown, black white.
Please call 767-4546 or 761-2400 GERMAN Shepherd, male, and small white male dog with eve, East Memphis. Reward! Call 767-3081 or 767-2795 GERMAN Shepherd: black male. Reward. 452-3730, 755-2714. GOLDEN Retriever, male, 1 vr.
Overton Pk. area. Answers to name Leon, 726-5564 GREAT Dane, 4 mo, old, black blaze on front, white flea collar, answers to Duke, lost in Frayser district. Reward. GREAT with Dane, white m.
markings mos. on chest, flea collar, REWARD. Fraser area. 357-9310 IRISH SETTER, 6 mos. old, male.
High Terrace area. 851-7751, 458-6107 KITTEN, 5 orange, white, black, white collar. Whispering Oaks area. 754-0478 METHODIST July 26 Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Bader, Williston, girl, 9:23 p.m. July 27 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkins, 3738 Southland, girl, 12:57 p.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Coons, 1740 Moriye, boy, 11:35 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Harden, 1567 Cameron, twin boys, 10:46 and 10:47 a.m, Mr.
and Mrs. James Clifton, Germantown, girl, 7:58 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McKnatt, 4664 Violet, girl, 11:06 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miles, Cordova, girl, 11:50 a.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Freeman, 2360 Holly Grove, girt, 12:44 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Casoli, 3495 Scenic Highway, girl, 4:45 p.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy McGee, 888 Kerr, girl, 6:05 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Morrison, 1806 Peabody, girl, 1:38 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, 1083 West Walthal Circle, girl, 8:12 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Smith, 1951 Alta Vista, girl, 7:17 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trull, Nesbit, girl, 3:53 a.m. July 28 Mr.
and Mrs. Nathaniel Cunningham, 4570 Applestone, boy, 8:33 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sharp, 1769 Norfolk, boy, 6:17 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Burkeen, 826 Broken Oak Cove, girl, 6:55 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Brown, 828 Woodland, girl, 8:13 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Laminack, 3596 Durrand, girl, 7:52 p.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Frame, Corinth, boy, 8:59 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Young, 4154 Faronia, boy, 3:51 a.m.
July 29 Mr. and Mrs. Billy Colston, 2973 Getwell, twin boys, 5:09 and 5:17 a.m. CITY OF MEMPHIS July 27 Mr. and Mrs.
Roger McCormick, Milan, girl, 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Tucker, 5940 Green, boy, 11:47 a.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnny Hill, Drummonds, twin boys, 2:58 and IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORY of Mrs. Idean H. Robinson who passed away July 30, 1976. Mother you will always live in our hearts, we miss you very much.
Your daughters, Carrie Mabry, Susie P. Jackson, Matilda Hendley, sister, brother and grandchildren. IN LOVING MEMORY of your birthday July 30, 1958, Mr. Ronald Bridgeforth. Daughter, Lolita Bridgeforth, father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Hosic Bridgefc-th, sisters and brothers, Valerie, Linda, Sherry, Larry, Glenn, Rickey and Rex; Bridgeforth. THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Joe Lee Carter wishes to express thanks for every act of kindness shown us dur ing our hour of bereavement. God bless you.
Wife, Mrs. Frances J. Carter and children. DEATH NOTICES Artry, Mr. Virty Blair, James Edward Sr.
Harden, Mrs. Ruby M. Hill, Mrs. Emma Jackson, Mr. Michael Stanley Johnson, Mrs.
Valleria Taylor, Ms. Clemmie Mattie Walker, Mrs. Celestine ARTRY MR. VIRTY ARTRY, 73, July 27, 1979, at the City of Memphis Hospital, late residence of 476 N. 5th Memphis.
Husband of Mrs. Mable Artry, father of Mrs. Ruby J. Hughes of Memphis. He leaves son-in-law, Mr.
Rozell Hughes, grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Visitation Tuesday night, July 31, at True Life MB Church, 284 Looney, from 6 to 7:55 p.m. Funeral commences at 8 p.m., Rev. Frank Anderson officiating. Interment at 10:00 a.m.
af Hollywood Cemetery (remains will not be viewed after eulogy). GILLESPIE FUNERAL HOME, Olive Branch, in charge. BLAIR JAMES EDWARD BLAIR SR. At City of Memphis 26, 1979. Husband of Washington.
Father Blair Lewis Frank Blair, Mrs. Mrs. Gracie Lee Clara Henderson, Clemons, Mrs. Eula mixed female, white chest, white black spots, State INSTRUCTION 155-College Level Instruction Vocational, Trade Schools 165-Business Schools 170-Correspondence Schools 175-Private instruction, Tutoring 180-Kindergarten College Level 155 Instruction A.S. DEGREE In Respiratory Therapy, 20 months, starting salary $10,800.
Christian Brothers College. 278-0100 Ms. Clipson, Admissions, Vocational, 160 Trade Schools Nurses Aide Training Health Care Institute 522-1188 MID SOUTH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY Latest Teaching Methods 458-9609 Financial Assist. Available ENRII SCHOOL OF BEAUTY Nationally Known Beauty School Training Call 795-4540 or visit ENRII BEAUTY SCHOOL Financial Assistance Available Mr. and Mrs.
Carlton Cowan, 3243 Raines, girl, 9:59 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Jlies, 105 Dover, boy, 3:04 p.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Willie Barker, 795 Mississippi, boy, 9:40 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards, 2897 Shady Vista, girl, 6:27 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tibbs, 1436 Taylor, girl, 8:44 a.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Brown, 1735 Delano, boy, 8:54 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patterson, 1851 Keltner, boy, 12:31 p.m. July 28 Mr.
'and Mrs. Terence Gaither, 3552 Devon, boy, 9:25 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harding, 1472 Dunn Haven Cove, girl, 1:14 p.m.
Mr. and Horace Bradfield. 190 Market Mall, girl, 8:17 a.m. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Henderson, 2848 Shady Oak, girl, 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brooks, 486 Georgia, girl, 9:28 a.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Truman Johnson, Collierville, boy, 3:25 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pringle Jr.
271 Levi, girl, 9:02 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Broadnax, Wilson, boy, 11:30 p.m. Mr.
and Mrs. William Taylor, 3163 Madewell, boy, 9:01 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mason, 276 Olmstead, girl, 5:35 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Phi Vo, 2009 Peabody, boy, 12:34 a.m. ST. JOSEPH EAST July 28 Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Anglin, 4967 Barfield, girl, 3:41 a.m. Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Brown, 4652 Gilbert, boy, 3:09 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delashmit, 2587 Tutwiler, girl, 4:10 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hall 4836 Winchester, girl, 8:54 p.m. July 29 Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Babinski, 5614 Pathway Circle, girl, 7:17 a.m. Assaults Arthur Johnston, 3674 Metropolitan Cove, shot in the leg by a man. Don Eugene Smith, 2017 Alta Vista, shot in the foot by a man at Overton Crossing and Frayser Boulevard. DEATH NOTICES Jeannie Coleman, Mrs. Lucinda ley, Ms.
Melzina Blair, and Ms. Patricia Blair. Brother of Mrs. Sadie Dotson. He leaves 33 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
Remains will lie in state this Monday, July 30, 1979, from 6 until 8 p.m. at Vance Avenue Church of Christ (585 Vance Funeral 8 p.m. Bro. Nokomis Yeldell will officiate. Interment Tuesday, Hollywood Cemetery, N.
H. Crump Hospital, July 27, 1979. Late residence 1580 Wilson St. Wife of Mr. Waverly Harden.
Mother of Miss Leslie, Betty Jean and Corlis Harden, Mrs. Aline Graham and Mrs. Bernice Hale. Sister of Mrs. Aline Murray, Mrs.
Rosie Lee Massey, Mrs. Erma Lee Alexander, Mrs. Lena Gibbs, Mrs. Geraldine Hanco*ck, Charles and Joseph Weston. She leaves 6 grandchildren, and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.
Due notice R. S. LEWIS SONS, 374 Vance 526-3264. HILL MRS. EMMA HILL July 27, 1979, City of Memphis Hospital.
Late residence 3358 Margarette. Visitation Tuesday, July 31. Fulview M. B. Church, Ellendale, from p.m.
to 2 p.m. Funeral commences at 2 p.m. Pastor Rev. Charles Watkins. Rev.
G. D. Jones, officiating. Interment church cemetery. H.
PAYNES, FUNERAL HOME, 610 Scott 324-3266. JACKSON MR. MICHAEL STANLEY JACK- SON Suddenly in the City. July 28, 1979. Late residence 355 Elder Rd.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Ada Jackson. Brother of Sheila, Shelvin, Dexter and Derrick Jackson. Grandson of Mrs.
Katherine Sain. He leaves 7 uncles, 5 aunts and a host of other relatives and friends. Due notice, R. S. LEWIS SONS, 374 Vance 526-3264.
JOHNSON MRS. VALLERIA JOHNSON At Methodist Hospital Central, July 27, 1979. Daughter of Ms. Hessie M. Wallace of Memphis, Tenn.
Cousin of Ms. Ida Anderson of Crenshaw, a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral Tuesday, July 31, 1979, 12 noon, Askew Grove M. B. Church, Longtown, Miss.
Officiating Rev. Walter Newson. Interment Church Cemetery. N. J.
FORD AND SONS Home of Joyce Feibelman, 3893 Comanche, Apt. 2, washer, dryer, vacuum cleaner, musical instruments. Entry method unknown. Home of Wilbur C. Dye, 2996 Arrendale, TV set, shotgun, tape recorder.
Entry Home through of Robert door. 1352 Hicks, Tunica, $900. Entry through door. Home of Reginald Wright, 2277 Airways, Apt. 11, $200.
Entry fhrough door. Home of Kay Jean Tims, 3487 Madewell, $152. Entry through door. Home of Thomas J. Jacobs, 4918 Winther Cove, TV set, two rifles, two shotguns, three rings.
Entry through door. Home of Henry L. Bates, 1615 Michelle Circle, tools, furniture and paint. Home of Andre Duane Barlow, 1101 Cummings, stereo equipment, Entry through window. David Home of Lamica, 1781 Galvin, undetermined amount of money, Entry through bedroom window.
Home of Richard King, tv 2517 Henderson, stereo equipment, set, towels and jewelry. Entry through back door. Home of Jacklyn D. Hall, 3120 Sharpe, color TV set, entry by removing storage room door and knocking hole in bedroom wall. Home of John S.
Taylor, 3147 Emer- Thefts From Donald J. Smith, 1408 tine, $70. From Edward Dinstuhl, 2298 Glencliff, boat motor. Norma Mallady, 3706 Steele, Apt. 1, $60.
Luella S. Williams, 1326 S. Wellington, $75, pistol. From Billy Bob Reed, Meridian, CB radio, pistol and checks taken from auto at Main and Calhoun. From Winnie E.
Hunter, 383 Madison, money, bank books and watch taken from property. From Luella Williams, 1325 S. Wellington, money and pistol taken from property. From Brandon Jones, 1992 Central, lawn mower taken from storage shed on property. From James N.
Ashe, 3854 Castleman, tools taken from storage room. From Kathy A. 3595 Carnes, watch, jeweiry and credit cards taken from auto parked at 6000 State Rd. DEATH NOTICES FUNERAL PARLOR, 219 Joubert 948-7755. TAYLOR MS.
CLEMMIE MATTIE LOR July 27, 1979 at 1:15 p.m., 1084 E. McLemore. Beloved mother and faithful member of the Alpha Church Congregation of the Temples of the Living God. She leaves a host of cousins and friends. Visitation Tuesday, July 31, 1979, Alpha Church Congregation of the Temples of the Living God (1084 E.
McLemore Ave.) from 6 to 8. Funeral services commencing at 8 with Bishop V. H. Williams officiating. Interment Wednesday Morning at 10 a.m.
Hollywood Cemetery. Arrangements by ORANGE MOUND FUNERAL HOME, 2647 Carnes, 458-5227. WALKER MRS. CELESTINE WALKER Age 60 at University of Tenn. Hospital, July 27, 1979.
Late residence 661 Franklin. Beloved mother of Mrs. Brenda Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Walker, and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Walker of Memphis. Seven grandchildren. Remains will lie in state tonight from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m. for Rosary at our chapel.
Services 10:30 a.m. St. Theresa (Little Flower) 1644 Jackson officiated by Father J. Edwin Creary. Interment 11:30 a.m.
National Cemetery. Arrangements by N. H. OWENS SON, 421 Scott Phone 324-2116. SOUTHERN FUNERAL HOME Phone 527-7311 Our Kind of Service doesn't cost any more N.
J. FORD SONS FUNERAL PARLOR 948-7755 WE ARE FAMILY WE CARE ABOUT YOU About you and your various needs for Hospital Medical Surgical Insurance and Skilled Nursing Home needs. We Specialize in various field issue policies Excellent Medicare Supplement Major Med Hospital Surg. Cancer Policies Cash Burial For a personal confidential interview, please call or write: METRO- HEALTH ASSOCIATES 3041 Getwell Suite 202 794-0374 362-2808 Floyd, David Sue Williams Business Schools 165 MARSHALL COLLEGE N. Bellevue 726-1875 MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTING Limited Enrollment Finan.
Asst. Avail. Classes start Aug. 6 Call 332-7800 or Visit DRAUGHONS Junior College 3200 Elvis Presley TIRED OF LOOKING For A Job? If so, enroll now in classes that will prepare you for Receptionist Secretarial jobs that are advertised in this paper. VETERANS- ABOUT VA APPROVED COURSES Financial available Job placement to grads CALL 726-1434 MEMPHIS SCHOOL OF COMMERCE EMPLOYMENT 210-Employment Agencies -Employment Services, Counseling 220-Household Help 225-Help Wanted Wanted, Part Time 240-Positions Wanted, Men 242-Positions Wanted 245-Positions Wanted, Women "All 'Help Wanted' ments must represent a definite offer of employment.
Anyone encountering false, misleading or fraudulent lob offers advertised in these columns is encouraged to contact the Better Business Bureau of Memphis, 525-8501; The Memphis Employment Assoclation, Ethics Committee, 761- 2918; or Classified Advertising Manager, 529-2700. Ads for lobs that require a registration fee or a fee to be paid in advance are not acceptable, by law, in the Employment columns, and should likewise be reported. Letter and Number When writing in reply to Commercial Appeal, Press-Scimitar Want Ads published with "blind" address or "Box number" as a signature instead of the advertiser's name, address or phone LETTER number BE SURE you use both and NUMBER addressing your envelope and letter, (Example: up. The number alone is incomplete: letter must be used with number to be sure reply is delivered properly. When you Answer "Box Number Ad Be Sure to Use Both Confidential Service For Box Number Respondents There may be one or two firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply to so.
if such is the case, simply address your application to the Box Number In the ad and attach a separate list of such names stating that your reply should be destroved 11 addressed to any of the names indicated. Place both in an envelope addressed to Confidential Service, Commercial Appeal. Press-Scimitar Classified 495 Union Memphis, Tenn. 38101. No such answers can be returned.
Employment Agencies 210 ELECTRONICS Fee Pd. Positions Entry 50K Ford Assoc, emp. 682-1570 Financial EDP, All Fees Pd. RANDALL HOWARD ASSOC. 5350 Poplar 767-5150 Placing Sales Talent Is Our Only Business Call Sales Consultants 345-6060 SALES-TECH-ADMIN-EDP MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS aid, gun, pillows and tools.
Entry through door. Rugby Assembly of God Church, 3000 Wafkins, guitar, saxaphone and two microphones. Entry through windows. Southern Record Promotion, 3387 Poplar, 1,345 records valued at $12,915. Entry through door, Divorces Dismissed Chancery Court Part Sandra J.
Williams vs. Gary Williams. Circuit Court Division George Strong vs. Willie M. Strong.
Division 3 Deborah K. Belk vs. Charles K. Belk. Division 6 Willie Franklin vs.
Lessie M. Franklin. Division 7 Dorothy D. Taylor vs. Nathan Taylor, Division 8 Gloria J.
Anthony vs. Oliver thony, Beverly A. Chaffin vs. Robert C. Chaffin.
Rita M. Williams vS. Charles E. Williams. Chancery Court Part 3 Deborah T.
Still from Billy R. Still, irreconcilable differences. Leroy Preyer from Helen Preyer, irreconcilable differences. Annie Sykes from Tommy Sykes, cruelty. Louise W.
Cox from Marion C. Cox, irreconcilable differences. Circuit Court Division Virginia S. Berry from John A. Berry, irreconcilable differences.
Thelma J. Hobock from Leslie E. Hobock, cruelty. Rolanda G. Lynch from Ronald Lynch, cruelty.
Charlotte A. Havlik from Jerry Havlik, irreconcilable differences. Erie J. Mitchell from Willie C. Mitchell, abandonment, Leroy Crutchfield from Crutchfield, irreconcilable differences.
Debra S. Jackson from Michael J. Jackson, irreconcilable differences. Neleta J. Hoback from Jack F.
Hoback, irreconcilable differences. Gaylon H. Glover from Barbara A. Glover, irreconcilable differences. Donna S.
Hart from John R. Hart, irreconcilable differences. Division 8 Pearlie M. Scott from James R. Scott.
794-3074 274-1134 KIRK HTG. CUSTOM HTG. 363-6187 332-0330 BARTLETT ATOMCO HTG. GENERAL HTG. 794-1607 372-1842 shooting death of man, Leonard R.
self-inflicted, DeSowell said. found dead of a wound to his ruled the death a C. Gill of 3257 told deputies he from Broyles, over marital had threatand was doing when Gill heard INDEX ADS A LEISURE ACTIVITIES Boats, Motors, Supplies 505 Hunting, Fishing Needs 510 Sporting Goods, Games, Hobbies 515 Campers, Trailers, Motor Homes 520 Recreation Vehicles. 525 Coins, Stamps, Collectors Items 530 Movies, Cameras, Film, Supplies, Services 540 Lawn, Garden. 545 REAL ESTATE, RENT Resort, Recreation 605 Room and Board 610 Nursing Homes, Care.
612 Rooms 615 Wanted to Rent 620 Rentals to Share 625 Apartments, Furnished. 630 Apartments, Unfurnished 640 Renters, Services, Mgmt. 642 Duplexes, Townhouses, Condominiums, Furnished 645 Duplexes, Townhouses, Condominiums, Unfurnished 650 Homes, Furnished 655 Homes, Unfurnished. 680 Rentals, Suburban 665 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Office, Desk Space, Rent 705 Warehouse Space, Rent. 710 Commercial Rent 715 Industrial Rent 720 Wanted to Rent 725 Property Management 730 Commercial, Industrial Services 735 Commercial Sale 740 Industrial Sale.
745 Investment Sale. 750 Wanted to Buy 755 REAL ESTATE, SALE REFER TO WANT ADS MAP, POSITIONED IN REAL ESTATE CLASSIFICATIONS, TO PINPOINT LOCATION OF ADVERTISED PROPERTY. Out of Town Realty 805 Mississippi Real Estate 807 Farm Lands, Sale, Rent, Wanted. 810 Church Property 814 Cemetery Lots 815 Lots, Subdivisions. 820 Suburban Acreage 825 Homes, Suburban.
827 Realty Wanted 830 Realty Exchange 835 Realty Services, Loans, Insurance, Notices, 837 Resort, Recreation 840 Homes, Area 1. 845 Homes, Area 2 847 Homes, Area 3 849 Homes, Area 4 851 Homes, Area 5 853 Homes, Area 6 855 Homes, Area 7 857 Homes, Area 8 859 Homes, Area 9 861 Homes, Area 10 863 Homes, Area 11 865 Homes, Area 12 867 Homes, Area 13 869 Homes, Area 14 871 Homes, Area 15 873 Homes, Area 16 875 Homes, Area 17 877 Homes, Area 18 879 Homes, Area 19 881 Homes, Area 20 883 Homes, Area 21 885 Hornes, Area 22 887 Homes, Area 23 889 Condominiums, Townhouses 890 Mobile Living 895 Mobile Home Lots Rent, Sale 897 TRANSPORTATION Motorcycles, Bikes, Go-Karts 905 Airplanes, Services. 910 Auto Trailers 915 Auto, Truck, Van Parts, Service. 920 Trucks, Trailers, Buses, Vans 925 Auto, Truck Lease, Rent 930 Auto, Trucks Wanted 935 Import, Sports Cars 940 Antique, Classic Cars, Parts 945 Automobile Notices 950 Autornobiles for Sale 960 Dial 529-2700 Hospital, July Mrs. Hernetta of Mr.
James Blair, Mr. Willie Virginia Young, Townsend, Ms. Mrs. Willie B. Thompson, Mrs.
Vocational, Trade Schools Memphis Professional Driver Training "Approved for "Accredited Member Tuition Financing Winchester Bailey Technical Adams Business Schools Truck Inc. N. Veterans" NATTS" Available 345-6120 School 525-4503 165 PATRICIA STEVENS Finishing Career College Since 1942 Career Courses in: Fashion Merchandising Executive Secretarial Professional Modeling Public Relations Classes For All Ages 726-4212 1853 MADISON JOIN THE MEDICAL TEAM CLASSES NOW FORMING! Registered Medical Assistant Nursing Assistant Medical Receptionist Financial Aid Job Placement Assistance DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 726-5735 MEMPHIS PARA-MEDICAL INSTITUTE WE TRAIN PEOPLE FOR JOBS THAT EXIST TODAY! and we do it in the shortest amount of time possible. ALL CLASSES ARE JOB RELATED Computer Programming Fashion Merchandising, Medical Office Assisting Secretarial Classes Now Forming 4 days or 3 nights per week CALL 332-7800 DRAUGNONS COLLEGE 3200 Elvis Presley Blvd. DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO BECOME QUALIFIED FOR THE EMPLOYMENT WORLD.
specialize in skilled training for: Receptionist Medical, Executive, Automation Secretarial Accounting Keypunch Job placement assistance Financial aid. Register now for August 6th classes. Miller Hawkins Business College 1399 Madison 725-6614 Employment Services, 215 Counseling MARKETING YOURSELF? Maximize your success proven program-all or any part. We can Identify your assets marketable skills, write your resumes letters, coach on interviewing lob search techniques much, much more. Call today CLARK ASSOCIATES 332-83791 RESUME PREPARATION Getting Today's 'Best Job' needs designed to pet YOU an Interview! RESUME, 767-5150 CAREER ASSESSMENT Aptitude Testing Evaluation: Randall Howard, Inc.
resumes, vocational counseling, lob search, work, Inc. 452-6915. Household Help 220 BABY sitter needed for 2 small child. in your home. Fox Meadows area only.
362-1127 off. 6 pm BABYSITTER, Mature, dependable, to care for baby in my home, 5 days, own tion, ref. 386-3823 aft. 6 pm. GOVERNESS, live-in for small children, light housework, female between 30-45, salary negotiable, 363-6559 3820 Clark Rd.
LIVE in Housekeeper. Three children 13, 11 3. Room, Board and Salary, days, references required. 683-0926 LIVE- IN Housekeeper, 5 days. Room, meals salary.
386-4519 LIVE-in Housekeeper to care for 3 elderly people, 274-2795 MAID, child care, transportation MAID, 4 days Experienced Dayworkers Household Employ. Agency 38 N. Cleveland 720-9195 LIVE- for 2-er. old boy. Private room, board salary.
725-1916, 755-3796 Help Wanted 225 ACCOUNTANT: Entry level $15- $17,000 exp. Internal Audit: lite exP. travel fees po. MADISON PERSONNEL 761-2660 ACCOUNTANT-Controller $30- $35M multi-plant. Prefer MBA fee paid.
MADISON PERSONNEL 761-2660 -CPA firm needs individual at heavy sr. or mar. level. Must have audit bked. or ire.
firm. Partnership oppty. No travel, excellent benefits. Send resume to Anderson Uiberall P.C., 3171 Direc-1 tors Row, Memphis, Tenn. 38131 ACCOUNTING MGR: $25,000.
Fee Pd. Deg. 3-5 vrs. mfg. exp.
Responsible for both cost gen. Fortune 500 Co. Louise Bell 901- 527-5552, Excel Personnel, 12 S. Main, Memphis, Tn. 38103 ACCOUNTS Entry Level: $12,000 MBA: TO $17,000 AUDIT: $20,000 Big-8 $20,000 GENERAL $20.000 PLANT: $20,000 TAX: $22,000 COST MEG: $25,000 OPR AUDIT: TO $24,000 SR CORP ANAL: $25-530K TREAS ANAL: $24,000 Fees paid company.
MADISON PERSONNEL 761-2660 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Pleasant atmosphere, mature person, office mamt, potential, $650- Joann Snelling Snelling Pers. 327-8142 ACCOUNTS Receivable Clerk Immediate opening, will train, salary open. Call Brenda 365- 6433 for Interview. ACCTG. ASST.
FEE PD. $12K East. Great Bkkp. exper. WEBB EMP.
767-7380 Administrative Asst. Mature person who likes people. Good opportunity for future advancement. Good pay and fits. Ph.
Mr. Spears 501-735-2700 ADMINISTRATIVE Trainee: Co. with BIG futurel Degree. Some work exp. $15,500.
Marvann 682-0651 Snelling Snelling Pers. ADMINISTRATOR Our nationally prominent firm now has available a challenging administrator's position to handie a medical business office in the Memphis area. Health care background expereince1 a quirement. Handle all personnel functions as well as work with physicians. Previous management medical experience required.
Data processing ground plus. Send resume 10 Box 66, Richmond, Va. 23201. ADVERTISING CLERK Need experience In Layout checking ads to coordinate ads for area stores. Full Time.
J. B. Hunter Co. 3030 Poplar Ave. Apply Monday Friday For call 458-2541 An Affirmative Action Emplover Help Wanted 225 AGENTS Wanted new, good training.
683-2456, CENTURY 21 RAY SCHUTT, REALTORS AIR Conditioning Mechanic, preferably or electrical control, or rebulld experApply Sibler Air Conditioning, 332-3743 AIR CONDITIONING HEATING MECH. Completed ac. heating tiship or Vocational School cert, In Commercial Ac. Mechanics one OJT on-the-lob trainIns, rears OJT. Exc.
working environment and fringe benefits. Apply in Person, Mon. 8-3, 8-12, Dept. of Manpower Resources, Room Jones Hall, State 38152. Equal Opportunity Employer ALUMINUM Must SIDING Applicators.
sq. have own equipment be exper. Steady work. 345-2160 ASSISTANT YARD FOREMAN For lumber Industry. Figuring board footase thorough knowedge of building materials required.
Salary commensurate with proven ability. Reply to box R-882 this paper. ASSISTANT CREDIT MGR: exp. Malor Co. Ofc.
business req. $12,000. Fee Pd. Leona 682-0651 Snelling Snelling Pers. ASSISTANT Credit Manager: Fee Pd.
World wide co. Bus. exP. Accurate. $12,000.
Call Maryann 682-0651 Snelling Snelling Pers. ASST. BUSINESS MGR. Maior truck leasing Co. is ing individual to assist business Mar.
in performing routine Bus. Mor. Duties. College degree is not required, but preferred. Send resume to Lend Lease, Co.
1850 E. Brooks, Mphs. 38116 ASST. TO OFC. MGR.
$700 Fee pd. Advance. Bkkp. exp. RUBYE WEBB EMP.
767-7380 AUTO SERVICE MANAGER Goodvear Service Store has permanent position for a Service Manager. Prior Auto Mechanic exper. ability to sell service needs to customer is essential. Goodyear benefits include: paid vacations, hospitalization Insurance pension program. To apply, call 526-1295 for appt.
GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 726 N. PARKWAY Auto Glass Installer Must be exp. Good pay, benefits. Jack Morris Auto Glass, 725-5500 AUTO Parts Counter Sales, Experienced or will train. Apply in person, 3603 Lamar AUTO Mon-Fri.
2 vr. Stablel Nice localel 345- 8821 Metro Per, AUTOMOTIVE or INDUSTRIAL Parts-Mechanical parts background necessary. Engine tributors Warehouse, 691 Linden BAND. 3 or 4 piece CountryWestern. Apply in person.
Dynasty Lounge. 3683 N. Watkins. BARTENDER Pleasant working good salary, apply, Mr. Hopps aft.
8 am. Knickerbocker Rest. 4699 Poplar BARTENDERS needed, Midtown. 725-0650 between 12-2 for appt. BEGINNER CLERICAL SSS Lt.
Type, Answer Phones POPLAR EMP. 458-2596 BEGINNER OFFICE $563, HS. grad. East. Grear Pers, 766 5.
Highland, 452-7318 BKKPR. F.C./EAST fee $10,200 Goss 5050 Poplar, 761-9191 BOB TRUCK And TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Needed for city delivery and over the road. Must have exper: lence, 900d safety record and current licenses. Apply At MANPOWER 4938 Poplar Ave. BOOK STORE PERSONNEL The Book Inn in Chicasaw Oaks Mail now Interviewing for full and part time positions.
Apply in person only. BOOKEEPING Cierk, $3.25 Hr. Full time, Apply in person 1420 Mid City Building. BOOKKEEPER FEE PAID BY COMPANY Diversified 1 person ofc. position estate 761-4900 PERSONNEL Services PER experienced, Call 767-1142 Help Wanted 225 BOOKKEEPER: Oppty.
for exp. 1. Grow Raises. Advance Run ofc. To $12,000.
Call Leona 682-0651 Snelling Snelling Pers. Full Charge EXPERIENCE $12,000, Fee Paid. Unlimited advancement potential is offered by East Memphis group, Successful full charge experience. Contact PAT PARKER SONNEL CONSULTANTS, div. Exec.
Personnel, 5050 Poplar, Suite BOOKKEEPER -full charge office person for immediate opening--male or female--to do Bookkeeping, financial reports, filing, payroll, accts. receivable. Small growing company- -come be a part. Holliday's, 872-2266 or send resume 10 Holliday's, Box 336, Millington, 38053 BOOKKEEPER -Part Good general Apply now! 345-8821 Metro Per. East Memphis, 1 girl office.
Must have experience type 70 wom. Salsry commensurate with qualifications. Call 761-0883 for interview. to handie accis. payroll billing, 726-6961 BUYER $14-816K Fee pd.
Des. 1-2 yrs. GALLOWAY EMP. 683-6356 CABINET MAKER. Permanent cabinet benchman needed.
Only experienced need apply. Good fringe benefits. Saunders Manufacturing, 3243 Tulane CABINET MAKERS SPRAY PAINTERS FIXTURE INSTALLERS For custom store fixture manufacturine. 5 years experience required. Apply ACE FIXTURES INDUSTRIES, 146 E.
Butler. CARPENTER To do trim carpentry for residential, contractor start immediately! 365-1200 Monday-Friday. CARPENTER Vocational school certificate In carpentry or completion of pentry apprenticeship or H.S. carpentry course 1 vr. exper.
or related exper. (cabinet ing, furn, making, etc.) 10 mos. exper, as a carpenter helpPay rate $4.25 per hr. Apply in person Mon. Tues.
8-3 Wed. 8-12, Dept. of Manpower Resources, Room 110, Jones Hall MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY MEMPHIS, TN. 38152 Equal Opportunity Emplover CARPENTERS Experienced, year round work, 363-7808 CARPENTERS LEAD Truck and tools, experience in additions and remodeling helpful. 382-4416, 362-3957 CARPENTERS, Exp.
with own transportation tools. Capable of doing all types. Year round permanent full time ment. 789-1394, 743-4944 aft. 5 CARPENTERS, experienced 388-0806 after 4 CARPENTERS, helpers.
683-2003 after 6. CARPENTER'S HELPER With tools transportation. Young man to clean up after construction crew. 5881 Park Ave. 767-1580 CARPET LAYER with experlence.
Good pay. 761-2696. CARPET Mechanics, experlenced only, 527-7488 CASHIER. In Out Grocery. Apply in person.
Polygraph required. 1513 Stateline Road. CASHIER WANTED Local retail building supply company needs qualified person to operate NCR cash register other misc. duties. Good salary fringe benefits.
Must be bonded or willing to be bonded. Reply to Box P-1542 this paper CASUALTY Secretary-exper. Contact Mary Squires, 458-7577 CHEMICAL BLENDER. $4.50 Hr. up.
Training. Good math? For you? Fortune Pers. 363-3620 CLAIMS ADJUSTER Excel, position, qualified experienced multiple line adiuster. Excel. benefits.
Opportunity for advancement. Michigan Mutual Ins. Co. 5050 Poplar 682-3341. CLAIMS ADJUSTOR: TOP Co.
Career. Like people. $11,500 Car. Fee Pd. Julie 345-2692 Snelling Snelling Pers.
CLAIMS: Start $12.000 range car fee MADISON PERSONNEL. 761-2660 Four Day East Memphis $7200. Fee paid by client company. Eniov four day work week during the summer. Assist cilents involved In Memphis pansion.
Type correspondence. Plush location and offices. Contact PAT PARKER NEL CONSULTANTS, div. Exec. Personnel, 5050 Poplar, Suite 1601, 767-6800 CLERK Typist, gen.
office, 50 hrs. 8-5. 5 wk. 452-0896.