The Bad End - Chapter 149 - CrystalNinjaPhoenix (2024)

Chapter Text

TES: How’s it going?

It's clear that some time has passed. Enough for the power to finally be back on, as the lightbulbs dangling from the ceiling are glowing yellow. JJ and Marvin are in the cellar of Marvin's house, which is absolutely filled with items of all sort. Furniture, knickknacks, clothes, anything that would be found in a home, all piled down here. JJ is armed with a feather duster, while Marvin looks at his phone, standing in the middle of a clear section.

JJ puts the duster down. Hello you all! Been a week since we last heard from you. Or, eight days, more accurately. Nothing much happened in those days, though, don't you worry.

"Hey guys." Marvin waves without looking up from his phone. "Don't mind me. Just trying... to find that... cleaning spell I saved. Did I not take a screenshot of it?"

Do you remember the website? JJ asks.

Marvin's eyes flick up to watch him sign. "Uh... no." He sighs. "f*ck it. I'll just wing it."

Please do not wing it, Jameson says. Some of this stuff is delicate.

TES: Where did you save it?

Marvin blinks. "Uhhhhh..."

Jameson sighs. Check your history on your browser. Can you do that on your phone?

"I can figure it out." Marvin continues to tap randomly while Jameson turns his attention back to dusting. After a moment, Marvin shouts "Got it!" He stretches out his arm, hand open and fingers splayed, and then closes them a couple times. Green magic puffs out, brushing away some of the harder-to-reach cobwebs on the rafters above.

TES: That’s so cool!

“Thanks!” Marvin grins. “Schneep got in contact with Fern and she sent me this website of, like, utility spells. Apparently you need passwords for a lot of the really good magician sites.”

Speaking of Henrik, do you think he’s back yet? JJ asks.

“Huh? No, definitely not. It’s only been like half an hour.”

JJ blinks, then nods. Right, of course. You know how I am with time; it felt much longer.

TES: Where is he?

He has an interview! JJ says cheerfully.

“Lucky bastard, honestly,” Marvin says. “No one else has landed one yet. I think Chase and Jackie have taken to walking into places and asking if they’re hiring.”

They have, JJ confirms. They’re doing that right now.

“Ah. I didn’t know they left.” Marvin laughs, which turns into a cough from all the dust. “Well. Anyway. If he does well in the interview they’ll call him back in another week or something. And then he’ll be a nurse.”

Probably something more specific than that, JJ says.

“Yeah, well, if it’s more specific he didn’t explain.” Marvin sends another magical cleaning spell at the ceiling.

TES: That’s awesome! I guess having been to med school helps a lot when you’re looking for a job lol

"Oh god yeah." Marvin laughs. "The rest of us have, like, no qualifications. I know Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets and that's it. And like, he has a reason for the gap in his resume. I know, like, we all do. Since the time loop and corruption and everything. But like... he's worked out an excuse that he was in an accident and had to recover. Which is not wrong. And he has the scars and like... physical effects to show it."

Jameson continues to dust as Marvin rambles. I think Henrik will do great, he says, momentarily putting the duster down to sign.

"Oh yeah." Marvin nods. "I'm sure we'll all find something we're happy with. It just might take a while for the rest of us. I mean... you do have that offering from Letitia's, if you want."

JJ nods slowly.

TES: I mean, I’m pretty sure any of you could claim to have been in an accident just as easily

"Well, yeah, but like..." Marvin frowns. "Like, Schneep can show it, you know?"

So can you. Jameson gestures at his face.

"Oh. Y-yeah." Marvin reaches up and traces one of the raised scars on his face. "But like... what if they ask questions? All Schneep has to say is that he got struck by lightning or something, it's a bit harder to come up with an explanation for weird face scars."

If someone persists on asking you details for something after you say, "I was in an accident," then you clearly don't want to work there with all those rude people, Jameson points out.

Marvin laughs. "Good point, good point." He continues to use the magic cleaning spell for a while.

Have you had any luck, by the way? JJ asks.

"I dunno. I'm finding a lot of jobs but not many that sound... good. Do you think I should apply for anything?"

To an extent, JJ says. If it feels like you would hate being there, then you can pass over one. He starts dusting a cabinet, and then stops, eyes lighting up. He reaches out and opens the cabinet's glass door, revealing rows of teacups. You have my hutch!

"Yeah. Let me tell you how nervous I was about transporting that, even with magic." Marvin laughs. "I hope the cups and pots are all in order."

TES: Reunited at last~

Jameson laughs. He picks up one of the cups and examines it. It looks like you took good care of them, he says. Thank you.

Marvin smiles. "I, uh... did my best."

Jameson gently brushes over the cups with the duster. He opens up a second cabinet door, revealing that it's full of teapots and kettles, and starts brushing those over as well. I'm so glad that the spiders didn't find these. It would have been perfect for them.

"That's what the cabinets are for," Marvin says. "Anyway. Don't let us hold you up, voices. I mean... unless you want to explore my cellar with us."

TES: ((To Jack/Anti)) How's it going?

“Hey guys!” Jack says cheerfully. He’s sitting at the old computer in the office. “We’re uh… good! I guess! I just finished… recording something?” The tablet is set up nearby. “Like… something saying I’m returning. The tablet camera isn’t the best quality but uh… The webcam I ordered isn’t here yet and I got a bit impatient. I, uh, want to stockpile some games before I upload anything. Just in case. I’ll probably lean into the long form stuff, I hope people enjoy that…” His smile slowly fades. “Um… Anti says it will go fine. But what if… what if it’s not enough? O-or what if I’m not… relevant anymore? Like, everyone forgot about me? O-or what if it’s not as fun as I remember? And I just won’t be able to be consistent anymore, I think. What if that’s… not enough?” He shakes his head. “Sorry, I… I know this is stupid. And I don’t want to dump all my doubts on you guys first thing.”

TES: There’s no way to guarantee you’ll have an audience as big as before. It’s up to you if it’s still worth putting effort into despite that. It’s like when you first started, right? You didn’t know if you’d get an audience then, either, so what motivated you?

Jack is quiet for a moment. “I don’t know. It seemed fun, to be able to play video games for a living. And maybe I also thought… it was a good way to connect with people. I, uh, didn’t have that many friends. Chase and Jackie were there, but I was worried we were starting to drift apart. Looking back, those worries were unfounded.” He laughs. “Over time, though, I… really felt like I was making people happy. Making an impact in their lives, even if it was just a small one.” He goes quiet again. “I guess… even if I can’t reach more people, it’s still good if I reach anyone at all, right?—oh, yeah, good idea.” Jack tilts his head to the side. “Anti is saying I should try to reach out to some of my Internet friends again. Wait, Anti, did you ever try to reach out to them?… Hmm, yeah, good point, they’d probably think that you were some crazy fan if you said you were me.”

TES: That’s a great idea!

Jack smiles. “Yeah, it probably is. A lot of them are still doing videos and stuff, so I can get advice.” He spins idly in the chair. “Anyway. Do you all have any advice for games that have come out since the time loop started? It was… 2019 when it did, and it’s now, uhhh… 2022. Keep in mind I’m stuck with just a PC for now. I’m open to most things, though. I just played a game called Unpacking, it was very different but surprisingly relaxing.”

TES: Hm… my favorite video game right now is Disco Elysium, it came out in 2019 so I don’t know if that was before or after the loop started. It’s a detective RPG. Another game I’ve played and liked is Outer Wilds, it also came out around that time, and it’s also a mystery video game

There’s The Last of Us Part 2 and Psychonauts 2, if you’ve played the first of either of those. Inscryption came out in 2021, it’s like… a digital card game and also an ARG? There’s also Omori, a cutesy psychological horror rpg

I don’t tend to play a wide variety of video games, I usually play unending games like the sims and stardew valley, or repeat narrative based games over and over, so I can’t give a personal endorsem*nt for everything listed, but I have watched at least three video essays about everything listed, haha

"Oh sh*t, there's a Last of Us Part 2?!" Jack sits up. "Hell yeah I love the Last of Us! That was one of the first games I played on the channel!" He grins. "God, I didn't even have a facecam back then, that's crazy."

He spins back around in the chair. "I have heard of Inscryption, it showed up in a lot of videos I've seen in my, uh, research. I'll try it out, but I can't guarantee I'll finish it." He pauses. "Anti says he's curious about Omori. Well get it on your own Steam account, then. I'm not an rpg guy. Haven't heard of Outer Wilds, maybe I'll check that out..." He grins. "And don't worry about not playing something yourself. I know that a lot of people experience games through others. I mean, I'm sure my videos have done that for a lot of people."

TES: Oh I bet you’d love Omori, Anti, if you can get through the more cutesy parts to the dark stuff. It takes a bit (I would argue it’s poorly paced but maybe it works better when you’re actually playing it instead of watching someone) but once it gets heavily into the psychological horror stuff it’s really good (if you like psychological horror, which I think you do). And the art style is a really cool mix of hand drawn stuff and pixel art! And there’s lots of elements I think will really resonate with you that I can’t talk about without spoilers

It would be fun to have your first game after a long hiatus be The Last of Us Part Two, since you played it so early on in your channel. Poetic, almost

Jack nods. "Yeah, I like that. Poetic. I'll check out how much it is. Probably a lot, considering it's one of the bigger games out there. But I can probably splurge for that." He pauses. "Anti wants to talk to you guys, hold on."

There's a noticeable shift in posture as Anti takes over. "Yeah, you're right, I'll probably like it," he says. "Not really a fan of something... cutesy." He makes a face. "But I'd be ready to try it out. Contrast can be a great thing in horror. And yeah, I think I like all kinds of horror, but I'm probably partial to the more intense stuff."

:) Anon: Oh boy, I get the feeling you'd probably get a lot of enjoyment out of Fear and Hunger then. Pretty f*cked up game but *man* if you're the right type of audience for it you can get sucked up into it pretty easily.

Although the gameplay is very unforgiving, on a blind playthrough at least.

But, mmh. It definitely wouldn't be Jack's cup of tea.

"Hmm? Never heard of that one. No, wait. I think I've heard the name before... but I don't know what it's about." Anti frowns, thinking about it. "Hold on." He opens up the browser on the computer and googles the game. "2018... dark medieval fantasy... survival horror, ooo. Puzzles and monsters, okay..." He seems to be reading the Wikipedia page for the game. "You have to guess a coin toss to do almost anything? Yeah that does sound f*cking brutal. On the bright side, you have a sanity meter and can lose limbs! The art style looks cool, too..."

TES: Do you think you'd ever want to make your own channel?

"Hmm... I don't know if I could," Anti says. "After all, unless I pretend to be Jack's long-lost twin, people are always gonna think that I am him. I guess maybe if I didn't have a facecam? Then I could just be like 'yeah I've been told I sound a lot like jacksepticeye but I'm not.' But that sounds so f*cking tiring to keep doing." He shrugs. "I don't think so. Maybe one day in the future. But it's not on my radar right now. I need to have been a functional part of society for a while before I reach that level. And as of right now, I might be closer than the psychopath I used to be, but I'm still not there, I think."

TES: That makes sense. What does ‘being a functional part of society’ mean to you? In my experience it can be somewhat of a moving target to want to be ‘functional,’ so it’s good to nail down down exactly what your goal is

“Hmm… dunno.” Anti thinks about it. “Having friends. Having a place to live. Being able to support myself—though I’m stuck with Jack so I guess we can combine that. Not committing terrible crimes. Like, sometimes I still feel angry enough to f*cking kill someone. I don’t, though, so that’s a step towards functional. So I guess self-control is a big thing for me, really. I know you’re going to say that I’m doing so much better at that, and you’re right, but… you know what I mean.”

TES: Those are good goals!

Anti grins. “Thanks. Well, uh, I sort of interrupted Jack. I’ll let him get back to it.”

There’s another posture shift as Jack takes over again. “Nice talking to you guys! Have you talked with anyone else yet?”

TES: We talked to JJ and Marvin

“Oh yeah! They said they were gonna start cleaning the basem*nt out,” Jack says. “Well just to let you know now, Hen is busy—he’s at an interview!” He smiles, excited. “Chase and Stacy are out doing school stuff for the kids, making sure they’re registered, I think? I think they can start attending classes again soon. And Jackie… I’m not sure where he is, actually. He said he was going for a walk around the city but that was a while ago.”

TES: Yeah, Marvin and JJ mentioned Schneep’s interview. How exciting! And getting the kids back in school, too. Things are really stabilizing

Jack smiles. "Yeah. Slowly, of course. Uh, most of us still don't have jobs. But! The interview is a start. And I think Chase and Stacy have gotten a few offers, they just need to head out there. Not, uh... their first choices. But better than nothing." He spins back to the computer and starts to type. "Anyway. If you want to reach out to anyone, I suggest Jackie first. Cause the others will be busy."

TES: Jackie, how’s it going?

Jackie is hanging out in a fast food restaurant, sitting in one of the plastic booths. There’s a gray with a half-eaten burger and some fries in front of him. He jumps slightly at the sound of your voice, then glances around. There is no one within earshot in the near-empty restaurant. “Hey guys,” he says. “It’s going good. I’m just fueling up. I asked these guys if they were hiring while I was here. They said no, but the guy said that I should ask around with some delivery companies, because they’re always hiring.” He grins. “Then after this… I’m gonna practice. With this some more.” He wiggles his fingers, and some red and blue static flickers around them. Then he hisses. “Damn it. I still get cut sometimes.”

TES: Does it not cut you all the time now?

“Oh no, not really,” Jackie says. “I mean… sometimes they do. Usually when I’m not paying too much attention to them. I’ve woken up a couple times because of them… but then I got used to it so I sleep right through them. I just sometimes have cuts in the morning.”

He takes some band-aids out of his pocket and applies one around his finger. “But it’s actually pretty rare that they cut me while I’m awake now. I’m like… aware of them, I think. Unconsciously. Most of the time. But I want to see if I can use them to do cool sh*t, like I did when I cut that corruption string in the cave.” He picks up the burger and takes a bite.

TES: That's awesome! Have you been working with Anti on it or practicing on your own?

“Both. More by myself recently,” Jackie says. “I think my glitches are pretty different from what Anti’s powers were. Like, look at this.” He picks a long French cry out of the carton. Then he points at it and some glitches fly out, slicing it in half. “Weird, right? And definitely not something Anti could do.”

TES: Oh, sick!

"I know, right?!" Jackie grins, then tosses both ends of the sliced french fry in his mouth, eating it. "But it's not that hard to tear a chip in half, you know? I think that if I really focus I could use them to cut more things. I managed to cut a stick in half at the park the other day. One about this thick." He holds his fingers half an inch apart. "Again, uh, you can break that with your hands, but it's cooler to do it with magic glitches! I wonder what else I can do with them. Make noise? Maybe, uh... disorient people? I dunno."

TES: Do they cut other people, or just you?

"Well uh... I haven't... tested that... for obvious reasons," Jackie says. "But I think they will. When I was corrupted, that's what they did." He goes quiet for a moment, under the pretense of finishing his food, but actually looks thoughtful. "I, uh... won't do that unless its in self defense. Of course."

TES: Right, I know you wouldn’t use it to disorient people unless in self defense either so I was just wondering. Hopefully there’s no need for self defense ever again, though

“Well… unfortunately the city still isn’t the safest place,” Jackie says. “There’s a reason I felt like I had to do vigilante work. But ironically enough, I think that Anti’s antics caused regular crime to disappear, so I think this place is safer now.” He stands up, putting away the tray and throwing away the trash. “Weird that we still don’t know the name of the city… and that the lack of a name doesn’t cause massive problems for all sorts of sh*t.”

TES: Yeah, it’s wild! I wonder if you just started calling it something if that would catch on

Jackie laughs. “Maybe! Hey, I’m open for suggestions. I don’t think I’m creative enough to name a city. At least, not that kind of creativity. With words and stuff.” He heads out of the restaurant. There’s a bus stop across the street, and he hurries across to reach it. Luckily, there are no cars.

TES: In this branch of the multiverse, the city you guys live in is usually called Mirygale

Jackie stops walking out of shock just before he reaches the curb. Then he gets past that and climbs onto the curb and stands by the bus stop. “Sorry I was just surprised. To hear you mention the multiverse so casually. But I forgot that you guys are actually from another world and not just weird voices. You guys weren’t here those couple times those guys came from other worlds, were you? Man that sh*t was wild to see. Anyway. Mirygale, huh…? That’s a cool name. Maybe we can start using that.”

TES: We weren't there, but we saw it, if that makes any sense at all

“Uhhh… it doesn’t to me, but then again, I’m the guy who just said he forgot you guys were from another world,” Jackie says. “This sh*t doesn’t really stick with me. But, uh, cool! Good to know I don’t have to explain it.” He looks at his hand and snaps a couple times, causing more static. “Practicing. What d’you guys think I could do with my powers by the way? Give me stuff to try.”

TES: I don’t know, I’d try some of the stuff Anti was able to do, like kinda teleporting? Obviously your glitches are different, but it’s worth a shot

“Hmm.” Jackie thinks about it, scratching the back of his head. “Yeah, worth a shot. I do think that the teleporting was because Anti didn’t have a body, but I could, like, try to influence technology. Or try to grab things out of thin air.”

A ding! sound comes from Jackie’s pocket. He reaches in and pulls out a new-looking phone, reading something on the screen. His expression lights up. “Schneep is done with the interview!” He starts texting. “How… did… it… go?” he says out loud as he types each word.

TES: ((To Schneep)) How'd the interview go?

You catch Schneep just as he’s walking out of a tall building. This is clearly a hospital front entrance, with a long circular driveway so cars can drop people off right at the doors if needed. Schneep is looking at his phone, which looks just as new as Jackie’s does. His clothes also seem new. they’re nice: a beige button-down and khaki pants. He must have got them specifically for this.

“Ah!” He looks up in surprise. “Oh. h-hello. I think it went well.” He seems a bit nervous. “You can never really tell at first. Or at least, I cannot. I-I always worry that my conditions will cause them to overlook me.” He idly runs his thumb over the Lichtenberg scars on the back of his hand. “But I… I was professional and answered questions well, and I think that is the best I can do. I… hope I make it. They said they will let me know within the week.”

TES: What's the job?

"Something called a surgical technician," Schneep says. "You know in movies and television there is the trope of a doctor saying 'scalpel' or 'forceps' and then someone hands them what they asked for? The people who hand them things are surgical technicians. They also prepare the operating room and clean after the operation is done. It is not quite what I wanted... and I am a bit overqualified, to be honest." He chuckles. "But they had no physician positions open. And it is better than being something as basic as a nursing assistant or medical assistant. I can continue looking, but if I get the job, I am fine working here in the meantime."

TES: Do you think you’d enjoy working as a surgical technician?

"Hmm, well... it is not too different from when I worked in the emergency room, I assume," Schneep says. "Obviously my memories of working as a surgeon are still a bit fuzzy. But they took me into the operating room on a tour just now, and it felt... familiar." He pauses. "So... I think it will be... fine, at least. Perhaps a slightly different skill set, but it will be enough. Perhaps I could work my way up to a different position if I don't enjoy it after all." He begins walking down to the street.

TES: Maybe it’ll help you recover more memories to work in a hospital again!

Schneep smiles. "Yes... I do hope so. The others told me that this isn't the hospital I worked at." He glances back at the hospital. Now that he's farther away, you can see a sign right by the road. Wilkins Central Hospital. "But it should be close enough. I wonder if I will run across any people I knew... even though it is a different one. I have a vague memory of, ah... things being close-knit, in the local medical community."

TES: That would be awesome!

Henrik laughs. “I appreciate your enthusiasm!” He looks down at his phone. “Everyone is, ah, hyping me up, as they say. Telling me I did well. I appreciate them, as well.”

He walks down the street and stops by a bus stop. There’s someone already sitting on the bench there. An older man, with streaks of gray in his dark hair, wearing a tweed vest. He looks at Schneep curiously.

TES: What’re your plans when you get home?

“Hmm… I am not sure,” Henrik says. “Marvin and I have been connecting over Dungeons and Dragons again. Though we do not have any campaign or anything to do, but we have been talking about characters and Marvin has been helping me remember my rules. Maybe I will work on a character sheet… or maybe I will just read a book.”

The other man of the bus station is trying to discreetly glance at Schneep.

TES: I can’t tell if that guy knows you or is just weirded out by you talking to yourself

“Hmm?” Henrik glances at the man. “Oh. Excuse me?”

“Ah, pardon,” the man says. “It’s just… you look like someone I know. And sound like him, too.”

Henrik blinks. “Well, my name is Henrik von Schneeplestein. Do I know you?”

“Henrik?! Good lord, that’s really you?” The man gasps. “What happened?”

“Oh, ah—w-well—” Schneep is at a loss for words for a second. “I—I’m sorry if I didn’t recognize you, I—th-there was an accident—Sorry, who are you?”

“You don’t remember me? I know I changed workplaces but it hasn’t been that long… I think.” The man stands up straight, brushing himself down. “It’s me, Arthur. Arthur Wilkinson.”

Henrik blinks. “That is one of the most common English names I have heard.”

The man, Arthur, chuckles. “Yes, I know. You really don’t recognize me? I know I’ve gotten older, but not by that much, I think.”

“Well I ah…” Schneep stammers, looking a bit overwhelmed. “The—the accident I mentioned, it—a-affected my memory.”

“Really? I’m sorry to hear that, my boy.” Arthur’s expression shifted from confusion to sympathy. “What happened?”

Schneep hesitates. He hasn’t had to actually explain things yet, the person at the interview stopped after him saying it was an accident. What does he say?

TES: You can say you don't want to talk about it, or that it's related to the time loop stuff, or that it's a result of being tortured! I mean, I think that if someone asks a question like that they should be prepared for an uncomfortable answer. You could also lie, say it was a lightning strike or something. Up to you!

“I…” Henrik clears his throat. “I do not think that is, ah… something to talk about at a bus stop.”

“Ah. Fair play to you.”

“But, ah… there was electricity involved,” Henrik says slowly. “And because of that, I-I lost a lot of my memory. I am only recovering things recently.”

Arthur glances up and down. “Ah. That would explain the scars, wouldn’t it? Looks like you got struck by lightning, my boy. Is everything alright?”

Henrik smiles weakly. “It is getting better. In any case… I am sorry I do not remember you, can you, ah… explain things to me?”

“Right, right, o-of course.” Arthur clears his throat. He seems a bit… off-kilter, but then again, he just learned someone he considers a friend has forgotten him. “I was a supervising doctor at your old workplace. I helped train you, before I left that place due to disagreements with the hospital owner. He was a bit of a, ah… a prick, if you’ll excuse the language.”

Schneep chuckles. “I see. I assume you work here, now?” He gestures back at the hospital he came from.

“Yes, indeed.”

“Well, I am… also in consideration for a job there.”

“Ah! I’ll see if I can put in a good word for you, then!” Arthur smiles.

“Heh… that would be… that would be appreciated.”

TES: I think refamiliarizing yourself with people from your work life will be helpful-- your friends know a lot, but there are sections of your life that they weren't there for, just as I assume you weren't with them while they worked their jobs

Schneep nods slowly, thinking about your words. "Well, ah, Arthur. Even if I do not get the job, I would like to keep in contact with you. Perhaps talking with you could help me with my memory issues... if you are okay with that."

"Of course, Henrik!" Arthur pats his shoulder. "Here, do you have your phone? You had my number before but it sounds like you've lost it."

Henrik chuckles. "Yes, I lost my phone a while ago. Before all that... strangeness in the city. I have this new one..."

The two of them exchange numbers. Arthur tells Schneep some more details about how they met at work and what they did together. Basically, he was a mentor figure. Schneep sighs, sad that he forgot this all... but at least there's a chance to reconnect now.

The bus arrives after only a couple moments. "Where are you heading, Henrik?" Arthur adds.

"East edge of the city. I am staying with a friend."

"Hmm, you'll need to transfer lines then, it sounds like. I'll ride with you until your stop."

Henrik smiles. "Thank you. We can talk some more."

TES: ((To Jackie)) Schneep has come across someone claiming to be an old friend, Arthur Wilkinson, does that sound familiar to you? He was his mentor, apparently

Jackie is in the park now. He's standing beneath a tall tree, where he's buried the end of a stick in the ground so it sticks straight up. There are some notches in the stick. "Arthur, Arthur, Arthur..." Jackie repeats. "Yeah, I think he mentioned him before. In the before times. He was his boss or something."

He winds his hand back and throws it forward. Some colorful static bursts out, flying through the air and slicing another notch in the stick.

"So he found someone he knew from work, then? That's great!" Jackie continues as if that didn't just happen. "Hopefully that helps with his memory."

TES: Woah that’s cool! I wonder if you could carve an image into something?

Jackie's eyes light up. "Oh that'd be badass! Like that Zorro movie! I mean, with glitches instead of a sword, but you know what I mean." He looks around, checking that nobody is looking. Nobody is, so he turns to the nearby tree. Colorful glitches gather around his hand and he throws them at the tree. They bury in the bark and leave behind a handful of gashes. He frowns. "I was trying to make a J shape... oh well."

TES: Do you think you’ll be able to do it with practice, or can the glitches just not be controlled to that level?

“I’m sure I can do it,” Jackie says. There is such conviction in his voice that it’s like he’s stating a fact rather than making a speculation. “I just need some practice.” He pulls his hand back and throws more glitches at the tree. “Hmm… maybe not with this method, though.” He tilts his head to the side, squinting and thinking. Then he makes a finger gun. A smaller, singular glitch leaps from the end of his pointer finger and makes another notch in the tree. “Yeah something like that.” He glances around, once again making sure that no one is nearby before firing again.

TES: What’s do you think is the smallest glitch you can throw?

“Hmm…” Jackie holds up his pointer finger. A little bit of static about as big as a coin hovers above the tip of his finger. “That small, I guess,”

He walks up to the tree and pokes the bark. “Ooo maybe I can draw this way.” His face screws up in concentration as he tries to trace a line on the bark… but the static fizzles out after one line. “I really hope this won’t get me in trouble. I think you’re not supposed to damage the trees. But maybe that only counts if it’s chopped down.”

TES: It’s probably fine!

"It's probably fiiiine," Jackie repeats, chuckling. He tries again, this time getting mostly through the curve of the J before he loses it. He sighs. "That's surprisingly hard. It's like holding your breath to keep it going. Anyway. I'm gonna be here for a while. Any requests for cool stuff to try?"

TES: Not that I can think of unfortunately, I'm not super creative with this kind of stuff

Jackie shrugs. “That’s fine. I’ll just keep trying with this.” Again, he tries to carve a J into the bark of the tree, but doesn’t get much farther than he did before. “Aw.” He shrugs. “Maybe I need to concentrate more. Hey, why don’t you check to see if Chase and Stacy are done with their school stuff? I’ll report back to you guys on my progress next time I see you!”

The Bad End - Chapter 149 - CrystalNinjaPhoenix (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.