Simply Sing: My Singing App iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)

2 years ago, love it but a suggestion

Love it😁

I love yours thing I love singing but the only time I do it is when I’m listening to music so I’m probably gonna sing more often and I really wanted a job as an actor later in my life so being an actor sometimes means you have to sing and this will improve my singing and maybe one day I’ll be excepted also whenever I saw all your simply ads I thought simply piano and simply guitar were different people that made it so I was all like Who is getting more of the people to download it but then I found out y’all are all the same developer and I was like oh but anyways I love y’alls app it is so amazing but for simply piano I don’t want to download it because I don’t have a piano or anything like a piano but can you please start having to buy premium for every single song you’re a post to sing it is really annoying I had a piano once but then I download the app and I learn my first song I got really good at it but when I try to find it play my favorite song it wouldn’t let me because I had to get premium and I don’t like spending money thx

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2 years ago, NJ33011

Good concept, needs work

I love that it’s free (more on that later) and has some good songs, super fun, but there is a lot to unpack. First of all, I told me I was a tenor. I actually take music lessons and a my teacher, a professional musician told me I was soprano. I thought whatever and did the songs it recommended but it was tooooo low for me to sing. Also, the song selection is little good. There is Numb Little Bug, All I Want, and traitor and that’s really it for the good songs. It was heavily advertised with drivers license and I was disappointed to not find that. WHY IS THERE NO BILLIE EILISH? BILLIE EILISH IS THE BEST MUSICIAN? Also, it said showtimes and musicals but I couldn’t find any. No Hamilton, No West Side Story, but there was plenty of Encanto (AKa the most overrated movie ever, I only watched cuz , I mean, Lin Manuel Miranda). The final thing is, I actually learned traitor with my teacher for 6 weeks very recently and spent so much of my time perfecting it. I even performed it at a festival. Yet, singing this song, it gave me 45 percent note accuracy. 😡. Besides all that, if you put more work into it, this is a really fun and amazing app. Maybe fixing those things would make it so much better! So glad it’s free and not like a thousand dollars like SimplyPiano. If ads meen keeping this fee with the changes I suggested, I would never stop using this app even with the ads.

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5 months ago, Galaxygazer13

Great app but a few suggestions

I downloaded this app to get better at my singing I am in a choir and does theater, so I wanted to train my voicebto get better. The intro was awesome andbi understood it but after the intro it went down hill for me. I am syill in school and living with my parents so I am not allowed to have subscriptions in apps. When it opened up the library I couldn't play any song, I wish that you could unlock songs with either adds (I don't really care for adds unless they are right in the middle of something) or we start off with a few songs and by doing them really good or playing more songs you would be able to unlock them. Second I can't practice my lip and mouth movements because I need a subscription to do so. I would rather have the same things as u said earlier unlock with adds or songs. That is really it so because his can't move on I can't say anything else. Oh, one other thing I wish we could edit our profiles and have a part of the app where we can sing with other people! (That might already be added but in the later levels, and likevi already explained I can't move on) I hope this could help viewers that ink about the app more carefully or the developers find different ways for people to enjoy the game experience

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1 year ago, Jupiter Legg

Needs better advertisem*nt

Obviously every free app isn’t actually free. Nothing is free in this world. Don’t expect going in to this app that it’s free, it isn’t. This app still needs a lot of developing. Also especially better ads. The ads barely give you any information on the actual app. All I am saying don’t expect this app to be like the ads. The ads barely demonstrate the app well enough. Well I get that their ads giving less descriptions helps sales, but it’s harmful for kids not talking about the price. Some kids I know who downloaded this app like my cousin went it to the game thinking it was free. And once she got in and saw the whole subscription thing she clicked it without thinking. You might say how does that deal with the ads well if you talked more about the money instead of saying it’s free to download talk about the subscriptions. Kids are dumb and will buy it to this if you don’t get more description. But I know this is a company and companies are pretty shady so they are probably doing this whole stuff on purpose. Just if you aren’t a scummy company give more descriptions on the app in your ads. Also you just need more in general the ads only really focus on one thing about everything in the app. This lack of detail just makes you kinda go blind in the app.

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12 months ago, ✨. 💀🤚🏻. ✨

Really good app but read this before you download

I saw this on an ad for when I was playing another game and it looks really cool because I love singing and I really want to start being professional way more professional so I download it and thinking that you know I will just have vocal exercises and that I could do any song I would like but you have to pay for almost every single song that you want. You have to pay for premium to get any song and the only thing that is free is the lesson that comes the first thing and then after that you have to pay for almost everything I write this maybe three out of 10 but I would definitely recommend buying it but then don’t pay for premium because then you’ll have to pay $10 a month and I do not recommend that I thought it was just gonna be everything free but no, I thought wrong so don’t download this app unless you wanna play $10 for a a few songs don’t download it unless you want to pay $10. Also the lessons are super clear and understanding so super sad that I wasn’t able to do any songs or anything so I haven’t gotten very far so tell me what you guys think also do not pay for almost everything pay for the month, the premium, and then no more!!!

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9 months ago, c-dub79

This app COULD be great—but it’s not

As a semi-professional singer, I recognize that we can all use some help improving our instrument. The concept of this app is fantastic and sold me based on the advertisem*nts. First of all, beyond the 20-min tutorial, absolutely nothing is free. So I decided to gamble $10 for one month to see what unlocked. The songs, while customizable to your voice range, have to EACH be customized—the songs were always intuitively set WAY too low for my alto voice. Not all altos can sing the low-low notes. Next is the singing interface. A click beat behind the music would be helpful with staying on beat with some of the more free flowing instrumentation. Next comes my review of the pitch identifying portion of the app. Notes that I’m fairly certain were on pitch were flagged as off pitch, and ONLY when I sang very straight and lifeless was I able to achieve proper pitch results. This does NOT help someone become better as a singer, it only helps people beat an app game. In fact, my voice felt very stressed after doing a couple songs in my proper range because of this. There also does not appear to be any real singing technique tutorials, short of breathing exercises. Again, I had high hopes for this app as a singer who always wants to be better, but the app falls way short.

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2 years ago, izzy8🌍🌈☀️⭐️🍱🌮🍔

Really fun app! (But still needs some updates)

I downloaded this app because I find singing as a hobby and I saw it in an ad recently. It looked cool enough so I decided to try it out. It placed me as an alto, which I didn’t know because I’m not a song genius really. But I sang a couple of songs and really liked it! It adjusts the song to your range so that you can sing it easily. Which I find convenient. But there are a couple of things I would like updated on the app. I know many people have already stated this, but I think searching up songs would really help people to find certain songs that they want to sing. Also, I know maybe this isn’t the biggest deal but I still wanted to include it. As mentioned earlier, I was an alto based on the app. But there were definitely a lot of low notes that I couldn’t reach on most songs. I know it isn’t their fault but it was just something that caught my eye. Overall though, this is a really nice app for karaoke and I love that it was free to download and there were no subscriptions. (Most of the Simply apps require subscriptions) Anyway, I definitely recommend this app for someone who loves singing or even a beginner. -Izzy 😁

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4 months ago, El Niño Sin Amor <\3

Cool app, impenetrable paywall.

The little bit I was able to use this app, it was really cool. The vocal range adaptation is really great and needs to be focused on more in other softwares like this imo. I was enjoying myself until I hit the impenetrable paywall this app presents you with after 3 lessons in less than 10 minutes and no trial songs. You might think, “oh but there is still some stuff to do right?” and sure, you can repeat the same 3 intro lessons over and over again to your heart’s content. There are a total of ZERO songs that you can try before you have to pay for their entire library of songs for at least $10 (and that’s only for a month). The closest you get to singing along before the paywall blocks your way, is the just chorus of 1 song. The whole point of this app is for you to learn how to sing by singing along with your favorite music, adjusted to your vocal range. It makes zero sense to me why you would advertise that part of your product so much, present a free trial for testing said product, and then not provide a way for people to actually try it out before they buy. TLDR: This app is the equivalent of walking into an ice cream shop, seeing the ice cream, and the only way to buy any is to pay for a monthly membership without trying any samples.

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11 months ago, Esteebowie

Probably great

I really enjoyed the instructional style, and feel like I could benefit from this app. I do wish there were a selection of free songs that you are able to sing all of the way through, or a small number of songs, with the live feedback included for free. For example, 5 free songs of your choice before being charged, or a library of less in demand songs that you could practice with. As it is now, I am wary of committing, because it only provides instructions and feedback on little snippets of songs, and you don’t get a choice of what those songs are. Additionally you never get to try out the program on an entire song, so it’s difficult to determine if the app. would continue to help me progress. I absolutely understand that the developers need to make a living, and feel like the price is fair, if the quality of instruction is as good as it is in the free demo. But without the ability to sing several songs through to try it out, I won’t be subscribing. Overall though, the app quality seems great, and likely to help a large range of singers, from beginners to experienced, improve on their performances.

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10 months ago, chirstafer

Misleading, Only useful if your using it to learn

I think you get the deal with this, and I’m also gonna mention on how this app isn’t as good as it used to. But before this I’m just gonna say, Hi I’ve had this app since may something 2022. This app used to genuinely be very good. Like top tier, yknow, when everything was free. Back then it didn’t really have lessons but it was still good having the voice thing to see your voice range and talked you through the app and the song library was FREE. and late 2022 they introduced lessons for the first time to which o thought was really cool! Took a break from the app after that, and not to mention was still FREE at the time. Next to earlier this year where they decided to get more professional with the lessons and I thought was decent, but notice on how it’s still FREE? Still early this year the made it to where it was MANDATORY to do the lessons, which is literal Ykw. That part literally sucked. And now to currently where I’m writing this review you basically have to pay for EVERYTHING. except for lessons, and lessons are the most boring part, but I get there important but the genre is misleading, at this point it isn’t a “advance karaoke app” It’s a learning app where you have to pay to actually get what you downloaded this app for. Totally money hungry. The old version was better.

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1 year ago, Notes4U

A good idea but quite a few notes..

Hi, I know the chances are low, but if you’re a dev reading this, there’s a few things that I both really don’t understand, and really find annoying; 1. For some reason, I can only do tutorial songs. Literally everything else says it requires premium, an I mean EVERYTHING. Every single song I click on says it requires premium, continuing practice requires premium, and I can’t even unlock a part of the app, because I need to sing two songs to unlock, but I can’t do that since all the songs require premium. I’ve seen other reviews saying that there are no subscriptions for this so I’m assuming premium is a relatively new thing but I just don’t get it. If you really need money that badly, just make the app itself cost money. That would honestly make more sense to me than doing this. 2. Practically none of the songs I listen to are on this app which is annoying, because I only really downloaded it to sing a specific song that it doesn’t have. If possible could you guys fix these? It would make the app less frustrating and make more people enjoy it. Thanks for reading this whole thing, and I hope you at least consider doing something about these! Thanks again.

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2 years ago, 0xf00f

Getting sorted into my proper singing range is insanely annoying (haven't managed yet)

I tried tenor but I found it was too high. I sang baritone in high school and probably am today. After initial setup there is no way to adjust your range. "No problem." I guess. I deleted the app and reinstalled it. ... Now I went through the voice range thing again. It pegged me as a bass this time but I don't think that's the right range for me either. I clicked try again over and over to try to get it to register me as anything but a bass. No luck. When I reached the top of my vocal range, I had my daughter (a soprano) read it as high as she could. It was comical to hear her read it in a squeaky cartoon voice and again the lady says "sounds like you are a bass". ... So, feature request: I cannot change my range change my range after setup. ... And bug report: I cannot change my range during setup either. ... Okay, brb deleting the app and trying again over and over to see if I can eventually guess how to read that stupid passage in what the sorting robot thinks is a baritone voice. Oh and I guess feature request: just let me pick a vocal range somehow. ===== update: it takes so maddeningly long to listen through the unskippable intro just to have this stupid robot get my range wrong again. Bass again.

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10 months ago, lulushig

This app is not for everyone

I had got this app because I love to sing and I was trying to find a fun karaoke app. And when I first downloaded it about two years ago it was completely free but the only problem I had with it was that u couldn’t search up songs so your options were limited. Then I deleted it because I just found myself not using it as much because I was getting bored of the same songs because there was no search bar. Then maybe a year after I downloaded it again hopping it would update the search bar and when I came back they completely updated it and they would ask why you used the app your favorite genres are etc. But when I got on I noticed that there was a search bar things to improve your voice and even go deeper like open up your vowels and even warm up’s. And then there was a part to get you started with lasted two lessons before it asked to get premium then I stoped so went to explore the rest of the app when I realized that everything else you do it not free anymore I could understand if they want people to pay but making me think I could play for free really broke my heart. So yah they basically get you started and then it’s technically not free anymore

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2 years ago, gleici santos

I love it

I loved it I love the vocals it’s beautiful I love all of this song I loved is so beautiful I loved it I loved it I loved it I can dance I can sing it even shows how I can like do there’s The high one and low one there's not all of the songs that you would like some song it’s not even The song did you really want to sing that’s my only complaint for the rest I love it that’s why I gave it all of the stars I love it I know some of you guys don’t really like this song it doesn’t really like this and just do it like a zero or 1/2Stars but I all because it’s beautiful I love it I love it I love it and I hope y’all don’t ruin this Beautiful simply sings because I love it and I’m going to keep this forever maybe not forever but still bye y’all I hope you don’t ruins simply sing bye-bye you’re gonna be single forever if you were doing this I’m just telling y’all bye-bye and yeah and if you don’t ruin this you’re going to be happy married but if you don’t want to get marriedIt’s not my problem like I say 1 million times bye y’all

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2 years ago, BlueButterflyPrincess

If you like karaoke? (Otherwise no)

This doesn’t really teach you how to sing. There are no warm-ups, it doesn’t teach you correct posture, breathing or how to even properly sing without straining or hurting your voice. I was hoping this would really help me “up my game” so to speak and be a good replacement for singing teachers that I had several years before Covid… this doesn’t even come halfway. Yes, it’s fun, but that’s about it. It changes your singing range based on your talking voice, which I feel is highly inaccurate. I knew a boy who talked normal but had the richest lowest voice, and I myself placed as a soprano in college yet this app says I’m an alto. Sure that’s “comfortable” for me, but with proper training I am a soprano. As for the other features of the app, there’s no way to slow down the song if you don’t know the words, and there’s no music notes to follow… just these random lines of different lengths and height placement that don’t really tell you anything but estimations… basically, if you know anything about music you’ll be sorely disappointed with this app. If you know nothing about singing, you’re not going to learn much, but you’ll also be enjoying it a lot more too since you won’t know how inadequate it is. Sorry for the harsh review, but I had such high expectations.

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6 months ago, Tam5121

I hate this

It’s so trash it’s $60 per month I’m not gonna pay $60 to hardly even learn anything they’re not even that good songs on there. Oh you know it’s so good app every single ad says that on simply singing it’s such a trashy app no one ever liked it in my family we try to do it. We did simply piano with simply guitar or simply tuning, simply simply simply and it’s so annoying because you don’t learn anything you can. I try to play the guitar I cannot play it at all after a month of playing or two months playing. It was like 100 and something dollars. I hate this so much no reason why I don’t know who would play. This didn’t learn anything I love simply singing at first but then 00 tells me, I can’t even do a single thing. Money cost money, money, money, money when we don’t have money I don’t want to do. It’ll be all these fancy places but I don’t wanna be paying for a month my trip costed for a year to stay or a year state is one hotel in Paris accosted $1000 and I will look at that. How much 100 and something for two weeks I’m not doing it. I am not doing it trash app, trash, trash, trash. Hi this is why I am learning sign language so you don’t have to sing or talk to any trashy, apps, trash, trash, and that’s my smart opinion why you should never get simply anything

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8 months ago, German Shepherd Girl 9000

Why do you have to pay for it???

I downloaded this app thinking it’d be a fun way to get better at singing and a way to challenge myself to get the pitch right on my favorite songs. I go through the entire intro and go to sing a song and I get bombarded by a screen telling me I have to pay $120 bucks for ‘full access’ to be able to sing the song. Here I am thinking ‘dang, that’s a bummer. Oh well, I’ll find a different song.’ But NO, you can’t sing ANY of the songs without full access. This app used to be free, apparently. Why did they change it? At least have SOME songs that are free! This is one of the only apps I can find (since I’m a stinky Apple user) that has this format (where it listens to you sing and shows you if you’re too high or low and also lets you adjust the range of the song). It would be great if it could just be an app where you could learn how to sing better. I get that they need to make money off that, that’s fine! I just wish that they’d make a section with free songs so that those of us who can’t/refuse to spend over 100 bucks on an app could be able to use it at least a little bit!

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9 months ago, Ari102212

Wish I didn’t have to buy premium to sing

I love this app and the beginning coaching is great, but there are some downsides. 1 not all of the coaching is free and after a little bit you have to start paying if you don’t then you can’t keep with the coaching . 2 Once you unlock the ability to sing the songs from the song library, you actually cannot sing the songs in the song library unless you get premium. I’m not 100% sure if it is always been like this, but based on other reviews, I believe that it used to be totally free. I don’t want to tell you how to run your business, but I would suggest making a free again because it would help a lot of us out on most apps premium is an option. It is not necessary to use the app properly and it’s only for people who want a better experience. I really wanted to learn how to sing, but now I can’t even sing the songs in the library and it’s a lot harder to learn now if you are OK with paying for premium I suggest you do so for best with this app it’s great I just wish everything would be free I know you’re trying to make money but it would help a lot of us out

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2 months ago, That girl with a dog

Good but I got a few things

Ok so to start at #1 I got this app thinking ohhh everything is free and I can sing my heart out without having to ask my parents to pay for an app but I get it and do the tutorial and after they show all these songs but not a single one is free. So I get upset and try and find another app. #2 the app has not as many songs as I would have liked. I could not even find one Taylor song or even a full Olivia Rodrigo song. I search up one of the songs in the tutorial and I wasn’t there. I then search up my dad and moms favorite song and not there. So then I decide it’s not worth it.#3 I was kinda glitchy for me and I’m in my house so it shouldn’t be but I would click on something and it wouldn’t budge I couldn’t move my screen and it was just like a hot mess. #4 it said my tone is alto and I have a lower voice then alto so I don’t think that is working. I get so many adds for this app and finally decide to get it but it very much disappointed me. If you could please read this(the owner of simply sing) and try and fix my issues I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks for reading this and yeah.

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10 months ago, N_0_t_h_i_n_g

It’s kinda like a pay to win app

What I mean by the title is that basically every song you need premium and some families don’t want to fund or pay every month or even buy it. You guys should at least make some songs free because I scrolled all the way down on the songs page and you need GO premium. It is insane that to enjoy this game, you need money. You guys need to make this better. I can’t even give a rating because I never played any songs beside the tutorial ones. I hope you guys fix this or at least make some songs free or just have a simply play currency and you could get it by how much stars you get once completing a star. That currency could help you buy new songs and the premium could be for exclusive songs that you guys think are or some things that you guys think are exclusive. I hope you guys really do something about it. I know everything isn’t free in this world, but at least make something free in this game like songs and the things I mentioned above. I think this app has a lot of potential, but it needs to fix some major things. This isn’t hate, but just wanted to tell you. Thank you for spending your time reading this long review if you did. Appreciate it very much. Erick.

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1 year ago, Neploxo

Some substantial technical issues

I like the concept and the overall presentation is great. But the range detection based on speaking voice is inaccurate. I am a tenor. Speaking first said I was a baritone a d when I tried again reading in a higher tone it actually said I'm a bass. After completing lessons to unlock songs and buying a subscription I was on my 3rd song when it forced me into the 'hands free' mode and made me select 3 songs but then had no way for me to return from that to the main program short of quitting and restarting. When I select a song and choose a range it is ignored and the song always begins at the range the app wants me to use, and if I make any change in the range after the song has started it shuts off the mic and will not give me a score.I also found it very off-putting that the very first song it chose for practice was one that I hate, with no option to choose a different song or skip. Finally, it has performance issues, freezing up on my iPhone 14 pro whenever I change screen orientation. It's a HUGE battery hog, quickly draining power even in low power mode.

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1 year ago, Birdigans

It’s Not What You Think at First…ITS AWESOME!

I’ve only had Simply Sing for about 10 minutes and I can tell that the girl who is talking, and giving out directions is really trying to help! It feels very comforting. And now that I’ve found out that I can adjust songs to my voice range (Alto) I’m starting to realize that I’m not bad at singing, and I don’t actually sound like I dying dolphin. I’m just not able to hit very low notes or high notes bc of my type of voice. I saw this from an add while I was singing songs from Olivia Rodrigo, and it is not what you think from when u see it on the add! I can tell, from this point on, I will gain confidence in singing! You may think your bad at singing, but trust me, no one is! You just have to sing them to your voice range! And you can adjust the voice range to the song ur singing! I found out how to hit just a bit higher notes (not like Ariana Grande) and my voice really isn’t that bad! Give this app I try, trust me!

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6 months ago, Kinleeeeeee

I didn’t like the app

I dowloaded this app so i could work on my singing and do what I love. The reason I put one stars is because when you get the app It will walk you through if you are alto, bass, and more at first I loved it because it would help with my singing and pitch, but then I followed the instructions and it pulled up the songs and I found a song I needed help on singing and reaching the right pitch, then it told me I had to either pay for premium or pay a monthly subscription and I was like I’m not going to do that so I choose another song and it did the same thing so I was playing with the app to see if I could do it for free for like 7 days like any other app would. Lastly I just deleted the app because it was a waste of time and it was expensive to pay for premium specially if kids would like to use the app they would have to pay and it would just be a waste of money for the kids but I liked this app but I wouldn’t use it again. I recommend to use the Smule app because it is a way better offering and you get to sing songs you love without paying. Thanks for reading and I’m sorry if this was a bummer but idk the point in paying for this app if you can use the money for different things.

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2 years ago, NinoNook1

Extremely large potential

To get rings through, I’m gonna tell everything good about this app and why you should download it. first and foremost it’s made to fit your voice range unlike Smule it’s made it so that you were able to sing any song you love all without ads. However there are a lot of things this app needs work on. for one, I know you’ll start adding an advertisem*nts. I think the best way to add in advertisem*nts without it being a complete pain is putting them in request, or straight out getting a commission for a song. now onto the much larger bits that the app needs fixing, specifically the more karaoke part. It only has a hard time keeping up with my voice, being that it doesn’t register fast enough so I’ll get wrong scores at the end. That and when it’s finding my vocal range I’m unsure if it’s actually accurate given that I’ve tried it multiple times with different octaves and all having very weird results. this app has a lot of work to do but, if fixed, could be one of the best singing apps that I have ever had experience with! Let’s just hope it happens soon

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2 years ago, TheHeat77werd

This app pisses me off

And it makes me too mad to sing. I don’t have the wired earphones they show in all the ads and they are 1000% necessary for this. Otherwise, it picks up its own music instead of your voice no matter how quiet the music is and how loud you are trying to scream-sing into the microphone. I have AirPods and I even tried using one to listen to the music so it wouldn’t pick it up and using the other in my hand like a microphone right near my mouth and it thought I wasn’t singing at all. I’ve been told my whole life that I was a soprano, but this app told me I was an alto and every single song pops up with the lowest part WAY out of my range. It keeps changing my age for some reason too? Not sure it matters, but it changes that and my icon for whatever reason. There isn’t a way to really truly adjust the vocalist level on the track either - there’s 3 levels: no vocals, regular vocals, and burst your ear drums so you can’t hear anything else ever vocals. It’s also probably not important to anyone else, but I just tried to sing Amazing Grace and there is 5 min of musical interlude in the middle of a song designed for a singing app. Idk what that was about… I’m sure there’s something better out there - go find it

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5 months ago, Cool guy253

App doesn’t seem to work

I’m an experienced singer who recently lost his vocal coach so I decided to try this app just to stay on my discipline. I’ve been playing around with it, admittedly for only about an hour, but it makes you pay after the intro and it is not worth the money. I can see how it would have useful tips, but when singing the songs it often just doesn’t work. The first issue was at the very start when it tried to identify my vocal range and said I was a tenor. I have been a bass for my entire life and could not sing tenor even if I wanted to. The live feedback is not consistent and has even said I’m not singing when my voice is very clearly on. I’m not sure if it just has trouble with low voices or if it can’t tell what’s going on because I’m getting over a cold but I would seriously not recommend giving this app your money. EDIT: I came back to this app a few days later to try to test it out some more. Then I stopped singing for a little bit just to see what the app would do if there was no voice coming through. It kept marking notes as too high or too low or as correct at random. This app seriously doesn’t work and if I could lower my rating to 0 stars I would.

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1 year ago, Sage333333333

Just a suggestion

I just started your app. I think the price for premium membership is more than fair, and I think your lessons are much more thorough than those that I started doing on Yousician. your price is also much more reasonable. However, the song that is being used to initially test my vocal range is Shallow by Lady Gaga. i’ve never heard this song before and, although you provide the lyrics, I have no idea what the melody is or where it’s going. How can the app accurately test my vocal range if I don’t know what I’m singing? I understand that to access the songs in your app you have to purchase a premium subscription. That’s totally fine, but for the range testing song, it may be more prudent to provide say a list of 10 songs for customers to choose from when testing their vocal range. I’m now having to go onto Apple Music to listen to this song over and over just to learn it to test my vocal range I have to admit, that’s kind of annoying, especially since I honestly don’t like this song. Just a suggestion.

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1 year ago, Lilac_0

No free content

I downloaded this app to practice my singing as one does. I am in musical theater and wishing to improve so I figured this would be worth a shot. When I downloaded the app I found that the tutorial was pretty nice and I was excited to try it out, but after the tutorial I found that EVERYTHING required premium. I couldn’t continue the learn section, I couldn't unlock any songs at all and there is a section of the app in witch you have to sing two songs to unlock, which I can’t do since any time I click on a song it says I need to buy premium. There is absolutely nothing for me to do after the first 10-15 mins and it was not worth that time anyway. So just buy premium, I hear you saying. I can’t. I am a minor with very limited of my own money, and my mother would not be able to pay for it for me. Also, it’s pretty expensive for a singing app. I would find it better to have the app cost money when you originally download it or something rather than the monthly payment to watch videos and sing a few songs. Overall, I’m just dissatisfied and disappointed because this app is a great idea it just isn’t meant for me apparently since I am unable to pay.

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2 years ago, doirlyhavetohaveanickname

BEST app on my phone!!!!!

I want to make this clear, I NEVER write reviews (and tbh I probably never will again bc this took me along time hahahaha). But I just can’t not not review this app because anymore because it just continues to exceed my expectations. When I first got it I was skeptical and was about to delete it before I even opened it but something just came over me saying that I shouldn’t. The very next day there is an amazing update to the app little did I know that this happens almost every day! This a really really good thing because they keep making it better and better. When I think they can’t do anything to make it better, they do, for example today they added in a vocal coach and it really helped me have more control over my voice. I love to sing for fun and I have sung for competitions before and they taught me things that I never known before even with my vocal coach. Keep it up SimplySing! ❤️

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1 year ago, Korvidia

Seems like an interesting concept but no free trial

As far as I can tell, there aren’t any free songs to test out as a proof of concept. It’s showing me a bunch of songs on the “unlocked songs” screen, but any one I click summons a paywall, and the price is much too high at this point. There are other apps & websites that do roughly the same thing more affordably. The vocal range adjustor is a nice feature here, but without clearly labeled Free songs to test it out with, there’s no change I’m going to get hooked enough to pay for the service. After going through the rigmarole of their intro breathing exercise & warm up (which any committed singer would likely already be familiar with - so this isn’t anything you can’t get elsewhere for free), you “unlock” the song library - but evidently that only means you can view songs available, should you subscribe. It feels a little bait-and-switchy, a bad marketing technique. I’m annoyed to have invested time in excessive basic exercises only to find that NOTHING is accessible for free at all. Can’t even tell at this point if I’d come to like the app but based on this, reckon I won’t ever find out.

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11 months ago, DaMadDucki

Has really good potential!

This is an AMAZING APP, voice, tracking, etc, but there is one problem. The paywall, this app would be perfect if you had at least a few free songs, then people can see what its like for the free song, not just a part of the song in the tutorial. And plus, many people are kids playing this, and like me, their parents wont pay for this- and kids ususally dont have money to pay for the app. Creators, tysm for reading if you do, i love what you have going on, its just you lose many peoples interest after finding out that there is a HUGE paywall, where you cant even sing one full song, if i may suggest, maybe either adding a few songs for free- or be able to do one or two songs or one or two lessons per day. You will still get money, of course, because if people really like your app, they would pay so they can get unlimited songs to sing so they dont only have to use two songs / lessons per day. Just a suggestion, because this worked for drops, a language learning app, and its really successful. Thank you!

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1 year ago, dark wolfy-chan star

Nice ( one problem )

This app is quite great I really enjoy it honestly, personally for me I learned some new things ( from tutorial mode) But I’m the problem is that I looking for an app that was free so I thought this would be the one but in my case it wasn’t. I got through the tutorial and then for me it’s done, I not gonna pay for a singing app personally, for me I can’t even sing to another song in this app like it was disappointing, So if I'm not gonna pay for a singing app then I would at least expect up to 5 - 10 free songs and for me they don’t even have to be popular songs I just want to sing, I’ve been seeing other reviews saying that they got to sing for free but not for me, everything is locked with premium and I mean everything only thing that’s free is the tutorial and a warmup I was dissatisfied with that issue but other than than so far what I’ve seen for the tutorial and concept of this app I think it’s great I just wish there was more options for the freebie people.

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2 weeks ago, Gnhsgjgdrhkvsdhbddhh

I liked it better before

This is a really fun app but I really think it could be better. Also, the new update is horrible. I do like that it has more tests to find out your vocal range, but when you sing the songs it won’t let you adjust it with sliding you finger. Another thing is, before, it said I am a mezzo, then, when I did it again just to be sure it was right, it said I was a soprano. I tried again. Then it said alto. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! One more thing it costs way too much money. You think when you buy it, since it’s free you have nothing to lose. But then, when you’re done with the first few lessons, you can’t go any further because you have to pay 60, yes, you read that right, 60 dollars a year. I don’t have that much money. I’m ten! Also, many people are not that desperate to sing. Please fix this in your next update! Thank you for reading! ( Sorry this review is so long ) ❤️, Hazel

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8 months ago, V4l3ntin3_-

The premium membership

Honestly, this app when I first got, it seemed so amazing and it really looked like it was going to help however, it does not allow you to sing to other songs. It only lets you do the lessons which doesn’t have much singing in it if this app is designed to help others grow in singing, then why does every single song you can practice require a membership If you want people to grow in singing? Well they’re not going to grow when every single song is blocked from them not everyone can afford to pay premium membership. And its going to take learners longer to learn, this can also cause them to become bored with the app or lose interest in it. To fix this problem, the app should have a limit to how many songs a learner is using per day, and once you reach the limit for that day, the app should ask you to go premium in order to sing more songs for that day. It will help the learners grow, and it will also promote your premium in case others are wanting or are able to pay more. This way people won’t stop giving up on the app and you won’t stop losing revenue or customers for this service.

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2 years ago, BookwormQueen1234567

What is going on here.

First if all I want to say that this started out like a great idea. There were a bunch of cater girls to choose from and it seemed like a wide variety with even warm ups in the mix! But, then you see that the musicals category is mostly Disney songs and then it’s two grease songs and one Hamilton song. Hardly a musical category. Then for literally every category Olivia Rodrigo seems to be there! There is no escape. When after I first song I did I saw that there was a warm up part of the lesson I got excited and they seemed to explain it decently. But then they showed the warm up and it didn’t exercise my voice or make it feel healthier at all especially because it was only one warm up for any voice type. It’s not tailored to your voice or what you can do so it’s the bare bare minimum for any beginner warm up. And finally it doesn’t listen to your voice. Like at all. A common complain was that I doesn’t actully state your voice part and said alto for everyone. I had the same issue and I’m a soprano one. Halfway through most of my songs it would just stop listening to me. If you read all the way through this congratulations have a cupcake 🧁

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11 months ago, Super_Original_Nickname

Way too expensive

I downloaded this app hoping to find a way to improve my singing voice for my choir audition coming up, and I really enjoyed the first 30 minutes of it. The app did help, and was fun and easy to use. However, once I got past the “beginning” section, and unlocked the songs, I was met with the pop ups of “subscribe to premium for 100+ songs” and at first I was fine with that, I was expecting in-app-purchases, but as I clicked on more and more songs, I saw that there wasn’t a single free song on this app! So I went back to the ‘practice’ page, and again, the only one that was free was the one the tutorial had you do. Even the other lessons after the first six or so are for premium only. Personally I would not recommend this app, it seemed so perfect at first, but in my opinion is definitely not worth $120 a year. ($240 if you use a monthly subscription). Now don’t let my stinginess stop you from buying this app, because if you have the money for it, I’d say go for it! I think this app would have been perfect had it not been for the large paywall to see if you can sing “Fly Me to the Moon” at the right notes. :(

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2 years ago, herobunnymon

Great! And keep improving.

First day using the app. Exactly what I was looking for in terms of practicing my karaoke singing! Being able to scale the song’s pitch to match my voice makes it easier to sing and have fun. Being able to review my singing and where the pitch doesn’t match, This lets me evaluate whether I need to adjust the song’s overall vocal range or if I just need practice to remember singing in that certain pitch for that certain syllable. Can also offer suggestions to add my other favorite songs that are not in their app yet. I suggest adding a Favorite Tab. This is so I can quickly refer to it when I’m looking for songs to sing at a Karaoke restaurant and using their equipment. Other improvements can be thought of by looking at other similar apps and thinking whether their navigation is fun, how is it fun, and whether it can be implemented into your app. Overall I would grade as 90%. It’s exactly what I’m looking for and adding improvements is like the cherry on top.

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2 years ago, bethebestgirl

Fun game!!!

This is a very fun game and it has helped me sing better on higher or lower pitches, also my voice sounds Much better when I sing any song!!! It is a relief to me… I gave this app 5 stars because like I said before this app has helped my voice sound better when singing any song, I recommend this app too kids/people ages 5 and up even though it says 4 and up still 4 year-olds can use this app but I think 4 year-olds are 1 year too young. I made a request for the developers to add more high school musical songs like get your head in the game and more high school musical songs. My next review will be on toca life or pro microphone. Be sure to check it out and make a review and at the end of your review put hashtag Pray for ucrain don’t forget too pray every night for the war going on right now and pray for the people fighting in the war and leaving their family’s to save their state amen!!!

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2 years ago, This is me 2662588347

Very good but definitely a work in progress.

You should give stars for completed songs and how well you completed them. I don’t know why it keeps telling me to turn/shake my phone but it’s confusing. Sometimes the singers and the music telling you when and where to sing don’t match up and it’s confusing. The “talk in your normal voice to see your range” doesn’t work because I have a low talking voice but am a soprano. You should use some basic scales instead. Maybe add a metronome feature or a way to slow down the songs? Sometimes the app doesn’t catch my voice or I change a vowel to make the song easier and it doesn’t recognize it. It would be great if we could hear our voice or somehow duet with another app user. Could also be a fun way to employ vocal coaches and add links to vocal techniques and strategies. Would love more accuracy in hearing my voice but overall a great app and it’s good to see you’re adding more songs. Very cool technology.

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1 year ago, ice nin

Pls do it for the people who don’t have the premium subscription

The people who don’t have the premium subscription can’t play much songs I checked almost all the songs and they all needed premium subscription I’ve been trying to find a song I could sing for the past 55 minutes can you pls fix that bc I’m getting tired and upset still Zaire I’m not trying to start anything or make a big deal about this it’s just I wanted to expand my vocal range and all that but I can’t bc all the songs need a subscription pls can you change that if you can I’m getting mad at the game not the creators but any way pls can you make more songs without needing the premium subscription I can’t get it bc my moms credit card got frame so she can’t use her credit card and my dad won’t buy stuff like premium subscriptions or vbucks on Fortnite or robucks

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10 months ago, Defnotkarensmith


I downloaded this game cause I like singing as a hobbie. But now it’s just horrible. Other replies I’ve read said it was free but what’s the point of getting lessons at first,then asking people to buy almost everything. I know it’s for them to get more profit off the app. But that’s just wrong. I’m definitely deleting this app very soon. You give free lessons then right after I pressed 4 freaking songs and all of the ones I pressed you needed premium for. I don’t think any one would want to waste there 10 dollars every single month on a game, when many other singing games just like this one are COMPLETELY free unless you want to unlock stuff. I think this was a waste of time and the lessons were barely clear on what to do. What I mean by barely clear it seemed like the lady telling us what to do DIDNT even sing to be honest. This is a waste of time and a very misleading game. U wouldn’t download it unless you wanna waste 10 bucks on premium definitely deleting this app right after this review. Complete waste. Don’t download unless ur dumb.

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11 months ago, Every singlenicknameistaken:(

Why con I only do so much?

I got this app because my friend and I are trying to start a band, I am not a singer but I thought i would give it a try. I was enjoying it at first but after like 3 small lessons (including finding what pitch I was ect) there was only one thing I could do without spending money, it was a little starter song that taught me when to breath in and sing as breathing out (or something along the lines of that) every song I would try to do told me I needed premium to do that. I decided to wait a day and see if would unlock it. (I had also tried to continue the lessons thing but it also cost money.) once I waited for the next day it was the same. I would not want to practice the same lesson over and over again. I had heard that it use to be free and I wish whoever made the app kept it that way. If anyone’s wondering i found this app off of a TikTok add that made everything look free. I would rate this 2 and 1/2 but I can’t do half stars so ima just go with 2 or 3.

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3 months ago, Tess I♥️T.S.

I kinda love it

OK, so the first thing is I don’t think you can delete songs from your place if you don’t like the song anymore and you always have to sing two songs to make a whole playlist to sing your whole playlist of songs there’s no Taylor Swift on here you cannot just pick a song and then sing a your favorite song song is by someone else not the ones that you like and on the playlist if you wanna switch your order you can’t like you have to go all the way out and close the app and then you can play another song on your playlist. You have to do all of that just to play one song.🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 in the practice song is so hard like a little judges you on your best voice🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and then for me, probably not you it might make you a little hungry after🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤so I wish I just sing some songs if you’re having a little bored day🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱and have a nice day♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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1 year ago, Dilld0e

Pro singer, love this app

I’m a professional singer who’s currently working through some vocal technique setbacks, and this is a fantastic supplement to my work in voice lessons. I can see how some people (particularly beginners) might find it confusing or frustrating—the voice type detector told me I’m a bass (I’m a lyric tenor) and even after I manually selected tenor, some of the recommended keys for songs were a little weird. That said, it’s super easy to shift the key of any song to a comfortable spot for your voice and I was pleasantly surprised by how good the pitch detection technology is. To be clear, this is by no means a substitute for one-on-one voice lessons… but it’s a fantastic way to “game-ify” my practice time and sing tons of my favorite pop songs in more comfortable keys. Despite its minor shortcomings, this is my new favorite app. Thank you, SimplySing!!

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1 year ago, Elliot 🐸

Good but there’s some flaws

Okay, this all it has a cool introduction of the app which is why I gave it two stars instead one 1. The introduction was cute and simple and it was fun. It’s beginner friendly too which is great. The only problems I have is with after the introduction. To continue on into the next singing lesson you have to buy premium which is VERY annoying. Then, you can’t play ANY music in the free version of your choice you can only play that one warm up from the introduction. This game is literally forcing you to buy premium and the younger people may not be able to afford that. This game needs more songs even with premium. I feel like this game would have more hype if the free players could have the next few parts of the game and if they could actually use some of the custom songs. Overall I don’t like this app but if you wanna try it for yourself you can! Everyone has different opinions and unfortunately this app didn’t work out for me. Hopefully it works out to whoever is reading this

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2 months ago, Review_person0285

Not that great

I don’t want to waste money on an app that I will probably delete after a few days because when I keep trying to sing the songs that u want to sing, it keeps shoving a “BUY A SUBSCRIPTION TO SING” plus when it was the song “can’t help falling in love with you” in the tutorial, I just hummed the words and the ai thought it was the word. This is not helping my singing. I would not recommend the app. Plus the subscription is too expensive just for a singing app. I can just walk up to a stranger on the street, sing a quick tune and say “ was that too high or low” and they will say their answer and that is just all free. This app is too expensive and not helpful for that price. There are limited songs and most of them are old song and not hits. When would you sing a 1950s song on a random day??? You should use hits round 5 years so when a song comes up you can sing it right away and not waist you money waiting for an old song to pop up after forever. Add more songs.

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1 year ago, Sds12362

Fun but incredibly inaccurate.

Breath signals are at awkward places, songs are sometimes hard to follow because the singers have put their own spin on them so it's not always what you expect them to be (for example, colors of the wind from pocahontas is a bit different than the original), some songs have random freestyles in them that shouldnt really be a part of the lyrics (like dear future husband by meghan trainor, the random background 'hey's and 'oh's that I dont feel should be part of the notes that you need to hit), and on top of that, the pitch grading is just horribly off. I've purposely sang notes lower than theyre supposed to be and it says theyre too high and vice versa. sometimes it stays in one spot through the whole song. I try to sing horribly and it sometimes gives a perfect score. I let my two year old try singing a song and even though he has no idea what pitch even is and sang only a quarter of the words, it still picked up and gave him a 98%. it just seems to be all over the place

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2 years ago, bella davide

Do not download this app

This app was terrible and it made me feel worse about my singing and the app pretended like it was listening to me and I was just trying not to ti get upset at the singer in the lessons because i was singing the exact same as the girl and i all ready know how to sing and it put me as an Alto even though i am A soprano would not download deleted the app in the first 20 minutes of using it literally is the worst singing app ever would not recommend would not download again honestly terrible I will not ever be using this app again and most of these people that are putting five stars are bots that are not real people if you’re a beginner and you’re trying to learn how to sing do not download this app because you’re just feel worse about yourself and plus they didn’t even have a search bar couldn’t search up your favorite songs you couldn’t even learn your favorite songs there was no other songs to learn than this girl is on fire and this girl is on fire this app is absolute bogus and don’t believe anything it say’s.

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3 months ago, Ghost282

Good app…just a bit disappointed.

I downloaded this app because I grew up wanted to become an actress wanting to be in movies like Millie Bobbie Brown, Bryce Papenbrook, etc…I wanted to start off with learning how to sing, and learn how to sing in perfect vocal cords. The app first started off with having me sing a few words to see what note range I was in…(I got alto!) and I was satisfied with it, and did some more of the lessons. But after the app supposedly told me to “learn more lessons,” and “unlock songs” to “practice,” I was kinda bummed out to realize that I’d have to pay for the subscription in order to learn more…I appreciate half of the lesson, but I found it a bit unfair that I was told to subscribe to the app in order to learn more. I really hope that you can notice this, and try to make it a free app…I know it sounds selfish, and I know it sounds like I’m being dramatic, but it’s very hard to find apps like this just to learn how to sing.

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1 year ago, mouthyme38

It’s a good idea but why do we have to pay for the songs

I don’t think so I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you to go out to the pool, with us and just sit there for an extra day to do that and then just hang out with you guys if that’s the plan for you to come back to your place and hang out for like two days if that, makes you more happy and you want that and I think that’s the way it should, work but you need more people in there to do the things you’re not going through so that’s the plan I 7 rings to be there to be around people who want me there to do it I know I just need a place for them but I’m just trying to figure something out so if you wanna go to work, and then you want me there and then you need to go back to the house and you need, to come home and you need a ride home or whatever but if you’re not there then you can come home because you don’t have any other things to you can come over and then we can go back there or something and then I don’t know what you need to do that you need to go back home.

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With Simply Sing, no song is out of reach. Experience the joy of singing in a whole new way, friction-free. Let our app adapt every song to your unique voice so you can sing comfortably – no matter the artist – and finally hit those high notes! SONGS ADAPTED TO YOUR VOICE Discover your voice type, and let the app adapt the pitch to match your range perfectly. CREATE CUSTOM PLAYLISTS With our vast song library, make custom playlists with all the songs you love – adapted to you. Just press play and go! LAND EVERY NOTE WITH FEEDBACK With real-time feedback, you can focus on nailing a song, getting that satisfying "woo-hoo!" feeling as you hit those notes. Plus, get tips on producing sound correctly and much more. --- Share your feedback --- Feel free to reach out to us about your experience with Simply Sing through the in-app chat by tapping "Have a Question” in the menu. --- Part of the Simply family --- Simply Sing is created by Simply, developers of award-winning apps Simply Piano and Simply Guitar. Simply are experts in creating educational and fun music apps. Recommended and used by millions of people worldwide. Awards & Recognition: - “Editors' Choice” by Apple - SF Music Tech Summit Startup Innovators Challenge Winner - Best Tool for Beginners, NAMM - EMI Innovation Challenge Award Privacy policy: Terms of use:

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Simply Sing: My Singing App iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.