Kilometers to Miles Converter (km to mi) (2024)

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Convert Miles to Kilometers (mi to km)▶

Conversion Table

kilometers to miles
1 km 0.6214 mi
2 km 1.2427 mi
3 km 1.8641 mi
4 km 2.4855 mi
5 km 3.1069 mi
6 km 3.7282 mi
7 km 4.3496 mi
8 km 4.971 mi
9 km 5.5923 mi
10 km 6.2137 mi
11 km 6.8351 mi
12 km 7.4565 mi
13 km 8.0778 mi
14 km 8.6992 mi
15 km 9.3206 mi
16 km 9.9419 mi
17 km 10.5633 mi
18 km 11.1847 mi
19 km 11.806 mi
20 km 12.4274 mi

How to convert

1 kilometer (km) = 0.621371 mile (mi). Kilometer (km) is a unit of Length used in Metric system. Mile (mi) is a unit of Length used in Standard system.

Information, facts and references:

  • The Nile the longest river in the world. It is 6853 km (4258 mi) long. The Nile is shared by eleven countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt.
  • The Mariana Trench is the deepest known part of the world's oceans. The trench is about 2,550 kilometres long and it reaches a maximum depth of 10.994 km
  • The Trans-Siberian Railway, a network of railways connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East is the longest railway in the world with a length of 9289 km (5,772 mi).
  • The equator of Earth is about 40,075 kilometres (24,901 miles) long.

Kilometer - Unit of Distance / Length

Unit Symbol / Abbreviation: km

Where the unit used in the World:

The kilometer is used as a unit used to measure distances or lengths.
It's a standard measure for travelled distances, geographical distances and maps in most countries excluding the USA and the United Kingdom where mile is still used for this purpose.
between geographical locations on land, and in most countries is the official unit for this purpose. Primary exceptions are the United Kingdom, Liberia, Myanmar and the United States of America, where the mile remains as standard as a part of imperial system.

Definition of the Unit:

The kilometer (kilometre in UK spelling) is a unit of length/distance in the metric system (SI Unit system) equivalent to one thousand meters.

1 km is equivalent to 0.62137 miles.

Equivalents in other units and scales:

  • 1 km = 1000000 millimeters (mm)
  • 1 km = 100 000 centimeters (cm)
  • 1 km = 10000 decimeters (dm)
  • 1 km = 1000 meters (m)
  • 1 km = 3280.84 feet (ft)
  • 1 megameter = 1000 km
  • 1 gigameter = 1000000 km
  • 1 mile = 1.609 km
  • 1 yard = 0.000914 km
  • 1 foot = 0.000305 km
  • 1 inch = 0.0000254 km
  • Units of length in the metric SI system are based on multiples or fractions of a meter.
  • There are measurements of length/distance in the metric SI system greater than a kilometer that can be expressed in terms of kilometres.

1 km is equivalent to 0.621371 mi.

The kilometer is unit of length in the metric SI system and is equivalent to one thousand metres.

Mile: A Unit of Length

The mile is a unit of length that is equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards. It is based on the older English unit of length that was used before the adoption of the metric system. The mile is also a derived unit in the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement. The symbol for mile is mi or m.

The mile is most commonly used when expressing distances on land or in air travel. The mile is also used for measuring speed, such as miles per hour (mph). The mile is sometimes distinguished from other types of miles, such as the nautical mile or the geographical mile, by using the term statute mile.

In this article, we will explore the definition, history, usage and conversion of the mile as a unit of length.

Example Conversions of Mile to Other Units

The mile can be converted to other units of length by using different factors and formulas. Here are some examples of conversion for different types of units:

  • To convert a mile to feet, multiply by 5,280:

1 mi x 5,280 = 5,280 ft

  • To convert a mile to yards, multiply by 1,760:

1 mi x 1,760 = 1,760 yd

  • To convert a mile to meters, multiply by 1,609.344:

1 mi x 1,609.344 = 1,609.344 m

  • To convert a mile to kilometers, multiply by 1.609344:

1 mi x 1.609344 = 1.609344 km

  • To convert a mile to nautical miles, divide by 1.150779:

1 mi / 1.150779 = 0.868976 nmi

  • To convert a mile to geographical miles, divide by 0.869:

1 mi / 0.869 = 1.151 mi

  • To convert a foot to miles, divide by 5,280:

1 ft / 5,280 = 0.000189 mi

  • To convert a yard to miles, divide by 1,760:

1 yd / 1,760 = 0.000568 mi

  • To convert a meter to miles, divide by 1,609.344:

1 m / 1,609.344 = 0.000621 mi

  • To convert a kilometer to miles, divide by 1.609344:

1 km / 1.609344 = 0.621371 mi

  • To convert a nautical mile to miles, multiply by 1.150779:

1 nmi x 1.150779 = 1.150779 mi

  • To convert a geographical mile to miles, multiply by 0.869:

1 mi x 0.869 = 0.869 mi


Related converters:

Kilometers to Feet
Kilometers to Meters
Kilometers to Miles
Kilometers to Yards
Miles to Feet
Miles to Kilometers
Miles to Meters
Miles to Yards
Centimeters to Inches
Feet to Inches
Feet to Kilometers
Feet to Meters
Feet to Yards
Inches to Centimeters
Inches to Feet
Inches to Meters
Inches to Millimeters
Kilometers to Miles
Meters to Feet
Meters to Inches
Meters to Yards
Miles to Kilometers
Millimeters to Inches
Yards to Feet
Yards to Inches
Yards to Meters

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Kilometers to Miles Converter (km to mi) (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.