Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (2024)

Home » which recipe? you choose!

Hi guys!

I’m a bit disoriented writingthis post. Our family took a trip to visit grandparents and extended family in Newfoundland. I’ll be sharing info about our trip, including our vegan joys and challenges, very soon.

But first, I’m looking for your help!

I want you to help me choose a recipe to blog. Specifically, a cheese trap recipe.

Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (1)

Nacho Dip from The Cheese Trap, photo credit: Nicole Axworthy

Since The Cheese Trap released, I’ve been wanting to blog another recipe from the book. The recipes are far more than cheese replacements. In fact, some of my very favorite recipes in this collection have nothing to do with cheese replacements.

I filmed this clipto share some recipe highlights from The Cheese Trap:

Now, I’d love your help in choosing a Cheese Trap recipe.Watch the vid, and let me know what recipe speaks to you the most. You choose which recipe I blog!

Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (2)

Here’s a rundown of some of my top choices, but do share if you have another you’d like to see featured:

  • Chocolate Lovers’ Banana Bread
  • Potato Tofu Scramble (no cumin! – see vid!) 😬
  • Sour Cream
  • Tofu “Ricotta”
  • Greek Chickpeas
  • Nacho Dip (also forgot to mention this one, pictured above)
  • Sesame Quinoa Salad
  • Mango and Salsa Bean Salad (I didn’t mention this one, but also a fave)
  • Oil-Free Croutons
  • Cream of Broccoli Soup
  • Mushroom Chili
  • Chickpea Tacos
  • Pistachio Pesto
  • Italian “Meatballs”
  • Omega Burgers
  • Chocolate-Peanut Butter Gelato
  • Chocolate Macaroons

And, here are some additional photos of The Cheese Trap (credit to PCRM):

Marinated Mushroom Burgers
Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (3)

Mango Salsa Bean Salad
Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (4)

Chickpea Tacos with Avocado Cream
Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (5)

For more eye candy, check out these two recipes I’ve already featured from The Cheese Trap.

So, what’s it gonna be, kids? Which recipe should I blog next from The Cheese Trap? Help me choose!

Don’t have The Cheese Trap? Here it is


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Reader Interactions


  1. Marie-Eve says

    I would love the Potato Tofu Scramble too. It would be a nice alternative for my usual oatmeal bowl. This book is definitely going to be the next one on my reading list. Thank you so much for sharing! xx


  2. Cindy read says

    Hi Dreena!
    All those recipes sound amazing!! I would love to see the chocolate banana bread , the broccoli soup and the chickpea tacos please!! Thanks


  3. Laurie says

    Mango Salsa Bean Salad or Chickpea Tacos with Avocado Cream as they both sound like summery-good meals. We also love your Pineapple Whip, albeit not from the book, is a weekly favourite. Thanks for doing what you do!!!
    (BTW I tried posting yesterday but something happened so apologies if you are receiving this twice.)


  4. Lynne Santos says

    They ALL sound fabulous:) I vote for cream of broccoli soup. Thanks for sharing, too.


  5. Joanna says

    Chickpea Tacos with Avocado Cream – PLEASE! They all look amazing but I have been in a taco kind of mood 🙂


  6. Laurie says

    Tough question (all your recipes work so well and are delicious). I’d say Chickpea Tacos or Mango and Salda Bean Salad. We also love your Pineapple Whip, a weekly summer fav, albeit not from this book.


  7. Liz says

    Judging from the previous comments, I’m not sure this poll is going to be giving you any help in deciding which recipe to post as all the responses seem to be different! LOL 😀

    My vote is for the sour cream; you are definitely right in that ALL homemade sour cream recipes using tofu TASTE like tofu! At least in my experience — SO disappointing!


  8. Leeleee says

    I vote for the Omega burgers! What husband would not want to have a burger in the summer season. Something easy, something filling, something flavorful what else do you want?
    Oh yes!… Oil free/ flavorful fries or flavorful/ oil free kettle chips!


  9. Claire says

    Hello! I love your recipe recap here! For sure, there’s more than just “cheese” recipes in there! Hopefully more people will get the book now and enjoy the information in it as well as amazing recipes! I have The Cheese Trap, and so far I love it! I’m gonna vote for blogging the Sesame Quinoa Salad! I think that one will be a hit among flavour-forward people and “allergic” people alike! 🙂


  10. Lisa says

    Nacho cheese please – my kids have been after me to make nachos, and I’d love to introduce them to a vegan version.


  11. Hannah says

    I would be interested in seeing Mango and Salsa Bean Salad or the Oil-Free Croutons!


  12. Kelly says

    I vote for the mushroom chili as my family requests anything with mushrooms! My other choice would be the sour cream as most of the recipes I have tried taste like tofu and not sour cream. I ordered the book and can’t wait to try all the recipes – any recipe of yours that I have tried is always a winner .


  13. Tristen says

    Omega Burgers!! It’s summer time and we get invited to BBQs all the time. I try to bring our own burgers. I’m curious what the Omega Burgers contain.


  14. COURTNEY says

    Cream of broccoli soup! I’ve been looking for a good recipe to give to my daughter.


  15. Olwyn says

    Hi Dreena – I vote for the burger recipe! I am desperate for a good burger for the summer barbecue events. Something I can do to help show the meat heavy family that another concept exists and is healthy and delicious!
    Love your work – thank you so much for all you do.
    I need the sour cream recipe too!


  16. Sue says

    I vote for the Nacho dip. I had the hardest time giving up cheese and still sometimes cave. If I had a cheese subsitute that really tasted good, that would sure help.


  17. Sue says

    Wow Dreena – so many good choices. I have the kindle version of the book that I pre-ordered and did read when I got it. BUT I haven’t made anything from the recipes yet so thanks for the reminder! I think the nachos would be a good thing to blog about since most adults and kids like them.


  18. Debbie Pyle Verhoeven says

    You made the chickpea tacos sound so good in your video, I vote for those.


  19. Honey says

    Wow, so many good sounding ones! I don’t have the book yet, but I have all your other ones and I will get this one hopefully soon! I guess I vote for the Greek chickpeas, because we love a good roasted chickpea, but it would be nice to try out a new flavor!


  20. Carrie H. says

    One of my favourites from the book is the nacho cheese recipe. Greek chickpeas would be my second choice I think.


    • Dreena says

      thanks Carrie!! I love that too, and after posting this yesterday I want to make it again


  21. Estee says

    Thank you much for doing a video. Nice to “see” you in person on video. I would love love the tofu scramble..I have yet to find one I really like and then the chickpea tacos too. Hubby would definitely say the chocolate banana bread. Oh my so hard to choose.


    • Dreena says

      aww, thanks Estee! I have some other vids too if you want to go to my channel. Hope to get more on soon too, like one a month or two. Thanks for the votes.


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Help Me Choose A Favorite Cheese Trap Recipe! (vegan, oil-free) (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.