Changes: Shinobi to Demon Slayer - Chapter 8 - UchihaItachi007 (2024)

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Chapter Text Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Hashira Meeting!

The first rays of dawn streaked across the horizon, heralding a new day. A Kakushi messenger had informed the Hashira to gather at the headquarters for their quarterly meeting. Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira, and Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira, had finished their morning routines and were among the first to arrive, awaiting the others.

Shinobu's hands trembled almost imperceptibly, her nervousness palpable as this was her inaugural meeting. Yet, she maintained her signature fake smile, a mask she wore to conceal her true emotions. In contrast, Mitsuri quivered with excitement, thrilled at the prospect of finally meeting her fellow Hashira.

Before their thoughts could wander further, Hinaki and Nichika Ubuyashiki, the two eldest daughters of Kagaya Ubuyashiki, appeared before them. With soft tones, they announced, "Father has arrived." Instantly, all the Hashira dropped to their knees as the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps entered, his wife by his side.

Settling into his seat, Kagaya spoke, "Rise, my children. Let us commence the Quarterly Hashira meeting." One by one, the Hashira reported their activities from the past quarter, detailing their battles and encounters with demons.

It was Mitsuri's turn to speak. "I have slayed seven demons in the past three months in the Asakusa district, Oyakata-Sama. Curiously, they seemed to be collaborating and sharing their kills among themselves, an unusual behaviour for demons."

Kagaya furrowed his brow, intrigued by this anomaly. "That is quite unusual for demons. Continue."

"Hai," Mitsuri nodded. "Before I could investigate further, a request for Hashira backup arrived from the fishing village of Mizusu. Upon arrival, I found the Insect Hashira already present, accompanied by a stranger wearing a Kitsune mask."

Connecting the dots, Kagaya surmised, "I assume you, along with Shinobu-chan and this stranger, proceeded to slay the demon present there?" Mitsuri's affirmative nod confirmed his deduction. "That would be enough for your report, Mitsuri-chan. Shinobu-chan, please share yours."

Clearing her throat, Shinobu began, "Hai, Oyakata-Sama. In the past quarters, I have slain five demons before being dispatched to investigate missing children cases in Kyoto. Upon arrival, I encountered this stranger meditating in a clearing, surrounded by animals. Initially, I engaged him due to his sudden appearance behind me, unnoticed. During our conversation, he displayed knowledge of demons and Demon Slayers alike. He also expressed interest in our Nichirin Katana and desired one for himself. However, our discussion abruptly ended when he vanished without a trace."

She paused briefly before continuing, "Later, we met again, but he was already engaged in combat with a demon. He displayed exceptional fighting skills, but eventually realized a Nichirin Katana was required to slay the demon. I provided him mine, and with one clean strike, he severed the demon's neck, wasting no unnecessary movements."

Kagaya stroked his chin, contemplating the information. "It would seem this stranger is quite adept at fighting demons without proper breathing techniques. Skilled with a katana, too. Tell me, do you know his current whereabouts, or did you present him the offer to join our corps?" The idea of someone capable of slaying demons with just a Nichirin Katana intrigued Kagaya, recognizing the potential to strengthen their ranks.

"Hai," Shinobu replied. "He is currently residing in the Butterfly Mansion after receiving injuries during our recent battle against Lower Moon Six in Mizusu, alongside Mitsuri and myself."

Wide eyes and slacked jaws greeted her statement, even the children present shared the astonishment. Kagaya, sensing the collective shock, quickly regained his composure. "Shinobu-chan, since this is your first meeting, I would like to inform you of a few protocols Hashira must follow. Firstly, if encountering a member of the Twelve Kizuki, the headquarters should be notified immediately. Secondly, allowing non-Slayers to participate in fights against demons is strictly prohibited, no matter their fighting prowess, especially against the Twelve Kizuki." The mere thought of a civilian being killed in such a battle sent shivers down Kagaya's spine.

"He was the one who defeated Lower Moon Six," Shinobu stated matter-of-factly, her words shattering the tension that had gripped the room moments ago.

A collective "Defeated?!" echoed through the hall as the Hashira struggled to process this revelation. Shinobu's conflicted expression gave way to elaboration. "Hai, defeated. He did not use a Nichirin Katana to sever the neck. Instead, he employed an attack called Amaterasu. How he accomplished this or how it functions, I do not know. All I witnessed was the demon's entire existence being burned away, leaving not even ashes behind. Moreover, before delivering the final blow, he spoke as if merely testing the twelfth strongest demon, playing along to gauge its power."

A tense silence blanketed the room as the gravity of Shinobu's words sank in. An untrained human had toyed with a member of the Twelve Kizuki, a feat unheard of, and emerged victorious. If her account was accurate – and Mitsuri's affirming nods validated it – they had a formidable ally, perhaps even a potential Hashira, in their midst.

Uzui Tengen, the flamboyant Sound Hashira, broke the silence. "You do not know his name? How unflashy of him to hide behind a mask."

Shinobu's expression turned guilty as she replied, "He was adamant about keeping his name a secret, though he seems to have no qualms revealing it to civilians. It is likely due to our initial skirmish."

"Skirmish?" Tengen pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"I request you to narrate the entire fight to us," Kagaya interjected. "And later, request him to join this meeting so that we can discuss his potential membership in the corps." The prospect of having such a powerful ally, one capable of defeating a Twelve Kizuki without prior breathing technique training, filled Kagaya with delight and newfound hope.

"Hai," Shinobu acquiesced, recounting the battle in vivid detail. By the end, the Hashira wore expressions of awe and respect for the masked stranger.

Shinjiro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, pondered aloud, "Black flames called Amaterasu? Perhaps he is a devotee of the Shinto religion and has somehow gained powers granted by the goddess herself?" As an expert in flame-breathing techniques, Rengoku found himself captivated by the notion of black flames, contemplating the possibility of teaching this stranger the ways of flame-breathing.

"That may be a possible scenario," Kagaya conceded, "but we would need to speak with the man himself to confirm this." Gesturing to a nearby Kakushi, he issued his command, "Go to the Butterfly Mansion and bring the white-haired man wearing the Kitsune mask to the headquarters as soon as possible."

The Kakushi bowed and sprinted off with a resolute "Hai, Ubuyashiki-Sama!"

Turning to Shinobu and Mitsuri, Kagaya suggested, "Shinobu-chan, Mitsuri-chan, feel free to interact with your fellow Hashira. I'm sure you would like to get acquainted with them, and vice versa." As his wife, Amane, returned with a medicinal tea to alleviate his deteriorating health, the two young women nodded and mingled with their peers.

Both of them nodded and went on with the suggested idea by their master. Mitsuri had a big smile on her face as she interacted while Shinobu had a restrained smile on hers' as she was made fun of for her height. She quickly realized it had become an inside joke for all the present Hashira, well except Jigoro Kuwajima, the current

Thunder Hashira and the oldest one of them, being short himself.

At the Butterfly Mansion, Naruto stood tall, easily matching the height of the flamboyant Sound Hashira, Uzui Tengen. Their white hair, bulked builds, and intimidating body language made them appear quite similar.

"I'll join the meeting soon," Naruto said. "But first, let me have some breakfast and a bath prepared by my cute little helpers."

The Kakushi escorting him grew increasingly worried. "Please hurry, Kitsune-Sama! Ubuyashiki-Sama has requested your presence at the Hashira Meeting as soon as possible."

Naruto waved a dismissive hand. "Ah, don't worry. Relax a bit, will ya? Come, join me for breakfast. I hear they're excellent cooks."

As Naruto leisurely made his way to the kitchen, the Kakushi trailed behind, exasperated by the man's nonchalant attitude. This was a matter of utmost importance! The revered Hashiras were waiting, and he simply didn't care? The Kakushi was certain this would be his demise.

True to his word, Naruto took his time enjoying a hearty breakfast before heading to the mansion's hot springs for a rejuvenating bath. An entire hour ticked by before he finally emerged, leaving the Kakushi to accept his impending doom.

Back at the meeting, the Hashiras' annoyance grew with every passing moment, their patience wearing thin as they awaited Kitsune's arrival. Even Shinobu's signature fake smile strained under the tardiness.

Finally, Naruto emerged from the Butterfly Mansion, donning Yoriichi's outfit once more, his signature Kitsune mask concealing his face. If he was honest, he found amusem*nt in tormenting the poor Kakushi with his tardiness. Although, he had been genuinely surprised by his reflection after the bath. He had grown taller than Jiraiya, far surpassing his expectations of a more gradual growth spurt. Was this the growth Kurama had mentioned? If so, there was little he could do to halt it.

As Naruto strolled alongside the Kakushi, he deliberately walked at a leisurely pace, taking in the surroundings he hadn't properly observed before his conversation with Kurama. The area exuded a peaceful aura, and Naruto wondered if his recent senjutsu session had contributed to this newfound serenity. Indulging in his sightseeing whims, he extended the thirty-minute journey to the headquarters into a two-hour-long excursion.

The Kakushi, on the verge of collapse, watched in dismay as Naruto revelled in his tardiness. Naruto fought the urge to cackle like Madara at the Kakushi's pitiful state, thoroughly enjoying his procrastination for this supposedly important meeting. Was this how Kakashi-Sensei felt when he used to be late, tormenting his students? Naruto made a mental note to embrace a more Kakashi-like persona in this new world. With his white hair, newfound strength – albeit far surpassing Kakashi's – and badass dojutsu, coupled with his vast arsenal of techniques, it wouldn't hurt to adopt some of the fellow Cyclops' personality traits. His recent moments spent with Kakashi in the Elemental Nations further solidified this decision.

A different Kakushi dropped to his knees, bowing before Kagaya. "Kitsune-San has arrived in the vicinity of the Headquarters, Ubuyashiki-Sama." Upon hearing this, the Hashiras straightened, their thoughts echoing a collective sentiment: 'He better have a good reason, or his first impression will be severely negative.'

Amane Ubuyashiki rose from her seat beside her husband. "I will escort him here, Kagaya-Sama. You are free to go."

Kagaya understood his wife's barely contained fury. "Please don't be too harsh on him for being late. I'm sure he has his reasons."

"I will try my best, Kagaya-Sama," Amane replied sternly before departing to meet the elusive Fox. He was about to receive a verbal lashing from the leader's wife before the meeting even commenced.

Naruto was pleasantly surprised to encounter a beautiful fair-skinned woman with pale skin, large lavender eyes, and short eyebrows. Her white, right-swept hair was styled in a short ponytail, with two loose strands framing her face. Before Amane could berate him for his tardiness, Naruto initiated the conversation with a long whistle.

"I didn't know the gods were smiling upon me today, sending such a beautiful woman to greet me before the meeting. I feel blessed. Tell me, my lady, what shall I call you?" Naruto fought back laughter at the sight of the slightly blushing, glaring woman. He had sensed her anger even before she came into view, obviously stemming from his late arrival. Oh well, it could have been worse.

Clearing her throat, Amane responded, her prepared tongue-lashing forgotten in the face of the unpunctual man's audacity. "I am Ubuyashiki Amane. You were expected to arrive three hours ago. Introductions can wait; follow me." She turned and strode away, Naruto following at a safe distance. He had no intention of knocking on the Shinigami's door simply because he was careless enough to get poisoned again. He had learned his lesson from Shinobu, thank you very much.

Still, a question lingered. "Why is the beautiful leader of the Corps escorting me to the meeting? I can't imagine you wanted to meet me that badly." Naruto's cheeky remark elicited no response.

"For the record, I am married to Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Corps. I am escorting you because the Kakushi were taking too much time. And I was not–" Before Amane could continue, the strange, tardy man began cursing out the gods.

"f*ck you, you stupid old geezer! Letting me meet such a beautiful woman and then telling me she's already married. What am I, a mere toy for your amusem*nt?" Naruto launched into a tangent about his unfair luck, but Amane focused on another subject entirely. He was cursing an apparent 'Old Man,' suggesting he had been granted powers from the gods themselves. Judging by his cursing of this "Stupid old geezer," he had indeed met a god and received abilities such as Amaterasu.

"You are the Rikudou Sennin now, remember? So technically, you're cursing yourself," Kurama chimed in, clearly amused by his partner's predicament.

Naruto abruptly halted his cursing, adopting a pensive pose for a moment before sulking, shoulders hunched with an imaginary rain cloud hovering above, signifying his disappointment. This man was far more eccentric than Amane had imagined.

And that was the scene the Hashiras witnessed as Amane and the sulking man reached the meeting area: a confused Amane leading a dejected Naruto, shoulders slumped as if reminded of something he wished to forget.

Little did they know how accurate their assumptions were.

Naruto's gaze swept over the eight - or rather nine, as one attempted to conceal himself poorly among the trees - supposedly the strongest Demon Slayers alive. An intriguing sight, to be sure. He scrutinized the compound, on guard for any potential traps, for he still harboured deep reservations about this organization.

His eyes finally settled upon a young man adorned in a plain black kimono, secured by a tan-coloured braided obi over a white juban. Shoulder-length raven locks framed his light skin, and Naruto noticed his lavender eyes, the left one marred by some sort of ailment. A trivial matter, one he could rectify effortlessly with his enhanced Sage Mode, but that was a concern for another time. For now, the man regarded him with evident surprise.

Before Naruto could inquire further, the reason behind the man's astonishment became clear. "That is an outfit that has not been worn since the Sengoku Era. How did you come to acquire it?"

"Ah, this?" Naruto gestured towards his current attire. "A friend bestowed it upon me. Supposedly, it once belonged to Tsugikuni Yoriichi, but I wear it for the orange hue."

The surprise within those lavender orbs intensified tenfold. The assembled Hashira exchanged perplexed glances, utterly bewildered by this new development and the unfamiliar name.

"You know of him?" Naruto found himself discomfited by the tone laced with hopeful yearning.

"Well, according to your little demon friend," Kurama chimed in, endeavouring to dispel the collective bewilderment, "Yoriichi is not a well-known figure in contemporary times. He is most commonly referred to as The First Breath User, though the corps seems to have expunged his existence as Yoriichi due to some transgression in the past."

"They literally erased him from history, even though he was the one who bestowed the Breathing Styles upon them? My already meagre respect and trust for these individuals continues to plummet." Naruto shook his head in disappointment, a sense of déjà vu washing over him. Why did such patterns persist, no matter where he ventured? Yoriichi, the creator of the Breathing Techniques, had imparted his knowledge unto them, yet they sought to eradicate his legacy from the annals of history.

An inexplicable intuition stirred within Naruto, a conviction that whatever misdeed had prompted such actions, it held no relation to Yoriichi himself acting against the organization. It was simply a logical deduction - why would Yoriichi turn against the very institution that had trained him in the Breathing Techniques?

"Judging by your collective expressions, I gather he is not a renowned figure in the present era, even though he was purportedly the greatest among you in the past?"

This statement elicited a blink of surprise from the two elder Hashira present. The greatest? This Yoriichi character was alleged to be the most splendid of all Hashira? Countless Hashira had arisen since the Sengoku Era, yet not a single one had borne the mantle of 'greatest.'

A very short, wizened elder sporting visible forehead wrinkles and donning a jinbei kimono with a yellow-brown base adorned with pale triangle patterns turned fully towards the masked man, voicing the question lingering on everyone's minds. "The greatest, you say? Pray tell, who are you referring to, young man? Countless Hashira have arisen since the Sengoku Era, each fulfilling their sworn duty with unwavering resolve, sacrificing their lives to safeguard the innocent. None have ever proclaimed themselves the 'greatest' among their ranks."

Naruto met the elderly man's gaze, responding with a query of his own. "And who might you be?"

"Kuwajima Jigoro, the current Thunder Hashira. Now, I'll ask again, who are you?" The man's piercing stare conveyed his evident irritation at Naruto's nonchalant demeanour.

"Yare, yare, Jii-chan, no need to get all riled up," Naruto replied lazily, his casual tone seemingly exasperating the old man further. "I'm just an ordinary wanderer, lost on the path of life, nothing more." His words elicited bewildered looks from those assembled.

Before the conversation could progress further, Naruto's gaze shifted towards a nearby tree. "Before we continue, might I inquire as to why someone is concealing themselves so poorly among those branches?" He lazily gestured towards the foliage, prompting surprised expressions from the gathered Hashira.

Had they truly believed he wouldn't detect the poorly disguised presence, or was it a contingency plan in case their meeting took an undesirable turn? Regardless, the snake-like youth who emerged was an ill-advised choice for such a task. They would have been better served by the tall, seemingly blind man with striking white eyes and raven hair. He exuded an aura of formidable strength, far surpassing the others.

"Iguro Obanai, the Serpent Hashira," the youth hissed, his white serpentine companion echoing the sound. There was an uncanny familiarity about the snake, a resemblance that Naruto couldn't quite pinpoint, yet the notion seemed too far-fetched even for his whimsical mind.

In a blur of motion too swift for the Hashira to perceive, Naruto appeared before Obanai, leaning down to scrutinize the white serpent coiled around the youth's neck. "Orochimaru?" he inquired, his tone laced with confusion.

It was at that moment that the assembled Hashira became acutely aware of Naruto's presence, a collective thought reverberating through their minds: 'This man is dangerous.'

Instinctively, they assumed defensive stances, katanas glistening in the afternoon sun. Obanai leapt back, swiftly drawing his serpentine blade in a defensive posture, while his white serpentine companion recoiled in terror at the sight of Naruto's fox mask.

Only Mitsuri and Shinobu refrained from unsheathing their blades, seemingly unperturbed by Naruto's display of speed. Were they already operating at a level where such movements were discernible, or was their nonchalance born of sheer overconfidence? The others, too prideful to contemplate such notions, remained oblivious to the harsh reality.

'I didn't even sense him move,' Shinobu thought dejectedly, her signature fake smile masking her inner turmoil.

Meanwhile, Mitsuri could scarcely contain her excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet like an overenthusiastic fangirl witnessing her idol's feats firsthand. 'Masky-kun is so cool!' she inwardly gushed. 'I must have him teach me how to do that! So fast, no sound, no wind, nothing! Awesome!'

Before the situation could escalate further, Kagaya intervened. "If you are referring to the snake, Kitsune-san, his name is Kaburamaru. Now, if you would be so kind, let us commence with introductions."

Naruto observed the group's collective deference to this man, their leader. They promptly assumed their positions, standing in a line facing Kagaya as soon as he spoke. 'Why do they follow this man's orders?' Naruto mused. 'From what I can discern, he possesses no formidable combat prowess nor any substantial physical strength. This organization grows stranger by the moment.'

"Hai!" the Hashira chorused in agreement, proceeding to introduce themselves one by one.

"Kuwajima Jigoro, the Thunder Hashira," the elderly man reiterated his introduction.

"Rengoku Shinjuro, the Flame Hashira," a boisterous man in his thirties with vibrant orange hair and crimson-tipped ends announced.

"Himejima Gyomei, the Stone Hashira," the tallest among them spoke in a surprisingly calm tone, belying his imposing stature.

"Uzui Tengen, the Sound Hashira," the next introduction came in a flashy manner, accompanied by a dazzling display of sparkling teeth.

This man's exuberant demeanour and infectious energy reminded Naruto far too vividly of Might Gai, eliciting an involuntary shudder from the masked shinobi. The eerily similarities – the boundless enthusiasm, the boisterous mannerisms, that blinding, toothy grin – were all too reminiscent of Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey. At least, mercifully, the Sound Hashira seemed unacquainted with the horrors of Gai's Midnight Ranger Genjutsu.

"Tomioka Giyuu, the Water Hashira," the introduction continued, revealing a younger man whose brooding countenance bore an uncanny resemblance to Sasuke.

'Seems I'll have to teach someone how to smile again,' Naruto mused wryly. 'Retired shinobi or not, guiding those with a similar mindset appears to be my newfound profession.'

"Shinazugawa Sanemi, the Wind Hashira." Naruto's interest was piqued at the mention of the elemental affinity shared with his primary chakra nature. Perhaps they could find common ground, a sense of camaraderie in their shared mastery over the wind.

"Iguro Obanai, the Serpent Hashira." The undercurrent of suspicion in Obanai's tone was palpable, though hardly surprising given their earlier confrontation.

"Kocho Shinobu, the Insect Hashira. Kanroji Mitsuri, the Love Hashira." Naruto opted to remain silent, allowing the two women to introduce themselves alongside their fellow Hashira, as seemed to be their custom.

"Ubuyashiki Kagaya, Leader of the Demon Slayer Corps, and this is Ubuyashiki Amane, my lovely wife," Kagaya concluded, his expectant gaze settling upon Naruto.

Naruto realized it was his turn to introduce himself now. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Kitsune, as of now, and no, I won't tell my real name."

"And pray tell, why not? That's quite unflashy of you to hide behind a mask," the flamboyant man, Uzui Tengen, the Sound Hashira, remarked in his characteristic flashy manner, his sparkling teeth glistening as he spoke.

'Flashiness is his style, huh? How unsurprising,' Naruto thought to himself, a sweatdrop forming behind his head.

"You went around adding 'Dattebayo' to every sentence you spoke in your early years, brat. Did you know how annoying it was to hear you spout your nonsensical bullsh*t along with a shout of 'Dattebayo!' every time you spoke?" Kurama chimed in, mocking his partner in their usual lighthearted banter.

'Whose side are you on, carpet fur?' Naruto groaned internally. This back-and-forth had become a ritual between the two of them.

"Whichever side is winning, and obviously, that's not you. Kekekekeke..." Kurama's laughter echoed in Naruto's mind as the shinobi wisely decided not to interrupt his partner's ongoing victory celebration in their trash-talking competition.

"I have my reasons, not trusting all of you is one of them. Anyway, let's move on to the real talking, yeah?" Naruto addressed the group, his tone was casual yet firm.

Kagaya nodded in affirmation and turned to Shinobu, indicating that he wanted her to start the conversation. Understanding the gesture, Shinobu took a deep breath, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly as she faced Kitsune.

"As we discussed before coming here, I, Kocho Shinobu, the Insect Hashira, have witnessed Kitsune's skill against the Lower Moon Six, and I recommend him to be included in the Demon Slayer Corps as a member. His prowess would help achieve our goals, and getting him a Nichirin Katana, as he requested during our talks, would be a good deal—"

"Hold up, let's cut to the chase," Naruto interrupted Shinobu's speech, addressing Kagaya directly. "I want one of your fancy katanas, but I wouldn't join your organization. I have my reasons for that as well. So, do you have any options for that?"

Shinobu's expression betrayed a mixture of seething anger and sadness at the apparent disrespect, though she concealed it behind her usual fake smile. Kagaya and the others noticed but didn't comment, as they were pondering the reasons why this man wouldn't join their cause.

"The only way for you to get a Nichirin Katana is by becoming a member of the corps," Kagaya explained. "We work alongside the Swordsmiths, who have the formula to make the swords safe, with them. They give us the swords, and we give them protection. Unfortunately, I cannot give you one because it takes a lot of time to produce such swords, and they are always in high demand. The only way for you to get one would be bypassing the final exams and becoming a Demon Slayer." There was another way to get the swords, but Kagaya hoped Kitsune would join their organization to obtain them.

"These swordsmiths, where can I find them?" Naruto inquired, his question causing Hashira's eyes to widen in disbelief. He wasn't going to approach them directly, was he?

"Are you out of your mind?" Jigoro Kuwajima, the Thunder Hashira, spoke up, his tone laced with exasperation. "We've already exposed the location of our headquarters to you, and now you want to know where the Swordsmiths live? What could be your reason for wanting so much information about us? Are you working with a demon? Is that how you got that power?"

Naruto remained impassive but answered nonetheless. "It's not me who got their powers, but rather they got my powers. Or at least some of it."

The Hashira's eyes widened further at his cryptic statement.

"You heard it right," Naruto clarified. "While I was fighting that giant monster, I noticed a similarity between our energy, Chakra. It's what I use to do what I do. The thing had very dilute chakra, but chakra nonetheless. The thing is, all of you have chakra, but very, very little of it, so little that it's negligible. But the moment you all start breathing in a particular pattern, the dormant, negligible chakra starts flowing, and the metal with which the katanas are made is similar to Chakra Conductive metal.

These are the observations I made when I was fighting the demon. All of you humans and demons have similar organs, structures, and everything, but the quantity and quality of chakra are different. You, Demon Slayers, have very little of it and can only use it for a brief period, while the Demons are like me, a Shinobi who knows how to use Chakra intimately, even though they use a bastardized version of chakra."

As Naruto finished his explanation, something slowly clicked in Kagaya's mind. "So you mean to say that we, Humans, and those Demons are the same and can do what they do?"

"Of course, I am a living example, aren't I?" Kitsune replied condescendingly. "But the problem is, you don't, while they do. What a peculiar situation, huh?" Kagaya ignored his tone and began speaking of his inner thoughts.

"Kibutsuji Muzan was once a human of our clan, Ubayashiki. It is a legend that during his birth, he died and took rebirth as a Demon. Once he started killing humans with his powers, he was expelled from the clan, and the war between the Demons and Slayers started."

As Kagaya began retelling the history of the Demon Slayers, a profound silence settled over the assembly, their undivided attention focused on their esteemed leader's words.

"In those bygone days, the Slayers wielded mere swords to combat the demons," he began solemnly. "However, as the demons grew increasingly formidable, the Slayers found themselves losing ground in the war. It was during the tumultuous Sengoku Era that a man known as the First Breath User, Tsugikuni Yoriichi, emerged. This extraordinary individual gifted us with the Breath of the Sun, allowing the Slayers to regain an equal footing against the demons."

Kagaya paused, a pensive expression upon his countenance as he recalled the legends. "The tales speak of Yoriichi coming perilously close to slaying Muzan himself, the Demon King, in their epic clash. Alas, Muzan managed to survive, albeit narrowly."

A collective gasp rippled through the Hashira, their eyes widening in disbelief. Someone from the past had nearly achieved the unthinkable – vanquishing the seemingly indestructible Muzan. Yet, this monumental feat had been erased from their collective memory, an injustice that left a bitter taste in their mouths.

"Regrettably, Yoriichi was ostracized due to the harsh toll the Sun Breathing technique exacted upon its practitioners," Kagaya continued, his voice heavy with remorse. "To mitigate this burden, he bestowed upon us an array of alternative Breathing Styles, each tailored to suit our capacities. Truly, Yoriichi was the greatest Demon Slayer of his era, yet jealousy and resentment among his contemporaries led to the suppression of his identity and accomplishments."

The Hashira hung their heads in shame, appalled by the actions of their predecessors. To erase a hero from the annals of history, simply because his prowess overshadowed their own – the mere thought was abhorrent.

"However," Kagaya added, his tone tinged with reverence, "the Ubayashiki Family has never forgotten Yoriichi's contributions. My late father once theorized that Yoriichi had witnessed how demons harness their energy, leading him to develop the Sun Breath as a counterbalance, as it draws upon a similar source of power."

Turning his gaze towards Naruto, Kagaya's eyes gleamed with newfound determination. "If your claims hold, then you may be the key to our victory against the demons in this era. Teach us these ways of utilizing chakra, and together, we shall defeat Muzan once and for all."

The air grew tense as dissenting voices arose among the Hashira, their reservations palpable.

"Preposterous!" Obanai exclaimed, his serpentine features contorted with distrust. "Oyakata-Sama, I implore you to reconsider involving this untrustworthy man in our affairs."

Rengoku's scepticism mirrored Obanai's sentiment, though darker thoughts seemed to lurk behind his crimson-tinted gaze.

Uzui, ever the dramatic, chimed in with a dazzling grin, "I agree too, it would be most unflashy–"

Naruto, undeterred by their objections, silenced them with a dismissive wave of his hand. "All of you, shut up. I wasn't even going to teach you the Shinobi arts, even if you begged me to. And even if, by some cosmic fluke, you managed to convince me – which would never happen – you lot can't learn a damn thing I teach because your chakra reserves are so pathetically meagre, I couldn't even sense them before."

The Hashira fell into a stupefied silence, their eyes wide with disbelief at the masked man's audacity. Interrupting them with such blatant disregard seemed to be his favoured tactic.

Unfazed, Naruto continued, "So here's what we're going to do. You give me the location of the swordsmiths, and I'll grant you a favour. As long as it's within my power, I can give you anything you want. How does that sound?"

A chorus of outraged exclamations erupted from the Hashira, their anger palpable – all except for Shinobu and Mitsuri, who remained conspicuously silent.

Noticing their subdued reactions, Kagaya turned towards them, his voice calm yet inquisitive. "What do you think of this deal, Mitsuri-chan, Shinobu-chan?"

All eyes fell upon the two women, the weight of the collective scrutiny hanging heavily in the air. Mitsuri basked in the attention, her vibrant smile radiating unabashed delight, while Shinobu fidgeted nervously, her fake smile masking her inner turmoil. Why would Oyakata-Sama seek her opinion, when so many experienced Hashira were present?

Sensing her uncertainty, Kagaya explained, "I ask your opinion because you have witnessed firsthand what this man is capable of. Can he truly deliver on his end of the bargain if we take him to the Swordsmith Village?"

The words hung heavy in the air as Giyuu's stoic voice cut through the tense silence like a blade, "It's not a question of ability, but rather, willingness. If we escort him to the Swordsmith Village, what assurance do we have that he will uphold his end of the deal?"

The Hashira fell silent, their gazes fixated upon the enigmatic man concealed behind the Kitsune mask, awaiting his response to Giyuu's poignant query. The faint rustling of fabric served as the sole accompaniment to the palpable tension blanketing the compound.

Naruto leaned back, arms folded across his chest, his relaxed demeanour a stark contrast to the apprehension permeating the atmosphere. "You have no assurance," he replied nonchalantly, his voice resonating with a hint of amusem*nt. "All you have is my word – a word I intend to keep, but a mere word from a stranger."

The Hashira exchanged furtive glances, their expressions betraying a spectrum of emotions – from outright scepticism to cautious curiosity. Obanai's serpentine features contorted with distrust, his lips pursed in a thin line as he regarded the masked man with unveiled hostility. Rengoku, too, seemed to share Obanai's reservations, his crimson-tinted gaze harbouring unspoken doubts.

Mitsuri, however, remained undeterred, her voice brimming with enthusiasm as she spoke up amidst the tension. "I say we take the deal! Masky-kun proved himself against Lower Moon Six. If he gives his word, I'm sure he'll keep it."

All eyes shifted towards Shinobu, whose expression remained pensive, her brow furrowed as an internal conflict raged within. She had witnessed firsthand the extent of Naruto's prowess, his effortless triumph over Lower Moon Six – a feat unparalleled in the annals of the Demon Slayer Corps. Yet, the mere thought of divulging the location of the Swordsmith Village, a closely guarded secret, filled her with trepidation.

Shinobu's gaze met Naruto's concealed visage, and in that fleeting moment, she glimpsed a flicker of understanding behind the Kitsune mask. A silent acknowledgement passed between them, an unspoken recognition of the weight this decision carried.

Before she could voice her thoughts, Kagaya's authoritative tone resonated throughout the compound. "While your offer intrigues me, Kitsune-san, I'm afraid I cannot accept it." His lavender eyes betrayed a glimmer of regret as he continued, "The location of the Swordsmith Village is a closely guarded secret, a trust bestowed upon me by the swordsmiths themselves. In exchange for their craftsmanship, we provide them with protection – a sacred pact I cannot simply disregard."

Kagaya's gaze swept across the assembled Hashira, his expression solemn. "I understand your desire for a Nichirin Katana, but revealing the village's location would be a grave betrayal of the swordsmiths' trust. I cannot, in good conscience, jeopardize this delicate bond forged over centuries of cooperation."

A heavy silence descended upon the compound, the weight of Kagaya's words sinking in. Naruto offered a nonchalant shrug, his posture betraying no hint of disappointment or resentment. "Fair enough," he conceded, his tone laced with an enigmatic tranquillity that seemed to unsettle the Hashira further.

Naruto regarded Kagaya with an appraising gaze, his eyes narrowing behind the Kitsune mask. The leader's unwavering resolve, and his steadfast adherence to the principles that bound his organization, evoked a flicker of respect within the shinobi's guarded heart.

"I see," Naruto murmured, his tone devoid of its earlier nonchalance. "You truly value the trust forged between your Corps and these swordsmiths. Admirable, I suppose." He paused, considering his next words carefully. "I can respect a man who upholds his principles, even when presented with an enticing opportunity."

A palpable tension hung in the air as the Hashira collectively held their breath, their eyes fixed upon the enigmatic figure before them. Kagaya, however, remained unfazed, meeting Naruto's gaze with a calm, unflinching demeanour.

"The swordsmiths have been our allies for generations," Kagaya explained, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. "To betray their trust would be to sever a bond forged through countless sacrifices and unwavering loyalty. I cannot, in good conscience, jeopardize that sacred pact."

Naruto nodded slowly, a newfound respect etched into the subtle movements of his masked visage. "I understand," he replied, a hint of admiration seeping into his tone. "Your integrity is commendable, old man."

The Hashira exchanged furtive glances, their expressions ranging from surprise to guarded curiosity. Obanai's serpentine features remained contorted in a scowl, his distrust for the masked stranger evident. Rengoku, too, seemed wary, his crimson-tinted gaze flickering between Naruto and Kagaya.

Shinobu, however, felt a swell of pride within her chest. Her unshakable faith in Kagaya's wisdom had been vindicated, and a small smile graced her lips, genuine for once.

Mitsuri, ever the enigma, bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes sparkling with unbridled enthusiasm. "See, Masky-kun?" she chimed in, her voice brimming with delight. "I told you Oyakata-sama would never betray anyone's trust!"

Naruto regarded the exuberant woman with a bemused tilt of his head before turning his attention back to Kagaya. "I must admit, I initially harboured doubts about your organization," he confessed, his tone tinged with a hint of self-deprecation. "But your actions today have opened my eyes to the integrity and moral fibre that underpins your cause."

Kagaya inclined his head, acknowledging the veiled praise. "Our Corps may be flawed, but we strive to uphold the values of honour, loyalty, and selflessness in our pursuit of eradicating the demons that plague this world."

A contemplative silence settled over the compound as Naruto digested Kagaya's words. The weight of their implications hung heavily in the air, a stark contrast to the tranquil surroundings.

Finally, Naruto broke the stillness, his voice carrying an undertone of newfound respect. "Very well, old man," he said, his tone almost playful. "Since you've proven yourself worthy of my trust, I shall extend a gesture of good faith."

Naruto's declaration hung in the air, thick with tension and anticipation. The Hashira leaned forward, their curiosity piqued, yet their stances remained guarded, wary of any potential deception from the enigmatic masked stranger.

Obanai's scowl deepened, his serpentine features radiating scepticism as he tightened his grip on his blade. Rengoku's crimson gaze betrayed a cautious interest, his body tensed, ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation.

Without a word, Naruto began to move, his footsteps measured and deliberate as he approached Kagaya. The Hashira immediately tensed, their hands poised over their katanas, prepared to unleash a flurry of steel should the masked man make any sudden moves.

Naruto's declaration hung in the air, thick with tension and anticipation. The Hashira leaned forward, their curiosity piqued, yet their stances remained guarded, wary of any potential deception from the enigmatic masked stranger.

Obanai's scowl deepened, his serpentine features radiating scepticism as he tightened his grip on his blade. Rengoku's crimson gaze betrayed a cautious interest, his body tensed, ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation.

Without a word, Naruto began to move, his footsteps measured and deliberate as he approached Kagaya. The Hashira immediately tensed, their hands poised over their katanas, prepared to unleash a flurry of steel should the masked man make any sudden moves.

Shinobu's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a whirlwind of possibilities. Was Naruto about to reveal his true intentions? Would he strike at their leader, or perhaps attempt to abscond with the children? Her fingers twitched, yearning to grasp the hilt of her blade, yet something held her back – a glimmer of trust in the man who had bested Lower Moon Six.

Mitsuri, ever the embodiment of enthusiasm, bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes wide with anticipation. "What's he gonna do?" she whispered, her voice barely audible beneath the palpable tension.

Naruto continued his advance, his movements fluid and unhurried, seemingly oblivious to the palpable hostility emanating from the Hashira. As he drew closer to Kagaya, the leader's eyes narrowed, his stance subtly shifting into a defensive posture.

Amane instinctively moved to shield her husband and the children, her delicate features hardening into a mask of resolve. "Stay back," she warned her voice low and laced with steel.

Naruto halted mere steps away, his masked visage unreadable as he regarded the Ubuyashiki family. For a moment, the compound seemed to hold its collective breath, the air thick with apprehension.

Then, without warning, Naruto extended his right hand, palm facing outward. A brilliant golden light erupted from his fingertips, bathing the Ubuyashiki family in its warm radiance. The Hashira instinctively recoiled, their blades half-drawn, prepared to defend against any potential threat. Yet, the ethereal glow held no malice – only a soothing warmth that seemed to embrace the Ubuyashiki clan in a gentle caress.

Kagaya's eyes widened, his jaw slackening as the golden rays washed over him, banishing the weariness that had plagued his body for years. A profound sense of vitality surged through his veins, rejuvenating his once-ailing frame. He straightened his posture, his lavender eyes regaining their youthful clarity as if a veil had been lifted from his vision.

Beside him, Amane gasped audibly, her hand flying to her chest as an overwhelming sensation of vigour coursed through her being. The aches and pains that had become her constant companions faded into oblivion, replaced by a newfound sense of strength and resilience.

The children, Hinaki and Nichika, exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes shining with newfound clarity. The haze that had once clouded their vision, a cruel manifestation of their genetic disorder, dissipated like a fleeting dream. They blinked rapidly, their gazes darting around with renewed wonder as if perceiving the world for the first time.

Naruto's hand remained outstretched, the golden radiance pulsing with a steady rhythm as if guided by an ancient, unseen force. The Hashira watched in stunned silence, their blades lowered, their earlier hostility forgotten in the face of this miraculous event.

Hinaki's voice, trembling with awe, shattered the stillness. "Father, Mother... I can see... everything is so clear!"

Nichika echoed her sister's sentiment, her eyes wide with disbelief. "It's as if a veil has been lifted. The colours, the details... it's all so vibrant!"

Amane's eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy as she cradled her daughters' faces, her touch gentle yet firm, reassuring herself that this was no mere illusion. "My sweet children," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Your eyes... they're healed."

Kagaya's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he beheld his revitalized family. The weariness that had once etched deep lines upon his face had vanished, replaced by a youthful glow. His gaze shifted towards Naruto, a myriad of emotions swirling within his lavender orbs – gratitude, awe, and a subtle undercurrent of trepidation.

"What... how...?" Kagaya's voice trailed off, words failing him as he struggled to comprehend the miraculous event that had unfolded before his very eyes.

Naruto remained silent, his posture relaxed, as if the exertion had been minimal. The Hashira exchanged furtive glances, their earlier hostility dissipating, replaced by a mixture of bewilderment and guarded curiosity.

Rengoku, ever the boisterous one, broke the stunned silence with a hearty chuckle. "Well, it seems our masked friend has a few tricks up his sleeve," he remarked, his crimson-tinted gaze alight with admiration. "To bestow such a gift upon the Ubuyashiki family... truly remarkable.”

Obanai's serpentine features remained contorted in a scowl, his distrust palpable. "Or perhaps a ploy to deceive us," he countered, his voice laced with venom. "We know nothing of his true intentions."

Uzui, ever the dramatist, flashed a dazzling grin. "Come now, Obanai-kun," he chided, his tone playful. "Even you must admit, such a display is most flashy indeed!"

Mitsuri, unable to contain her enthusiasm any longer, bounced over to Naruto, her eyes sparkling with unbridled delight. "Masky-kun, that was amazing!" she gushed, her voice filled with admiration. "How did you do that? Can you teach me?"

Naruto's gaze met Mitsuri's, and a hint of amusem*nt flickered behind his mask. "Perhaps, if you prove yourself worthy," he replied, his tone light and enigmatic.

Kagaya cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the assembled Hashira. "Kitsune-san," he began, his voice laced with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "Words cannot express our gratitude for what you have done for my family. However, I must ask – what exactly did you do, and at what cost?"

Naruto's posture remained relaxed as he addressed the Demon Slayer Corps' leader, though a hint of mischief flickered behind his mask. "I merely used my healing capabilities to restore your family's vitality and cure your daughters' affliction," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "As for the cost..." His voice trailed off, a dramatic pause hanging in the air, thick with tension.

The Hashira leaned forward, their curiosity piqued, their gazes fixed on the masked figure. Obanai's serpentine features contorted in a scowl, his grip tightening on his blade as if bracing for a potential revelation of grave consequences.

Rengoku's crimson gaze burned with intensity, his body tensed, ready to spring into action should the need arise. Even Mitsuri's boundless enthusiasm seemed tempered, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Naruto allowed the silence to linger, drawing out the suspense until it became a palpable force, weighing heavily upon the gathered Hashira. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and solemn. "The cost... is my life."

A collective gasp echoed through the compound, the Hashira recoiling in shock. Shinobu's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes widening in horror. Mitsuri's expression crumbled, her earlier excitement replaced by a profound sadness.

"You cannot be serious," Obanai hissed, his serpentine blade poised to strike. "You would sacrifice your own life for mere strangers?"

Naruto remained silent, his posture radiating a sombre resolve as if he had made peace with his supposed fate.

Kagaya stepped forward, his expression a mix of gratitude and anguish. "Kitsune-san, we cannot accept such a sacrifice, not for our sake."

Naruto's shoulders rose and fell in a barely perceptible shrug. "It is my choice to make, old man. And I have chosen to give what remains of my life force to heal your family."

A heavy silence descended upon the compound, the weight of Naruto's words hanging in the air like a shroud. The Hashira exchanged furtive glances, their expressions ranging from sorrow to disbelief.

Suddenly, Mitsuri's voice cut through the stillness, her tone tinged with a mixture of hope and desperation. "There has to be another way, Masky-kun! You can't just... just..." Her voice cracked, tears welling in her eyes.

Naruto turned towards Mitsuri, his masked visage offering no solace. "I'm afraid not, Mitsuri-san. This is the price I must pay for using such a powerful technique."

Shinobu's shoulders trembled, her fake smile nowhere to be seen as she struggled to maintain her composure. "But... why? Why would you go to such lengths for us?"

A low chuckle escaped Naruto's masked visage, devoid of mirth. "Because..." he began, his voice trailing off once more.

The Hashira leaned forward, their breaths held in anticipation, bracing themselves for the revelation that could potentially shatter their newfound camaraderie with the enigmatic stranger.

Naruto's shoulders shook with barely contained laughter, shattering the sombre atmosphere. "Because I'm just messing with you all!" he exclaimed, his voice ringing with unabashed amusem*nt.

The Hashira froze, their expressions ranging from bewilderment to outright exasperation. Obanai's scowl deepened, his serpentine features radiating barely contained fury.

Rengoku's booming laugh filled the air, his crimson gaze alight with mirth. "Well played, my friend, well played!" he bellowed, clapping Naruto on the back with a force that would have sent a lesser man stumbling.

Mitsuri's eyes narrowed, her earlier sadness replaced by a playful pout. "You..." she began, her tone laced with mock indignation. "You had me really worried there, Masky-kun!"

Shinobu's shoulders sagged with relief, though a slight frown tugged at her lips. "That was not funny, Kitsune-san," she chided, her voice lacking its usual bite. Despite her words, there was a hint of fondness in her expression, a testament to the unexpected camaraderie that had blossomed between them.

Kagaya shook his head, a wry smile gracing his features as he regarded the masked figure. "It seems our masked ally has a penchant for theatrics," he remarked, his lavender gaze twinkling with amusem*nt. The tension that had once permeated the air had dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of kinship.

Shinobu's signature fake smile faded, replaced by a genuine expression of wonder as she stepped forward, her eyes shining with a newfound respect. "Kitsune-san," she began, her voice tinged with equal parts awe and curiosity. "Your abilities are truly remarkable. I must ask, are there any potential side effects we should be aware of?"

The compound fell silent, the Hashira leaning forward in rapt attention, their gazes fixed upon the enigmatic figure before them. Naruto's masked visage betrayed no hint of emotion, his posture relaxed yet poised as if he had been anticipating such an inquiry.

"A fair question, Shinobu-san," he acknowledged, his tone measured. "The healing I imparted is complete and permanent. There will be no adverse effects and no lingering ailments. The Ubuyashiki family has been restored to their prime."

As his words sank in, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the assembled Hashira, their shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. Even Obanai's serpentine features softened, his scowl giving way to a glimmer of grudging respect.

Kagaya bowed deeply, his gratitude evident in the simple yet profound gesture. "You have our sincerest thanks, Kitsune-san," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Your actions today have shown us the true depth of your character, and for that, we are humbled."

Naruto inclined his head in acknowledgement, his posture exuding a quiet confidence. "Think nothing of it, old man," he replied, his tone tinged with mirth.

Kagaya's brow furrowed playfully as he regarded the masked figure before him. "Old man?" he echoed, a jovial chuckle escaping his lips. "I'll have you know, Kitsune-san, that I am but six-and-twenty years of age – hardly an 'old man' by any stretch of the imagination."

A collective murmur of amusem*nt rippled through the assembled Hashira, their earlier tensions dissipating in the wake of Kagaya's lighthearted rejoinder. Even Obanai's serpentine features softened ever so slightly, his scowl giving way to a glimmer of begrudging amusem*nt.

Kagaya's gaze shifted towards his wife, Amane, a playful twinkle in his lavender eyes. "If I am truly an 'old man,' my dear, that would make you an old woman as well – and we both know that is far from the truth."

Amane arched an elegant brow, her lips pursed in a mock scowl as she regarded her husband. "Careful, husband," she chided, her tone laced with gentle reproach. "Lest you find yourself sleeping alone tonight."

Laughter erupted from the Hashira, their boisterous guffaws echoing through the compound. Rengoku's booming chuckle filled the air, his crimson-tinted gaze alight with mirth. Even Giyuu, the stoic Water Hashira, allowed a faint smile to grace his features – a rare occurrence indeed.

Naruto observed the scene with a subtle tilt of his head, his masked visage betraying no hint of emotion. Yet, beneath the surface, a flicker of amusem*nt danced within his psyche, kindled by the camaraderie and levity that permeated the gathering.

"Perhaps now, you will be more inclined to trust me," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of playful challenge.

Kagaya regarded the masked figure with a newfound warmth, his earlier apprehension melting away in the wake of Naruto's actions and the subsequent banter. "Indeed, Kitsune-san," he conceded, inclining his head in a gesture of respect. "You have proven yourself a true ally, and for that, you have earned our trust."

The Hashira nodded in unison, their expressions ranging from cautious optimism to outright acceptance. Even Obanai's serpentine features had softened, his earlier distrust tempered by the profound impact of Naruto's healing gift.

Mitsuri bounced excitedly, her eyes sparkling with delight as she met Naruto's gaze. "See, Masky-kun? I told you Oyakata-sama would come around!"

A subtle shift in Naruto's posture hinted at his wry amusem*nt, though his features remained concealed behind the Kitsune mask. "Indeed, you did," he acknowledged, his tone tinged with a newfound camaraderie.

The light-hearted moment dissipated as Kagaya cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the assembled Hashira. With a subtle gesture, they retook their positions, their expressions turning solemn once more.

"Kitsune-san," Kagaya began, his lavender gaze fixed upon the masked figure. "While we have come to trust you, the matter of obtaining a Nichirin Katana for you remains unresolved."

Naruto inclined his head, his posture exuding a curious mixture of nonchalance and attentiveness.

Rengoku stepped forward, his crimson-tinted gaze burning with intensity. "Oyakata-sama, perhaps we could reconsider having Kitsune-san undergo the final selection process," he suggested, his voice booming with conviction. "His prowess is undeniable; surely he would emerge victorious."

Obanai's serpentine features contorted into a scowl. "Are you suggesting we bend the rules for an outsider?" he hissed, his voice laced with venom.

Uzui flashed a dazzling grin, his teeth sparkling in the afternoon sun. "Come now, Obanai-kun," he chided playfully. "Even you must admit, such a prospect would be most flashy indeed!"

Giyuu's stoic expression remained impassive, yet a glimmer of interest flickered in his eyes as he regarded Naruto with a newfound respect.

Shinobu fidgeted nervously, her fake smile faltering as she weighed the implications of Rengoku's suggestion. On one hand, she yearned to see Naruto's true potential unfold within the Corps. On the other, the thought of bending the rules filled her with trepidation.

Mitsuri, ever the enthusiast, bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, yes!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with delight. "Masky-kun would ace the final selection, I just know it!"

Kagaya raised a hand, effectively silencing the Hashira's murmurs and musings. His gaze shifted towards Naruto, his expression pensive.

"While your abilities are undeniable, Kitsune-san, subjecting you to the final selection process would be a waste of resources and time," he explained, his tone measured. "There is another way."

A hush fell over the compound as the Hashira leaned forward, their curiosity piqued.

Kagaya's expression grew sombre as he addressed the gathering. "The Ubuyashiki family has safeguarded a sacred heirloom for generations – a Nichirin Katana forged by the swordsmiths themselves."

Amane's eyes widened, her delicate features betraying a mixture of surprise and trepidation. "Kagaya-sama, you cannot mean to give away our family's cherished heirloom!" Her voice trembled with a hint of dismay.

Kagaya turned to his wife, his gaze understanding yet resolute. "My love, this blade has remained untouched for far too long, a mere symbol of our lineage rather than a weapon to be wielded in battle." His eyes flickered towards Naruto, brimming with a newfound determination. "Kitsune-san has proven himself worthy, and his abilities could turn the tide in our war against the demons."

Amane shook her head, her brow furrowed with concern. "But it has been passed down through generations, a sacred trust bestowed upon our family. How can we simply hand it over to an outsider, no matter how capable?"

Kagaya placed a reassuring hand on his wife's shoulder, his touch gentle yet firm. "I understand your hesitation, my dear. However, we must consider the greater good." His lavender gaze swept across the assembled Hashira, his expression solemn. "Our Corps has fought valiantly, but the demons grow stronger with each passing day. Kitsune-san's prowess could be the advantage we so desperately need."

Rengoku stepped forward, his crimson gaze burning with conviction. "Oyakata-sama speaks true, Amane-sama," he rumbled, his voice carrying the weight of a seasoned warrior. "With Kitsune-san's abilities, countless lives could be spared from the demons' grasp."

Mitsuri nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Masky-kun would wield that blade with honour, I just know it!"

Amane's resolve solidified as a thought crystallized in her mind – a challenge to test the mettle of this enigmatic stranger. She raised her hand, commanding the attention of the assembled Hashira.

"I understand your reasoning, Kagaya-sama, and I acknowledge Kitsune-san's prowess," she began, her voice carrying a steely edge. "However, this sacred blade has been entrusted to our family for generations, a symbol of the swordsmiths' faith in our lineage."

Naruto remained motionless, his masked visage betraying no hint of emotion as Amane's gaze fell upon him.

"If Kitsune-san is to wield this heirloom blade, he must prove himself worthy not only in battle but also in the ways of the sword," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

A murmur of surprise rippled through the Hashira, their expressions ranging from curiosity to apprehension.

Rengoku's booming voice cut through the whispers, his crimson gaze alight with approval. "A fair challenge, Amane-sama. Kitsune-san has already demonstrated his prowess against the demons; now, let us witness his skill with the blade."

Obanai's serpentine features contorted into a scowl, but he remained silent, his grip tightening on his katana.

Uzui flashed a dazzling grin, his teeth sparkling in the afternoon sun. "Most flashy indeed! A true spectacle awaits us!"

Mitsuri bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, yes! Masky-kun will surely prove himself worthy!"

Shinobu fidgeted nervously, her fake smile masking her inner turmoil. While she had witnessed Naruto's skill firsthand, the prospect of him facing off against the Hashira filled her with a sense of unease.

Amane turned to Kagaya, her expression resolute. "This challenge will not only test Kitsune-san's skill but also serve as a substitute for the final selection process," she explained, her tone leaving no room for argument. "If he emerges victorious, we shall bestow upon him the sacred blade without hesitation."

Kagaya nodded slowly, his lavender gaze flickering towards Naruto as he considered his wife's words.

"A fair proposition," he conceded, a hint of curiosity seeping into his tone. "This will also provide us with a glimpse into Kitsune-san's capabilities with a blade, allowing us to better understand the extent of his prowess."

Naruto's shoulders rose and fell in a barely perceptible shrug, a subtle gesture that conveyed his nonchalance. "Very well," he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusem*nt. "I accept your challenge, Amane-san."

Amane's eyes narrowed, her delicate features hardening with determination. "A duel against each of the Hashira present will assess Kitsune-san's mastery of the blade," she declared, her gaze sweeping over the assembled warriors. "If he emerges victorious, the sacred heirloom shall be his to wield."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the Hashira, their expressions ranging from curiosity to eagerness. Rengoku's crimson gaze burned with intensity, his body coiled like a spring, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.

"A most fitting challenge," he rumbled, his voice carrying the weight of a seasoned warrior. "Kitsune-san's prowess shall be put to the ultimate test."

Obanai's serpentine features twisted into a scowl, his grip on his blade so tight that his knuckles turned white. "I shall relish the opportunity to unmask this stranger's true intentions," he hissed, his tone laced with venom.

Uzui, ever the showman, flashed a dazzling grin, his teeth sparkling as he assumed a dramatic stance. "A true spectacle awaits us, indeed! Let the first challenger step forward and witness the extent of Kitsune-san's skills!"

Giyuu's stoic expression remained impassive, yet a glimmer of curiosity flickered in his eyes as he watched the proceedings unfold.

Kagaya raised his hand, commanding the attention of the assembled Hashira. "Shinobu-chan, and Mitsuri-chan, you have both witnessed Kitsune-san's abilities firsthand. As such, you shall refrain from participating in these duels."

Shinobu's shoulders sagged ever so slightly, a subtle gesture betraying her relief. While she had faith in Naruto's prowess, the thought of crossing blades with him filled her with trepidation.

Mitsuri, on the other hand, pouted openly, her eyes shining with disappointment. "Aww, but I wanted to spar with Masky-kun!" she protested, her tone tinged with childlike petulance.

Kagaya fixed her with a stern gaze, his lavender eyes softening as he addressed her. "Your eagerness is commendable, Mitsuri-chan, but your participation would be unfair to the others. Kitsune-san has already demonstrated his abilities to you, and we must afford the rest of the Hashira the same opportunity."

Mitsuri's shoulders slumped, but she nodded reluctantly, acknowledging the wisdom in Kagaya's words.

Amane turned to face Naruto, her expression resolute. "Are you prepared, Kitsune-san?"

Naruto's shoulders rose and fell in a barely perceptible shrug, his posture exuding a casual nonchalance that seemed to unsettle the Hashira further. "As prepared as I'll ever be," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusem*nt. However, a thoughtful furrow creased his brow beneath the Kitsune mask. "Although, I must inquire – how exactly do you envision these duels occurring? With live blades or wooden substitutes?"

Kagaya's lavender eyes widened slightly at the inquiry before a contemplative expression settled upon his features. Turning to one of the nearby Kakushi, he issued a succinct command, "Fetch the Ubuyashiki heirloom blade."

The Kakushi bowed deeply and swiftly departed, his footsteps echoing through the compound as he hurried to fulfil his task.

Amane's delicate features softened, a hint of reverence seeping into her expression as she regarded Naruto. "The blade you will wield is a masterpiece, forged by the finest swordsmiths generations ago," she explained, her voice tinged with a subtle undercurrent of pride. "It has remained untouched, a sacred heirloom passed down through our lineage, awaiting a worthy wielder."

As if on cue, the Kakushi returned, carefully cradling a long, lacquered box in his arms. Kneeling before Kagaya, he presented the container with utmost reverence.

Kagaya reached forth, his fingers tracing the intricate designs adorning the box's surface before gently prying it open. A collective hush fell over the assembled Hashira as he withdrew the blade, its sleek, obsidian sheath exuding an aura of understated elegance.

Naruto tilted his head, his curiosity piqued as Kagaya cradled the blade, handling it with the utmost care. Even concealed behind the Kitsune mask, his admiration for the craftsmanship was palpable.

"Behold, the Ubuyashiki heirloom," Kagaya proclaimed, his voice resonating with reverence befitting an ancient relic. He carefully lifted the lacquered lid, revealing a pitch-black sheath nestled within.

Gently, he withdrew the blade, the steel gleaming in the afternoon sun, untainted by ornamentation or embellishment. Yet, as Naruto's keen senses probed the weapon, he discerned the meticulous craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. Each fold and temper line, invisible to the naked eye, sang with the harmonious resonance of a perfectly balanced blade.

"Simple, yet exquisite," Naruto murmured in appreciation. "A true masterwork, befitting the legacy of your swordsmiths."

Kagaya inclined his head, acknowledging the veiled praise. "Indeed. This blade has remained untouched, awaiting the day when it would find a worthy wielder." His lavender gaze flickered towards Naruto, a silent challenge underlying his words. "One who can imbue it with the essence of their spirit."

With reverent movements, Kagaya extended the hilt towards Naruto. "Use this blade to prove your worth, Kitsune-san. Wield it with mastery, and the Ubuyashiki heirloom shall become an extension of your being."

Naruto reached forth, his calloused fingers curling around the intricately wrapped tsuka with a familiarity born of countless battles. As the blade's weight settled into his palm, a subtle resonance thrummed through his being, akin to a long-forgotten melody echoing through the depths of his soul.

Rengoku stepped forward, his crimson gaze burning with intensity. "Well said, Oyakata-sama. Let us witness if Kitsune-san can awaken the true potential of that ancient steel."

Naruto's fingers traced the blade with reverence, marvelling at the exquisite craftsmanship. As he gently swung the blade, a collective gasp echoed through the compound. The steel, once a pristine silver, had transformed into a rich obsidian hue, its surface seeming to absorb the very light that caressed it.

Rengoku's eyes widened, his crimson gaze fixed upon the ebony blade. "Impossible," he breathed, awe and disbelief mingling in his tone. "The blade has turned black, the rarest and most ominous of colours!"

Shinobu's brow furrowed, her mind struggling to process Rengoku's words. The rarest and most ominous of colours? What did such a transformation portend? Her gaze flickered towards Kitsune, the enigmatic figure wielding the metamorphosed blade with a casual nonchalance that only served to deepen the sense of unease coiling within her.

Naruto, oblivious to the tumult, executed a series of practice cuts, the obsidian steel slicing through the air with effortless grace. With each fluid motion, the blade seemed to pulse with an ethereal energy, as if awakening from a deep slumber.

Mitsuri bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes shining with unbridled excitement. "Masky-kun, the blade... it's turned black!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with awe and delight.

Kagaya's brow furrowed as he observed the spectacle, his lavender gaze flickering between Naruto and the transformed blade. He stepped forward, his movements measured, and addressed the masked figure.

"Kitsune-san, the blade's transformation is most unusual," he began, his tone laced with a mixture of reverence and concern. "The colour it has adopted, obsidian black, is the rarest and most ominous of hues. It is said to signify a harbinger of great change, a harbinger of destiny itself."

Naruto paused mid-swing, his masked visage turning towards Kagaya as he digested the leader's words. "A harbinger of destiny, you say?" he mused, his tone tinged with a hint of amusem*nt.

Kagaya inclined his head, his expression grave. "Indeed. This blade has remained untouched for generations, awaiting a wielder worthy of its power. Its transformation could portend a shift in the tides of our war against the demons, a harbinger of hope or calamity – we cannot be certain."

Obanai's serpentine features contorted into a scowl, his grip tightening on his blade. "Or perhaps a sign of the stranger's true intentions," he hissed, his voice laced with venom. "We know not the forces at play here, nor the potential consequences of entrusting such a blade to an outsider."

A tense silence descended upon the compound, the weight of Obanai's words hanging heavily in the air. The Hashira exchanged furtive glances, their expressions ranging from unease to guarded curiosity.

Naruto's shoulders rose and fell in a barely perceptible shrug, his posture exuding a casual nonchalance that seemed to unsettle the Hashira further. "Perhaps," he conceded, his tone tinged with amusem*nt. "Or perhaps this blade has simply recognized a kindred spirit, one who walks the path of destiny unfettered by the chains of convention."

With a fluid motion, Naruto raised the obsidian blade, its surface seeming to drink in the afternoon light. "Regardless of what this transformation portends, one thing is certain – I shall wield this blade with the utmost respect and mastery, befitting its legacy."

Rengoku's booming laugh shattered the tension, his crimson gaze alight with approval. "Well spoken, Kitsune-san!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of a seasoned warrior. "Let us witness the extent of your mastery, and may the blade's transformation be a harbinger of hope for our Corps!"

Amane's unwavering gaze remained fixed upon Naruto, her delicate features betraying no hint of emotion as she observed his fluid movements with the obsidian blade. The air hung thick with tension, the weight of her words still lingering like a shroud. With a subtle nod, her piercing eyes swept over the assembled Hashira, each warrior poised and ready.

"The duels shall commence," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "Who among you shall be the first to challenge Kitsune-san?"

A heavy silence descended upon the compound, broken only by the faint rustle of fabric as the Hashira exchanged furtive glances. Expressions ranged from steely determination to barely concealed apprehension, each warrior weighing the daunting prospect of crossing blades with the enigmatic stranger.

The stillness was shattered by a booming voice, its timbre resonating with the confidence of a seasoned warrior. "I shall be the first to face Kitsune-san," Rengoku proclaimed, his crimson gaze burning with intensity as he stepped forward.

Shinobu's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening as the Flame Hashira strode towards the centre of the compound. Rengoku's broad frame seemed to radiate an aura of unwavering resolve, his movements imbued with the grace of a seasoned swordsman.

Mitsuri bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes sparkling with unbridled excitement. "Ooh, Rengoku-san is going first!" she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the palpable tension.

Obanai's serpentine features twisted into a scowl, his grip tightening on the hilt of his blade. "Reckless fool," he hissed under his breath, his distrust for the masked stranger evident.

Naruto regarded Rengoku with a subtle tilt of his head, his masked visage betraying no hint of emotion. Yet, beneath the surface, a flicker of interest stirred within him, piqued by the unwavering determination exuded by the Flame Hashira.

Rengoku halted a few paces from Naruto, his crimson gaze fixed upon the obsidian blade. The Flame Hashira's katana, a crimson-tinted steel that mirrored the fiery hue of his hair, gleamed in the afternoon sun as he unsheathed it. The striking contrast between the two blades – one a brilliant crimson, the other an ominous obsidian – charged the air with an electric intensity.

"It is an honour to cross blades with you, Kitsune-san," Rengoku rumbled, his voice brimming with a warrior's reverence. A faint smile tugged at his lips, his eyes alight with the thrill of the impending clash. "Let us put your mastery to the test and witness the true potential of that ancient steel."

Without a preamble, Rengoku settled into a fighting stance, his crimson blade poised and ready. The muscles beneath his kimono rippled with coiled strength, betraying the seasoned swordsman's grace and power. The compound seemed to hold its collective breath, the air crackling with anticipation as the two warriors faced off.

Naruto mirrored Rengoku's stance, his grip on the Ubuyashiki heirloom blade firm and unwavering. The obsidian steel seemed to drink in the light, its surface shimmering with an ethereal energy. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to slow, the world narrowing down to the two warriors poised to clash.

And then, in a blink of an eye, they vanished.


Changes: Shinobi to Demon Slayer - Chapter 8 - UchihaItachi007 (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.